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I really like using Igloo Garage Sale (not the game) to make some easy neopoints. You are not likely to get uberrich out of it, but it is a nice income fairly stress free. Collectible cards and books are usually a good bet. So are chocolate stuff, Milk Chocolate Eyrie and the like. Also KQ obviously. And battledome, the cosmic dome if you have premium, just made 200k from the nerkmids I got while battling today.


Hope these are of some help :)


Do you use Habitarium? If you can, that can be a great and steady source of income, once you reach level 50. I can't run it all the time any more though.

Personally, it seems that I've been getting most of my income from the Battledome lately. Some of the prizes, especially codestones, can sell for a few NP.



I personally like restocking in Pharm. On regular days I can make about 5000 per herbal scrambled egg I restock and about 700 neopoints per magic cookie. It might not seem like a lot but when I get 6 to 10 per restock it adds up quite quickly.


Like others mentioned the battledome is great. If you don't have premium I recommend the Koi Warrior, otherwise as mentioned earlier if you do have it I would battle in the Cosmic Dome for the nerkmids.


Habi and Keyquest again were already mentioned and are great if your computer can handle them.


As for flash games for this month at least I recommend:

- Catch that Petpet

- Fashion Fever

- Kass Basher

- Big Time Rush Crowd Control

- Crisis Courier

- Extreme Faerie Cloud Racers

- Zurroball

- Attack of the Revenge

and I'm sure there are a number of other great games for this month.


I have an Excel file in which I've timed how long it takes to play games, and then it calculates how many np you get per second from each game. I change the ratios in the file every time the game ratios change.


This month, the best games (in order) are:

Fashion Fever

Kass Basher

Moon Rock Rampage (you have to finish level 10 one time; then you can just click "continue game" each time you play and just get the closest item. It's 250 points, which gives you 475 np.)

Catch the Petpet

Big Time Rush Crowd Patrol

Tunnel Tumble


Darigan Dodgeball

Attack of the Marblemen (you have to get up to level 45 and REMEMBER THE CODE for level 45! Then each time you play, go straight to level 45, collect coins, die, repeat to 120 points.)

Bouncy Supreme

Wrath of the Snowager

Faerie Bubbles (you may not find it worth it, but it's easy and quick--just play the first level only and use the "bubbles" and "faerieland" cheats. If you get dark or earth, start over.)

Snowbeast Snackrifice (remember that scores over 60 get reviewed)

Shenkuu Warrior

Cloud Raiders

200m Peanut Dash (I just play one round and then end the game, but it's worth it to play two rounds. Not three, though--it's way over 1,000 np by that point. I just play one because I have a bad memory and can't remember when I started.)

Neverending Boss Battle

Ready to Roll (it glitches really badly for me, though--the yooyu ends up on the outside of the square, and then it's impossible. Whaa?)

Meerca Chase

Edna's Shadow

Smug Bug Smite

Grand Theft Ummagine (I stop at the garden because I hate mazes, but if you can do the garden, more power to you)

Nova Defender

Rink Runner

Barf Boat

Extreme Potato Counter


I consider a game WORTH IT to play if it has a ratio greater than 8.33 neopoints per second-- that's two minutes or less to get 1,000 np. Keep in mind, not all games will GIVE you that 1,000 np but will still be worth it.


I have an Excel file in which I've timed how long it takes to play games, and then it calculates how many np you get per second from each game. I change the ratios in the file every time the game ratios change.


This month, the best games (in order) are:

Moon Rock Rampage (you have to finish level 10 one time; then you can just click "continue game" each time you play and just get the closest item. It's 250 points, which gives you 475 np.)

Attack of the Marblemen (you have to get up to level 45 and REMEMBER THE CODE for level 45! Then each time you play, go straight to level 45, collect coins, die, repeat to 120 points.)

Faerie Bubbles (you may not find it worth it, but it's easy and quick--just play the first level only and use the "bubbles" and "faerieland" cheats. If you get dark or earth, start over.)

200m Peanut Dash (I just play one round and then end the game, but it's worth it to play two rounds. Not three, though--it's way over 1,000 np by that point. I just play one because I have a bad memory and can't remember when I started.)

Wow, I never thought to make the above games pay off like that. Thanks for these ingenious solutions and a fairly comprehensive list.


I noticed splat-a-sloth isn't on your list; this one is usually really fast for me (seconds, much faster than waiting for the wind in Kass Basher, anyway) and gives me 500+ NP/play, on average. Also, adver video pops up in its own window; I let it play in the background while playing other games, and spin the wheel in between plays, so it actually takes very little time on my part (just a few clicks). You can also copy your own e-mail address (ctl-c) and paste it into the two send fields (ctl-v) on the "send a card" form on Fashion Fever; it's another 300NP for ~10-15s more work.


