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I'm sorry if this has been asked before, I did read some of the previous forum posts but was unable to reach a conclusive answer.


So the question is, is there a specific pet that is best suited for BD? I used to play neopets about a decade ago and remember kaus being really good for BD because of their knight equipment, but I want to know if that has changed. I just created my new account about an hour ago and want to know if there is a specific pet I should create that is best suited for the battledome (in terms of species-specific equipment or abilities)


Or does the type of pet really make a difference?




I'm not going to be much help, as I don't have much insight, but I just wanted to say a few things.


Abilities are universal, so any pet can learn any ability you want.

All pets can be trained to whatever stats you want, so it doesn't really matter. BUT: Some pets do start with certain stats higher than others, so if say you wanted a purely offensive pet, you would go with one of the pets that starts with lower defense, but higher offense (Not sure of which, but I'd assume the 'bigger' pets? Grrarl, etc.)


Essentially any pet can be made into a good BD pet, but I assume the choice is down to equipment. As some do have 'better' equipment than others, but I think it's base on price, so some pet-specific equipment is cheaper for some pets over others.


I know I haven't been too helpful, but I thought I'd try it.

I'm also curious to see which species people suggest looking from the equipment aspect..


There were species-specific abilities/stances in the old BD. TNT just recently brought back faerie abilities, but they still haven't brought back the stances (nor any of the species-specific abilties) yet, so no one really knows how that will change. Regarding weapons, I'm not too sure. I know there are a few species-specific healers, for example, that can save you a bit off the all-species equivalent, but I don't know what they are.


Honestly, training is going to matter a whole lot more than any marginal benefit you could derive from abilities or individual weapons, so I suggest you start training whatever pet you like. You can always morph/transmog it into your desired species later. If you want to train faster and don't care about species for now, I recommend supplementing your training with the lab ray; you may want to wait until you get past level ~40 or so (so you don't get that dreaded "back to 0"), but the lab ray will take years off your training. (By training and zapping together, you can keep your pet balanced if you'd like -- I very rarely train HP, using the lab for those gains, and I'm able to keep defense and strength even with it.) If you use the lab ray, the species will change anyway. But it'll take a while for your pet to grow into the species weapons, and the ray will have saved you more in training than the MP would have cost, while shaving down the time it takes. Once your pet is trained to your liking, you can stop zapping and morph it into the desired species (unless you get really lucky with a zap and get the species for free).


You may also want to look at species specific weapons. There is No Way I will ever be able to afford a bag of healing dust, so I went for an elepante and a 50% species healer. Make sure you can find the weapons you want first though. I looked at lennies, but I couldn't actually find a lenny healer or a lenny freezer for sale. I got the elepante healer, morphing potion and a lutari morphing potion (what my BD pet was before so I could still have a lutari) for a fraction of what a BoHD would have been. You can also, for example, get a gelert for now and morph later if you change your mind.


Elephantes, Kacheeks, Gelerts, Shoyrus, and Lennies all have good species specific healers.


You didn't mention what weapons or budget you have. If you have a BoHD, LEV or enough to buy one, then everything I just said would be useless in terms of healers, but there are also species specific freezers and weapons.


And just my two cents, but you may want to wait to get weapons until the war is officially over. Prices will probably drop a little when people aren't holding onto stuff just in case.


Since some pets have weaknesses, or strengths against certain elements, you could consider that, or, you could look at species only weapons/shields/healers/freezers, Some pets have some nifty little weapons that can sometimes be found cheaper than the non-species specific equipment.


The Lenny has 2 different 100% freezers and a good healer, Peophins have a decent 100% freezer, and if I remember correctly, Kacheeks, Elephantes and Gelerts also have 50% species healers. I know there are more with good items, but that's all I can recall off-hand.


I've heard that scorchios and kaus are decent in battle with good resistances. But I don't know what those are off-hand.


Training really is pretty key. You can find shields to overcome most of the pet weaknesses. I have a decent shield to take care of some fo the fire damage my Peophin might be hit with.


Sorry I can't be more helpful, but I hope what I've listed is of some help at least :)


Edit: LOL princessjennifer Guess you beat me to the species specific stuff. LOL



Lennis have both a species healer and species freezer. Great deal.


Scorchios have good resistances. Their resistance to fire is extra awesome, because you probably won't be able to afford a good fire block for a long, long, long time.

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