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Me and a friend have started a small project doing stop-motion and animation short films, this is the first one. It's is only 3 minutes long, but it took almost four months to be finished...


What do you think?



We are very excited to see it finshed, it was a lot of hard work!


I really enjoyed it, and I loved all the details put to the characters and mechanisms. It's quite ingenious! :D


The inspiration was this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moirai, and originally it was supposed to be longer, and include also the descend to hell, but once finished, we had enough of it :rolleyes_anim:


Maybe if we wait enough time to forget all the pain we suffered finishing this one, we we'll retake the project, but now we are busy with another short film, an ONG asked us!


Honestly, this is fantastic. I love stop-motion animation, and I can't even imagine all the work that must go into it. Plus the Fates are awesome. :) Great job!


I can believe it was a lot of work! I do some 2D animation as a hobby, digital (mainly pixel-art) and hand-drawn. I've never done real stop motion animation, but i would imagine that sculpting the characters, making the scenery, and in this case, making it move functionally, was a LOT of hard work! Congrats!


LOL JUST realized your inspiration that you mentioned in the title! The Fates! LOL The thread of life being cut. I didn't quite get it as I watched the vid, but it;s been a very long time since I heard about them, and I guess it took some time to register that that's what was so gripping about the cutting of the thread and then adding it to the tapestry. Nice work! :D


That is AWESOME that an NGO wants you to do some more work! :D I'm sure it will turn out well! :D

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