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Pound Question(s)


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Note: The Neopian Pound is not to be abused for financial gain.

Selling Neopets, or profiting from abandoned Neopets is a freezable offence.


Above is what is shown at the bottom of the main pound page (the one with the three doors).


Now, I've been wondering what exactly would be considered abuse for financial gain.

I've been looking through the pound to find pets I can use for some avatars. (I'm thinking this is perfectly okay, considering it means less pets I need to create and add to the population?) But I'm wondering if this actually isn't allowed?


Anyone know what exactly is considered abuse?

I understand selling a pet for NPs is not allowed, but I'm assuming that's not the only thing that isn't allowed? Or maybe I'm just thinking too much..


Any helpful information is appreciated :)

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It's perfectly fine to pound surf for a pet, whether to keep, to use for an avatar, etc.

I would assume that it does mean no trading pets for NP, items, or anything else other than a pet. It might also go along with the fact that some people will write to the new owners of pounded pets, saying that they were the owner and asking for them back. Basically the pound is fair game, so if your pet's there and someone adopts it, you can't ask for the pet back or for any compensation or anything.


Don't worry about adopting for avatars. That's a great way to get the easy pet ones. ;) I got most of the easy pet avatars thanks to the pound.

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That's not against the rules, no. You can look for petpets to sell.

You can't, however, advertise a petpet as part of adopting a pet. You can't up the value for trading a pet because of the value of the petpet, if that makes sense.

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Here's the relevant editorial Wildbreeze is paraphrasing:

While it certainly isn't nice giving a Neopet a glimmer of hope by adopting it, only to rip away its sole companion and then toss it back in The Pound from whence it came, it is not against the rules. A Neopet in The Pound has no owner and is fair game for anyone to adopt it as they see fit. If that person then decides to abandon it, they can. Whether that be two minutes later or two years later, and whether or not that Neopet had a Petpet and then didn't, doesn't matter. There is no scamming going on. No rules are being broken. It's kinda sad, but it's perfectly acceptable as far as gameplay goes.

HOWEVER, remember that selling Neopets is not allowed. If you trade a Neopet and add the Petpet on as a "bonus" payment or anything shifty like that, it's still against the rules.

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Don't worry about adopting for avatars. That's a great way to get the easy pet ones. ;) I got most of the easy pet avatars thanks to the pound.

Thanks for saying this, I had been a bit worried because I adopted a shoyru to get the avatars


I would hate it if that was seen as an abuse, I intend to return the shoyru all lab zapped and more lovable, so he gets a new home anyway :)

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