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Cross-Dressing Neopets???

Naamah D.

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My chomby is a boy. I accidently made him that way from the start. I want to zap him with the ray to switch genders, but I am afraid it will change him from being a chomby.


You can also use the Strange Potion. It's a little expensive, but will change your pet's gender only. I was also gonna mention the Cape of The Sun glitch (it used to change your male pet to a female if you equipped him with it) but I just found out it's been fixed by the TNT... :(

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I have no problem with pets wearing anything that the owners want them to wear, I have no problem with people wearing what they like so Im not likely to have a problem with pets doing it either, its just about personal expression which I believe is a good thing and a creative outlet too


I actually think its cool to see pets all glammed up for fun..gender makes no difference for me when deciding what my pets will wear its just about what looks good at the time.

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I've recently used a Jetsam Morphing Potion on one of my pets to get the Jetsam avvies. She's a female, but if she were a male, I'd totally dress him up in a girly way... Jetsams look so tough, it'd be cute and funny to have a girly male Jetsam! :laughingsmiley:

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  • 4 weeks later...

For a long time I dressed my male korbat (now a female kyrri) in traditionally female clothes just because the female options were alot better to me. Same with my female aisha and male clothes, until I found some of those fantastic wigs. I think anyone who would intentionally call you out on having pets with the "wrong" gender clothing have too much time on their hands.

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  • 4 weeks later...

This is a bit weird but I actually enjoy cross-dressing pets. Though it's never something I'd bring up on the main site I feel as if it allows a pet to express more personality than just being constrained to a single type of clothes. Because that's frustrating and I, personally, feel that gender identity shouldn't really constrain my pet. He will be fab no matter what. :)

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I made all of my pets boys back when I started my account, and later on, I really wanted to have girls because the customization is so much more fun IMO. I admit to probably confusing my pets on their gender identity for a while, lol, but they were so pretty! Now that I have the Labray Scientist as an opponent in the Battledome I can just change their gender, and dress them legitimately, whenever I want :)

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