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Update weapon prices in battlepedia?

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So...uh...I guess this isn't exactly the right time to ask...


But I was wondering, are there any long-term plans to update prices in the Battlepedia, and redo the ratings of items based on that?


I'm not good at testing this sort of thing, and I don't know what factors all go into it, but I know that price is part of it. An item that costs only 1,000 np but does 10 icons is better than an icon that costs 1,000,000 np and does 13 icons. I don't know what the ratings would be like for some items, but I feel like they'd be better now that certain things are given out as prizes every day.


A thermal explosive device, for example, is actually a pretty decent bomb...for 1 np. Maybe not so much for 10,000 np. A bubble mote is not great defense...but for 1 np, it's pretty awesome!

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Yes, I agree with this :) A feature which would indicate how much bang you're getting for your buck would be a pretty useful one. Then again, many of the weapons which have the users' reviews currently give an indication if the weapon is worth it and are VERY good at giving alternatives on a lower and higher price range.. I know i would find it useful if those reviews were there for more weapons :)


Thanks battlepedia team for being so awesome <3

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Even before the plot they needed to be updated, at least the popular decent weapons. I can't imagine it would take that much effort.

As a person who has done it, it does take a lot of effort. There are a lot of popular weapons and it's very tedious. Plus, as soon as you're done, you have to start again because the prices have changed.


In addition, with a plot, now is not a good time to update because everything is inflated. Prices will be more accurate after the plot.

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About weapon inflation... The anagram swords (and anything buyable from the Hidden Tower) don't really inflate, right? Because their prices are fixed? Or do they? I never paid much attention and don't know how much they cost before the war.

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About weapon inflation... The anagram swords (and anything buyable from the Hidden Tower) don't really inflate, right? Because their prices are fixed? Or do they? I never paid much attention and don't know how much they cost before the war.

Anything buyable from the Hidden Tower has an upper limit on how much it will inflate, i.e., it will never go above the HT price. (Or people would be awfully foolish to buy it!) However, before the plot hints, these weapons were available for lower than their HT price. For example, I bought Kelpbeards Trident for around 8.5m, half a million lower than its HT price and 230k lower than its HT price on discount day. However, now Neopians are asking for close to the discount day price and sometimes higher. Since there isn't another discount day before the start of the war, they probably can get someone to pay the higher price.
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I was thinking a good idea would be to put together a "cheap quick and dirty" weapons suggestion list for people wanting a few plot points at a minimal cost.


Might do a less than 1000 np st (Two Battle Hammers, magical healing potion, one or two of the shields that come from the armoured neggs and the rest I'll have to think about).


Then we could put together a less than 100k np set.




A long time ago, my kin and clan were fairly prosperous. I suspect our fortunes decline for a variety of reasons, mainly the land and orchards we owned did not bring the same relative income in the 20th century that it had in the 19th.


My grandfather was still a man of means, a WWI vet, although being non-white he'd not get to "Fight the Huns with the white boys", his words edited slightly for sensibilities of the times. He still drove Packards in his day, gambled, dranked (duh). One of the card games, he collected coup on one of the white boys (his words) and won a pinky ring with a good quality 1.55 karat diamond.


The last time he was in the hospital, he was in bad shape. Half out of his mind, he insisted that he wear his ring. No argument of logic, no cry to his common sense to not have an expensive steal-able diamond on his hand in a hospital made it into his stubborn mud muled head. I loved him, but he was a right SOB.


Rather than fight, my uncle and father went down on 4th street to one of the jewelry merchants, showed him the ring. After the jeweler criticized my Grandfather for his choice of jewelry, he got a similar band, and put in a hunk of quartz backed with silver film. It would have fooled no one, but my Grandfather was in and out of it all, and putting "his ring" on his hand appeared to give him some comfort. Certainly gave my father, brothers and sisters some comfort by not having to listen to the Oldman cuss them about why didn't he have his ring.


He made it home, and he died at home, and his flesh was returned to the land that he spent most of his life. That fake ring was on his hand when he died. Good gold, not without value. I got it from my mother's estate yesterday. I suppose when it comes time for my flesh to be returned to the world I'll still be wearing it.

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I actually agree with the upgrading the prices of the weapons, but it's definitely the wrong timing with plot inflation! =)))

I understand how hard it must be to simply create a site like this and maintain it, let alone add new things. It takes time and heavy understanding of the different factors subjected to change.

However, personally, I would love to see some modifications on the Basic Weapons Set list - like maybe the addition of Skarls Hasty Mace and Dr. Sloth Personal Bath Buddy into it? And I would suggest reviews on some Neopian items that are very much patronized - such as Freezing Potion and Dr. Sloths Personal Bath Buddy, which are pretty good items but which do not have reviews :)

But so far, I love the Battlepedia that we have. I hold it rather near and dear to my heart as it is where I learned most of the knowledge I have of the Battledome and its inner workings.

I would suggest having something like a "Weapon of the month" but that is a bit of a hassle. But it would definitely be fun :)

I'd like to apply to be a BD Staff member, but I don't qualify for some of the requirements and I'm not sure if I'm staying on Neo for a long while :/

But, really, thank you Battlepedia staff :D
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You got that part right about not the best time! :P (Plot-frenzy)


We have been planning to have user-submitted prices in the future. :) Opinions?


It would be nice to have user-submitted prices, but people can look up prices pretty easily...the issue is changing the rating on the weapon for power-to-price. The user-submitted prices would be unable to change the rating on the item. Unless, of course, you keep the other parts of the rating constant, and then use an algorithm to calculate whether or not an item is worth it. But that sounds difficult to figure out.


Like I said, I know now is a terrible time XD In fact, in addition to the plot, the new faerie abilities will probably have a major effect on prices of weapons. I just sold my Heavy Blue Tunic because I replaced it with two faerie abilities. I might do the same with my bag of healing dust someday when I get Rejuvenate. But if you can get a LOT of people willing to help redo ratings, maybe start the project in a year...


I'd be willing to help, myself, but I don't really know what's considered good for each number of icons. So you'd have to write me an algorithm anyway :P

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Quick update: I went through all the weapons on our basic set page and recorded their prices. The HTML page still needs to be updated, but I will leave that to a BP staffer :P


Overall, it's the beginners and intermediates fighters who are paying for not preparing in advance.

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Will you not be able to use both an equipped healer and the power of rejuvenate Effectively having two healing turns, just as now we can have more than one freezer round??


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