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Twitch Plays Pokemon: thousands playing AT THE SAME TIME!

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Hey there! I wonder if anyone's been following the news and updates of Twitch plays Pokemon? For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, here's how the site Dorkly explains it:


"So here's something: thousands upon thousands of people are playing a game of Pokemon Red. The same game of Pokemon Red. At the same time. Controlling the same individual character.

They're doing this through Twitch.tv - where someone's set up an emulator that takes input from chat commands (currently recognizing directional pad options, A, B, and Start). Naturally, this is pretty chaotic (two Pokemon are named JLVWNNOOOO and ABBBBBBK ( because EVERYONE'S TRYING TO PRESS BUTTONS AT ONCE). It's sorta the ultimate backseat gaming experience - people are desperately trying to get the main character where he's trying to go, in spite of the hordes of people who just wanna screw around (and watching them try to deal with shopkeeps and item usage is a sight to behold)."
And GUYS. GUYS. GUISE. It's AN AWESOME MESS to watch! They've been playing for OVER A WEEK now, have accidentaly released some of their best Pokemon, have managed to get through Rock Tunnel, and are currently on Lavender Tower.
They even managed to evolve their Charmander and Pidgey (which means NONE of these thousands of people pressed "B"!!!).
I'm having a lot of fun following this mess, so I wonder if anyone else is watching this awesome experiment? :D

Seriously, this image sums it all up:




Poor Red/Ash... :P


I find it incredibly awesome that despite all the mess they've been managing to go so far. It may even be considered a social experiment!


It seems they've collected all the badges now, and I am absolutely astounded by that. I don't know how they're doing it. Maybe there's some sort of supernatural influence. :P


I can't believe how far they got it's hard to keep track of all the controls people are saying I'm surprised the bot they were using to play the game didn't crash and quit working.


I think it just means, despite everyone trying to mess it up, THERE IS POKEMON TO BE DONE.


That's amazing - I don't follow it so I'm just reading updates from here. If they manage to defeat the Elite Four, that'll be that ;)


I think it just means, despite everyone trying to mess it up, THERE IS POKEMON TO BE DONE.


That's amazing - I don't follow it so I'm just reading updates from here. If they manage to defeat the Elite Four, that'll be that ;)


Right now they are fighting the elite four!!! Hope all goes well :D


They managed to beat the Elite Four!


They're now playing Super Mario Land (which sounds like even more of a disaster)


No one posted this yet, but they've moved on to a new adventure in Pokémon Crystal!

So far, they've got the Zephyr Badge and the Togepi Egg. Their journey in Johto has only just begun!

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