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Shared accounts


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Hi all, I'm new on these forums but I've been playing neopets on and off for many years now.

After reading some topics on here I've become concerned that something I'm doing might be against the rules.

Basically, my boyfriend and I created a side account that we share to zap pets with the lab ray.


  • I bought some map pieces on my main and transfered them to the side account and he did the same with the other pieces.
  • I've also transfered around 100k to his main account (from my main) in increments of 10k by buying cheap things like jelly and sending them back to him (in order to help him purchase some of the more expensive secret laboratory map pieces).
  • Also, we live in different parts of the country so our IP's wouldn't be similar.

I hope neopets thinks this is okay... Is it?

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This thread may be useful. Especially the third part down about shared accounts.




Sharing/Giving Away Accounts
This is a huge, big, bad no-no. Firstly, you are never to give out your account information to ANYONE, so that right there should eliminate you from having to worry about this.However, some people still do attempt to share accounts for whatever reason. Only YOU should have access to your account.

This goes for creating AND using accounts. No one should ever use an account you've created, and you should never use an account someone else has created. The only exception here is young children who may need parental help/permission for some of the registration process/remembering their account information.

Additionally, some people think it's ok to "give" someone their account that they no longer plan on using. Why let all those trophies and avatars go to waste, right? Wrong. Even if you plan to NEVER use the account again, and the person changes all the contact information and passwords, it is still NOT okay to give someone else your account.

If you are planning on leaving, it is ok to give away your pets, items and neopoints, but it must be you sending the items from your account yourself. We'd also say, while this is generous, you may want to think hard about giving away all your neo-possessions, as you may decide (as many people do) to start playing again in the future. It's always nice to not have to start completely from scratch again!

How to avoid problems: DON'T GIVE OUT YOUR USERNAME AND PASSWORD! It's that simple. Just don't do it.
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No they won't think it's okay in any way that you *share* an account.


Only one person should have the login credentials to an account. You can't share a secret laboratory access with someone else.


Would it be okay if one of us stopped using this account or would we still get frozen etc?


We've only been using that account for a week or two btw.

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