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not to brag but...


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Congrats! I definitely found the first million the hardest- it does deserve a celebration! You'll be up to Ultimate Riches in no time now! :)

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lol maybe id i can refrain from buying stuff... i bought a striped paint brush waay back when, which took a load of np's, so now i just have to be stingy :laughingsmiley:

I found it easier to save if I gave myself something to work towards. Like, I could buy this PB or paintbrush, or a stamp once I've reached 2.5million, and then another small buy at 5 million, etc. It breaks down your saving, and makes it more exciting since you know you'll be rewarding yourself. :D

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Congrats! I'm in the same boat with 10 million.. I could have had it by now but I keep spending too! And I can't seem to sell any items I get that are valuable, I just hoard them in my SBD (:

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I had 300,000 and was so excited to reach that! Then i bought something and now I'm back to less than 15k and it makes me sad :(

I can't wait until I hit 1 million NP. My goal right now is 500k.. once I get there, I will not be buying anything until i reach 1 million. lol


But Congratulations!!

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I've never really had that many goals so I've always been able to save my earnings! I currently have over 11mil but I'm just now getting into avie collecting, so that'll be dropping very quickly very soon x_x

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Congratulations! Hitting 1 million for the first time is a great feeling, a milestone. Hitting it again, and again after dropping below that mark isn't as special. :sad01_anim:

But I reached 2 million and wondered why the first million was so hard. Now I'm wondering if I'll ever see that 10 million mark! I try not to spend more than I can earn in a day. If I catch a lucky break, I may by something special, but I like to finish my day being able to say I put something in the bank. So far that's worked out pretty well for me.

You did good... after a couple lucky breaks on a wheel, or the stocks, you'll be a multi-millionaire in no time! Again, congratulations, and good luck on reaching your next goal! :happydance:

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i got lucky and won some np's so i bought a 14k speckled paint brush for my bruce! now im saving to get an eventide paintbrush... dont know how much they are im afraid to look lol!!


But thanks all! def trying the tip about not spending more than u make in a day! great advice!

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Congrats! It can definitely be hard to get there! I hit a million a few months ago, and now i'm working on getting to about 3.5 million. Since I take large breaks from neoepts at a time, it's taken me a while. I'm almost there! :) My minor goal is to reach 1000 NP in interest. And my major goals are to be able to train my battle pet and to paint my Ixi Maraquan. :) Maybe someday... haha

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Congratz, the first million is definitely difficult and feels great to reach. Hopefully you'll be able to save even more :)


I'm trying to get to the point where I can do my daily expenses with just my bank interest... but this requires me to have like 100+mil or so, so still a loooong way off lol

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