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Good day, TDN friends! I'm new to these forums, but I'm not new to Neopets or even TDN. I've been a user and a fan across the years, and am just now returning to the fold.


You can call me mb, which is short for Marybeth. I'm an avid KeyQuest player (I was active when it came out... BUGS. OMG BUGS. And wouldn't we get SO angry when folks would abandon a game?) and I have so many goals this time around in Neopets that it makes my head spin... I even have a spreadsheet going on to keep track of my goals. Avatars, collections, pet stats, pet colors (I've already achieved my striped Xweetok, she was my first goal because I have her plushie!) and many, many more.


I hope I'm worthy to get to know some of you. Feel free to reach out to me here or on Neopets (probably faster on Neopets since I'm getting used to using a forum again and am notoriously forgetful!)


Take care, and may the Pant Devil always stay away. ;)



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Glad to see you make your way to the forums, mb :) A spreadsheet for goals sounds so organized! I end up with 15 tabs open whenever I try and do something like that xD

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Hi and welcome mb. When reading your intro it sounded so familiar! I am playing neopets for a very long time and had been using TDN for years before I joined the forum. I also have lots of spreadsheets to keep everything organized and keep track of things. There is just so many things to do, its good to see there are more like me ;)


I'm sure you'll like it here, maybe we can play some games of KeyQuest together one day. :laughingsmiley:

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Welcome to TDN Forums, MB! :D I was a lurker on TDN for a while before joining the forums, and caved in and made a forums account after a while.


Ooh, a spreadsheet seems like a neat way to help with your goals! Good luck with them. :) Striped Xweetoks are one of my favourite Neopets.


Hope you enjoy your time here!

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Hi and welcome mb. When reading your intro it sounded so familiar! I am playing neopets for a very long time and had been using TDN for years before I joined the forum. I also have lots of spreadsheets to keep everything organized and keep track of things. There is just so many things to do, its good to see there are more like me ;)


I'm sure you'll like it here, maybe we can play some games of KeyQuest together one day. :laughingsmiley:

Yay! I would also love to play KeyQuest! (though somehow you have to invite me) Anyway, welcome to the forums! I'm sure you will like everyone here and get helpful hints or so :3

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi MB, nice to meet you! I'm brand new to the forums, but not Neopets....I too keep a spreadsheet, but for gifts received and given in the guild I belong to, that way I don't forget to give something in return. I also use it for share with other members the avi pets I've gotten recently. Thought I was the only one that did that...LOL!

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