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I know it sounds silly, but should I sell my set when it's still worth something? Look at the big jump of the toughness of the opponent makes me think that I cannot go over another wave. Should I keep it or should I sell it and then after the plot buy back so I can have some profit, and if I cannot win the battles then it's no use. :)


It depends. I think filling your "part" bar will help you earn better prizes (including better BD equipment). But if you want to do that by losing, you can (though hopefully by the last round, that won't be possible, because we need some point spread and reward for those who put more effort in). If you want to lose with just the minimum amount of weapons, that's up to you. Now really is the best time to sell, though it might be too late as more people are giving up (you'll need to sell weapons that are useful against the current/next wave; weaker ones probably won't sell anymore).


Just make sure you keep enough weak weapons on hand to still be able to beat the first wave so you can get your 15 drops of muffins, faeries, and codestones per day (because those are worth a lot right now, too). And know that TNT might surprise us, with something coming out of the obelisk that we have to work together to fight, and while you might have been able to do it with what you have, you might not with weaker weapons. No one knows what's coming next, so it is a bit of a gamble.


I think it depends on your items. Right now, I see a lot of people struggling with the newest wave and are looking for upgrades for their budget builds. I think those items would be best to sell at the moment.


But if you have the standard budget items... I think a lot of the prices for those will stay around the same or even drop now because a lot of people will be in the same mind set as you.


So if you don't mind waiting 4-12 months for your items to drop significally and don't think TNT would release an easier wave in the future and can fight with cheaper items, I think this is a not too bad of a time to sell.


It's up to you. you might get profit, but as it's been said, it may be risky after the plot and you may miss out on some cool war prizes if you can't participate anymore.


Wow! 750k for a Greater Healing Scroll?! *kicks self for selling when they were 180k* LOL


I would say you're making a great profit right there dat_dao98! LOL XD


Good luck with whatever you decide to do!


If you're done battling, I think it's a great option to sell. War profiteering at its finest! If you find you like battling though, save those nps after you sell your set to rebuy it once the weapons have deflated. Best of both worlds ^_^


If you are sure that you can't advance any further, and by my calculations there are going to be three more waves and perhaps a showdown, then selling certain items now would be the logical thing to do, just as everyone not waiting for the last minute to get decent weapons would have been the logical thing to do.


You might discuss your weapons, and get some advice to see if you can go further, otherwise sell in haste and rebuy at leisure.


I am selling some of my stuff. I want to buy new stuff after the war is over and things are back to normal, so I might as well sell my stuff now when I can make a profit. I've been training for the last six months, but my stats aren't balanced enough for me to keep winning for much longer. I'll probably fight the first wave for items, because the prizes are just the same as the harder enemies. I can probably lose faster with bad weapons and shields. I just sold my Blue Scorchstone for 200K more than I bought it for, and that will help my bank account recover once I buy that Entangling Lenny Lasso I've been wanting.

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