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Why Hello There!


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I'm new to TDN forums, but not to the site. Often times when I have questions concerning the happenings on neopets, I flock right here where other people encounter the same problems. I thought it was about time I stopped silently stalking and become part of this awesome forum!


A bit about me:


I'm 23 years old. My goals are to complete my mushroom gallery, earn as many avatars as I can and one day, eventually train my N0KIA to beat the space faerie!


Most of what I do on neo though is habitaruim, keyquest and guild related stuff.



Anyway I've said enough about myself, I really just wanted to say hi to everyone. :D

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Hi and welcome. Another lurker comes out of the dust. That's great! I'm sure the avatar checklist will come in handy for you, if you're not already using it.

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Hello and welcome to TDNF! :D I'm glad you joined up. I started out using the main site and then lurking the forums for a while before joining. ^_^

I wish you good luck in your goals. :)

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Glad you decided to join us here in the forums! :D Best of luck beating the Space Faerie (I think I racked up a couple dozen losses before finally beating her by sheer luck xD)

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