Some other NP earners: stock market (this is for long term investment; my strategy is to buy 1k shares per day of whichever one priced at 15 I have the least of, and sell when they hit 60 -- others sell at 30 or 45 -- you'll earn NP faster in stocks than in the bank earning interest, but only if you're patient and only sell at a gain) and food club.


I think the best way to earn NP is to 1) find a way of earning (or 2 or 3) you actually enjoy (restocking, auction-/SW- sniping, games, KQ, habi, Food Club, stock market, battling, whatever) 2) have goals, both a long-term goal, a monthly or weekly goal, and even a daily goal (it makes you more consistent at doing other earning activities you enjoy less, but I can only keep the motivation for short bursts before I need to take a break and just coast) 3) don't spend NP on anything until you reach your goal (besides daily "investments" you've budgeted for -- e.g., daily training, or dailies, or buying your 1k of stock, etc. Once you reach a goal, celebrate and buy what you were saving for! You can give yourself mini-rewards for mini-goals, too (e.g., spend 5k on your gallery once you've reached 100k savings). (Your goal doesn't have to match the price of your reward. When I saved for a pirate PB when they were worth 12M, my goal was to hit 22M first so that my total NP wouldn't fall below 10M. I think I started around 15M, so I was willing to let my bank account drop by 3M. On the other hand, when I first got to the highest bank account, my reward was to spend a small amount upgrading my gallery to fit everything in my SDB that fit my theme into it; it was only a few k, but it felt great to organize my gallery and see it grow.)


I'm with all of the others- Habitarium, the BD, and Food Club are my main methods of NP earning. I rarely have a lot of time to spend on Neo these days, so a lot of game playing is out of the question. Those three are super profitable though, and I rarely have a day go by where I don't deposit at least 100k in the bank.


Rebecca - can you suggest any good Food Club guides? I saw one once that was really good, but at that point I didn't have the funds to invest in it. Now I do, but new laptop so no bookmarked guide :(


Rebecca - can you suggest any good Food Club guides? I saw one once that was really good, but at that point I didn't have the funds to invest in it. Now I do, but new laptop so no bookmarked guide :(

Not really a Food Club guide (the one on TDN is great, if you're looking for an actual guide) but it's better to follow someone else's bets first if you're starting again, just so you get the hang of it.


I like: http://www.neopets.com/~jamila233 and http://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=drusillax but there are more out there so just find one you like and stuck with it. Good luck!


As others have said, http://www.neopets.com/~jamila233's is amazing. I used to use ~myfoodclubbets, but I found their bets just a little too risky (I had some really good days, but lots of days with no profit at all). :) Hopefully Food Club works out for you as well- it's super nice to come back to see your bet doubled (or quadrupled, or more!) with almost no work put into it at all :)


As others have said, http://www.neopets.com/~jamila233's is amazing. I used to use ~myfoodclubbets, but I found their bets just a little too risky (I had some really good days, but lots of days with no profit at all). :) Hopefully Food Club works out for you as well- it's super nice to come back to see your bet doubled (or quadrupled, or more!) with almost no work put into it at all :)

Interesting. I thought ~jamila233 was more risky than ~myfoodclubbets. I found that ~jamila233 was usually a profit or nothing, while ~myfoodclubbets sometimes got partial credit (4:10, for example). I also like how ~myfoodclubbets explains his reasoning for choosing his bets. Finally, I compared their histories, since they both keep a record of their totals, and ~myfoodclubbets made more profit over time. It's a personal choice, though. I know a lot of people choose to use ~jamila233 instead, and I still use it as a backup sometimes to inform my own bets.

Interesting. I thought ~jamila233 was more risky than ~myfoodclubbets. I found that ~jamila233 was usually a profit or nothing, while ~myfoodclubbets sometimes got partial credit (4:10, for example). I also like how ~myfoodclubbets explains his reasoning for choosing his bets. Finally, I compared their histories, since they both keep a record of their totals, and ~myfoodclubbets made more profit over time. It's a personal choice, though. I know a lot of people choose to use ~jamila233 instead, and I still use it as a backup sometimes to inform my own bets.

I do like how ~myfoodclubbets explains why he made the bets he did, but I found that while I was using his bets, I had losses more often than I had wins (probably was just a bad couple of weeks!), whereas with ~jamila233, I've only had a couple of losses over the month or so I've been going with her bets. If I don't like her odds, I go back to ~myfoodclubbets, but for the most part, ~jamila233 is my preference. :)

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