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Best Battledome Pet?  

3 members have voted

  1. 1. Which species is the best Healer (excl. cost):

    • Elephante
    • Gelert
    • Grundo
    • Kacheek
    • Kau
    • Lenny
    • Lupe
    • Pteri
    • Scorchio
    • Another? (Please write which)
  2. 2. Which species is the best in terms of Resistance (excl. cost):

    • Elephante
    • Gelert
    • Grundo
    • Kacheek
    • Kau
    • Lenny
    • Lupe
    • Pteri
    • Scorchio
    • Another? (Please write which)
  3. 3. Which species is the best Overall (excl. cost):

    • Elephante
    • Gelert
    • Grundo
    • Kacheek
    • Kau
    • Lenny
    • Lupe
    • Pteri
    • Scorchio
    • Another? (Please write which)

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Guest NeopianPrincess

So, I've seen a lot of debates about the best Battledome pets, so I thought I would try to settle this, once and for all :)

In this discussion, I've seen quite a few good points. Like:
Best specie weapons/cheapest and strongest specie weapons.
Best resistance, very important if you play with a 2P in Guilds.
Best overall, if you want a pet that is good in every aspect.

Some people say that Lenny is the ultimate, others say he is too expensive. Some say that none of the specie weapons are important at all.
You get the thrift, there is a lot of debate :)

However one thing that is very interesting, is that, there are some species that are always mentioned in post like these, both on TDNF and all other Neo sites. These pets are as follows: Elephante, Gelert, Grundo, Kacheek, Kau, Lenny, Lupe, Pteri and Scorchio.

These pets seem to be mentioned a lot, so I thought I would make some polls with these pets, in hopes of once and for all putting this debate to rest.


I ask that you exclude the cost of the pet/weapons, since that is something that varies and besides, people can look that up. I just want to know, which pets, you think are best in each category, it would also be wonderful if you gave explanations, as to why, you picked whichever species, you picked. If you choose the last option (Another), please write down which pet, you think is best.

Let the voting begin :D

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Pterii are nice because a 20NP item, Rotten Wormy Apple, will cure them of any disease, restore them to full HP and make their hunger bloated when fed to them, and they have 40% air resistance in the BD. I don't know much about the other pets' BD benefits but I think the Elephante has a nice healer and the Peophin has a great freezer.
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Frankly, I love my Golden Peophin Harp, though the 3 dark defense can be a bit redundant if you also use a Hanso Charisma Charm. Though Lenny-based freezers are cheaper than the Harp I do believe.


Coltom, do you mean like weaknesses and resistances? I've only got my peophin, haven't checked on earth/water resistance, but He sure seems to take extra damage from Fire. Beyond that though, I can't personally confirm for other species.

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Yes, Aquamentis12. the species weakness and resistances. My main is a Kougra, and if I recall they don't have any innate weakness/resistance. I have a secondary Peophin, so I guess I could check on him, although the lower the boost the harder it is to get an accurate weakness/resistance number.

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