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Age of players on neopets?


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I am 25 and started playing a year after neo was made....wow that makes me feel old :( lol there are a lot of older people on the HC sometimes...in fact i know of some grandparents :)

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I came across this article a while ago, about older Neopets users and possible reasons contributing to young adults still being around. "These Neopets Have Been Alive for 13 Years" on Mashable


I'm 19 and I've been playing on and off since I was about 9 years old. At twelve I made an account saying I was 13 and maaaan I got sucked in for a few years. It was the golden age of Harry Potter guilds and drama and actually getting away with flirting and posting pictures of yourself and referring to off-site roleplaying forums. At some point, I even had some kind of clique on the NC. It sounds awful, but at least I wasn't ~rAnDoM~.

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aww sorry to hear that :( my first account was purged also...but i had gotten it frozen for being a silly little kid and not behaving on the boards lol

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Lol, probably one of the most youngest players on Neo. I'm 11, 12 on the 27th. I've been playing Neo since I was 3-5, but that account is somewhere in space.



And on the forum too...


Btw, I'm 12, turning 13 in Feb.

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  • 1 month later...

Well, this was interesting to read. I could be your mother, you young whipper-snappers! I'm 45...I've been playing since I was 37. :whaa:


I feel crazy posting this, because I'm soooo old! This is why I'm not on here that much, which work, hubby and our 12 year old son...and the both of them make total fun of me, playing Neopets!


You are like babies to me! <3

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I started playing Neopets when i was 5 and now i'm 10 although i took a lot of month breaks and mostly lived off the soup kitchen to get food for my neopet since it was hard for me to get neopoints but when i started playing again i got really lucky with Keyquest and the Faerieland wheel which got me to around 100 thousand neopoints which was really great and i been playing Neopets alot more now.

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Well, this was interesting to read. I could be your mother, you young whipper-snappers! I'm 45...I've been playing since I was 37. :whaa:


I feel crazy posting this, because I'm soooo old! This is why I'm not on here that much, which work, hubby and our 12 year old son...and the both of them make total fun of me, playing Neopets!


You are like babies to me! <3


You're only a few years older than I am - I turn 42 this December. I'm the oldest TDN staff member. *highfives*

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I'm 22, I had accounts when I was as young as 9 but played seriously for a year in total a few year back. I have a little boy so things can get pretty hectic for me.

haha Same for me, I'm20 now, playing periodically, like since primary school.

Replayed when I was high school and even now being an university student xDD

So much nostalgic

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I'm 24 myself. I've been playing since I was 11 or 12. I've always wondered the age demographics here too. Considering some of the hidden adult humour, pop culture references, and advanced economics I think it was intended for an older target audience - especially some of the early stuff. Anyone remember the tiki canablism videos???

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I am 22 and have played on and off since I was in either 4th, 5th, or 6th grade, I can't remember. I know that I was very small. :P I remember Neopets being very different back then. I specifically remember turning most of my pets into mutants (RIP old mutant Kiko art), and it was EXTREMELY cheap to do back then. We're talking like 4k NP. If I only would have known the value of what I was doing, and hadn't faked my birthday and age so that I could be 18+, I would maybe still have the awesomeness that I had, and nostalgia like crazy. I remember also collecting a lot of plushies and fantasizing over BD weapons/gear at the shops. I remember playing WAY MORE games back then, without avatar and event obligations. When I was a teenager I had fun RPing on the forums, but it got old after a while. Now I really just do dailies and stock market and occasional restocking to gain money for customization of my wife's pets and mine. Zapping has become a bad habit for me, and I just got into fan art recently too. Hopefully I can take home a Beauty Contest trophy soon!

I think a great number of Neopets users these days are children who grew up and still look back on their fond memories of the magical (and sometimes gross/disturbing) atmosphere of Neopets. There was surely not as many adults back then as there are now. I find it interesting that so many people DO come back to Neopets when they grow up, male and female. My wife and I both still semi-actively play, and we love looking at magical and nice looking items and gifting them to each other. That is the most fun. :) Overall I will agree that to get the most out of Neopets, you really do have to understand a lot of the history of the game and how it works, and that is easier for the older crowd. Regardless, children will always have fun on the site, and that is nice to know that the young users right now will soon look back on how silly their activities were on Neopets years ago just like me.

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Eh heh, just to help out a little here, I think most of the users on TDN are a bit older, so I feel like this wouldn't get you the most diverse results.
I see some users that are ten and younger here, but not really enough to really help get a feel of the age ratio.
I mean, when I started Neopets as a ten year old, I would find my way to Neo-related sites but I never registered for them. Not every ten year old is going to not bother to register like I did (someone said that they're ten in this very topic) but I guess I wanted to get that out there just to put things into perspective.

Anyway, I joined Neopets when I was ten years old and I turned 20 on October 24th. o3o;;
I've been told that Neopets is becoming more popular with college students that want something to do in their spare time.
With that, I wouldn't be surprised to see users being mostly in their 20's, or the 18 to 20 range.
I'd actually give it more of 12 to 30's as the majority-- okay, that's a large range, but hey, at least I didn't say 1 to 100 range.

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I'm 22 and I've been playing since I was 10. I reckon a lot of people started playing around that age, and a lot of them have been playing for years or have come back to it in the last few. I mostly meet people around my age on the boards and stuffs ^^

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Pretty interesting post!

I'm 25 going on 26 in a couple of weeks. I started playing in college - needed something to do in my spare time. I've been playing for around 4 years now, but I can't recall how I came across Neopets! I love the game, but do get a bit of teasing from my boyfriend. I like all kinds of games though, and he is no exception with his new found obsession for Call of Duty! (That one is actually my fault, and I should have never brought my Xbox to his house haha) Neopets gives me something to do while I sit at a desk all day now :P

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