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Official Warning


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Just got my first official warning from The Neopet team. I have been trying to get the neomail avatar and I have been neomailing a couple of people one letter of the alphabet each day and they didn't seem to like the letter h :(



[theneopetsteam] The Neopets Team
» Make this user your Neofriend Sent: 5/3/2014 09:54pm Folder: Inbox Subject: Official Warning from The Neopets Team Message: You have received an official warning from the Neopets Team for violating the Neopets Terms and Conditions. Do not spam (or encourage others to spam) the message boards, guild boards, neomail, or other site areas. This includes off topic boards, or making multiple boards with the same topic in a short time span. Posting topics simply to try and get the most replies is spamming.

The following is the message(s) that caused you to receive this warning. Any profanity, inappropriate language, or bad acronyms have been replaced with asterisks (****):


If you continue to break the rules, your account will be permanently frozen. To see a list of Neo Rules, please visit http://www.neopets.com/chatrules.phtml. Please do not reply to this NeoMessage.


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oh my goodness... I find all that absolutely ridiculous. Is TNT that uptight that innocent words are considered bad? That makes me think that someone else there has too much of something else on their mind if they find the word "ball" possibly offensive. I like basketball and baseball. So if I talk about that with a neo friend then I may get in trouble? Mind blowing.

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Well that's TNT for you. I've been warned 2 times recently for "spamming" on the boards.


The best way to get the Neomail avatar is just hold down the refresh button in your inbox. :)

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well I tink you are all being rater silly - after all the letter wic I sall not mention ! as it is just suc a wicked letter, sould be avoided at all costs.


nope on tis occasion I tink you can see just wy te TNT are sending a warning :woot:


In future kindly desist from using it lol

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I also got a warning for the first time in years yesterday! Someone asked me a question about my guild and my response included the fact we have "contests"...I didn't mention winning prizes or anything, I mean we just compete for bragging rights. But bad mistake on my part, I'm usually careful to say we have many "activities" but I slipped up and got reported >>


also I always have trouble sending neomails when I say the word "skill" such as in the phrase "wow, you have a great skill in coding!"

I finally realized I couldn't send it because it contains the word "kill" o.O

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There was a day I was trying to send a guild council application via nm to my guild leader but ended up deleting everything I said and wrote only a few words because it said I was saying a bad word but wouldn't tell me which one. But it wouldn't send it until I deleted or edited whichever word was inappropriate. I tried guessing for a while but never figured out which word it was. Pretty vanilla stuff, it was just me saying I'm a good person to have on the council.

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It seems to me it wasn't the letter 'h' so much as the fact that your neomail was "spam" -- it didn't contain anything interesting in the form of communication. ("H" is also an abbreviation in Japanese for certain things that are definitely not considered okay anywhere on Neopets, but the reason for the warning clearly says spam, so I think this meaning is irrelevant.)


I don't know if your neofriend reported you because they were sick of getting useless NM's, or if TNT's filter just happened to pick it up, but if I were you, I'd stop sending single-letter neomails.

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I have given up on so many neomails :sad01_anim: I feel like I can never find the hidden inappropriate language haha....but it's good TNT is pretty strict with their language policy...I mean it is more of a kids site anyways...Years ago I got a message detailing the time and day of my death O.O ...I'm still here though, it's all good ;)

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It seems to me it wasn't the letter 'h' so much as the fact that your neomail was "spam" -- it didn't contain anything interesting in the form of communication. ("H" is also an abbreviation in Japanese for certain things that are definitely not considered okay anywhere on Neopets, but the reason for the warning clearly says spam, so I think this meaning is irrelevant.)


I don't know if your neofriend reported you because they were sick of getting useless NM's, or if TNT's filter just happened to pick it up, but if I were you, I'd stop sending single-letter neomails.


Nope, I didn't report her! We were both neomailing each other back and forth (mostly just "spam" letters or numbers) in attempt to get the neomail addict avatar and we both got an official warning at the same time. I guess we'll try refreshing to get it!

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Well that's TNT for you. I've been warned 2 times recently for "spamming" on the boards.


The best way to get the Neomail avatar is just hold down the refresh button in your inbox. :)


But isn't holding down the refresh button to get avatars and random events against the rules?

Although I've never heard of anyone actually getting warned about it.


As far as the problems with neomailing go, i pretty much avoid it altogether because of their rules

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But isn't holding down the refresh button to get avatars and random events against the rules?

Although I've never heard of anyone actually getting warned about it.

As far as the problems with neomailing go, i pretty much avoid it altogether because of their rules

Nope, not at all! TNT states in an editorial that holding down the refresh button to obtain refreshing avatars is completely legal. I did it for all the refreshing-based avvies, and never got in trouble once. :)


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Nope, not at all! TNT states in an editorial that holding down the refresh button to obtain refreshing avatars is completely legal. I did it for all the refreshing-based avvies, and never got in trouble once. :)



Oh well that's perfect I'll try to go get that avatar then, and thank you for adding in the link to the editorial!


Edit: got the avvie :happydance:

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I am also having a horrible time sending Neomails. I love to make friends and chat, so this is a huge issue for me. All these words you can't say are ridiculous, and by not pointing out what the word is and having people go through their messages and check for "bad" words (WITHIN words), doesn't that just encourage possibly young Neopians to look for and think about "dirty" words... which completely negates the point?


Sorry, I guess that wasn't very articulate. XD;;

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I remember this Tumblr post I saw in Club Penguin. Someone wrote "Lettuce" and got automatically banned XD


EDIT: I gave someone a pep talk and TNT didn't like it by noticing I said inappropriate words. I'm already making someone feel better and that's what you do?

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I remember this Tumblr post I saw in Club Penguin. Someone wrote "Lettuce" and got automatically banned XD

GASP!!! I cant believe you used the word l****ce Im so shocked ... swoons :laughingsmiley:



Its pretty funny getting banned for saying lettuce you must admit :arrowhead: It does make you wonder who makes these choices

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I somehow missed the fact that the neomail addict was for...well...neomail.


I thought that was earned by sending mail through your special premium mail account. (When they existed.)


Maybe they changed it?

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