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I got a Magical Pirate Krawk Plushie what should I do?


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Hi I've been playing neopets for about 2 weeks now, and I got this plushie, I read up on what it does, it changes your neopets into a Krawk, I want to know should I sell it? Its price? How rare it is? I got it from the neopet dallies thing on this site where you shoot the octopus so Thanks!

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Having one of your Neopets play with it will have them turn into a Pirate Krawk. If you don't want that to happen, you should sell it. They're about 400,000 - 450,000 on the trading post.


They are not very rare and are given out a lot from that Daily.

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For items under 99,999 NP you'll want to try selling it in your shop. Higher than that you'll want to try the Auction House or Trading Post.

To put it up in the Auction House, click on the item in your inventory and select the "Put up for auction!" option in the pop-up.

To use the Trading Post, head over to http://www.neopets.com/island/tradingpost.phtml. Click on "Browse Lots" to search for items and "Create a new trade!" to put your item(s) up for trade.

Like hrtbrk said, your plushie is worth about 400,000-450,000.

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Having one of your Neopets play with it will have them turn into a Pirate Krawk. If you don't want that to happen, you should sell it. They're about 400,000 - 450,000 on the trading post.


They are not very rare and are given out a lot from that Daily.

Yeah, I have even seen them abandoned in the Money Tree :D


But I suggest you keep it because you might want a Pirate Krawk in the future. It's a limited edition pet.

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Hi I've been playing neopets for about 2 weeks now, and I got this plushie, I read up on what it does, it changes your neopets into a Krawk, I want to know should I sell it? Its price? How rare it is? I got it from the neopet dallies thing on this site where you shoot the octopus so Thanks!

If you dont want the krawk now, sell for about 425,000 NP. If you want to buy later, it should deflate more by then so you'll have yourself some tiny profit.

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With such a young account, I'd definitely sell. Neopets becomes so much easier once you have some cash in the bank -- just like real life, it's easier to make money when you have money. You can start buying 1,000 shares of stocks every day (to start, buy 1000 of any stock priced at 15, if there are multiple at 15, buy the one you have the least of; sell any stock when it reaches say, 45, or 60 if you want more profit). You could also start betting in Food Club, following a guide so that on average you're making money. Or just keep it in the bank and collect interest.


As Finn said, you can always buy it again later, probably for cheaper. Note that if you create a trade, accept only pure NP -- you want the NP, not a hard-to-sell item or something not worth as much as they say. Be patient and wait for a good offer; advertise on the advertisement board here. If you auction it, try to set up the auction so that the first bidder is guaranteed to win and pay a price you desire; if you make people fight for it, most people will wait until the last minute to bid, hoping to snag it at a bargain -- and often succeeding. I'd recommend trading post over auctioning because there's no time limit and you control which bid wins. If you're not online often, note a time that you're usually on and ask them to not withdraw before then (a lot of TP bidders will only give you a few minutes to accept or reject an offer).

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