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Knowledge and understanding is what we seek.


Victory is but a side effect.


Let us unite in our efforts and learn everything while the others fail in battle against each other around us.


We will prevail!




Strength may win the battle, but intelligence wins the war.




I seek therefore I am.












None yet!





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<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In a lacinia nulla. Praesent dolor sem, tempor at tempor ac, varius eget lorem. Fusce eu nisi nunc. Curabitur nisl mi, consequat id lacinia vitae, cursus ut urna. Praesent luctus rhoncus velit, ut gravida arcu venenatis vitae. Phasellus ante felis, lacinia nec malesuada quis, egestas adipiscing diam. Phasellus id sem massa, sit amet congue felis. Vivamus ultrices pharetra nisl, non vehicula libero convallis eu.</p>

<p><b>Credits:</b> Layout by <a href="http://www.neopets.com/userlookup.phtml?user=xepha">Xepha</a></p>


by Xepha




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<p align="justify">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus vestibulum nisi vitae erat. Nam leo massa, pharetra eu, placerat eget, ornare ut, arcu. Quisque ornare nisl non quam molestie tincidunt. Nullam rutrum. Curabitur sed enim. Vestibulum eu risus a velit pellentesque faucibus. Integer nisi tortor, blandit vitae, mollis quis, posuere ut, elit. Praesent dui. Vestibulum metus lorem, venenatis a, hendrerit ut, suscipit vel, diam. Donec elit. Vivamus ultricies metus vitae ipsum. Donec vel diam sed arcu vulputate vehicula. Sed blandit orci facilisis odio. Quisque quis magna. Integer auctor viverra est. Aliquam sit amet nisl at lacus consequat condimentum.</p>

<p><b>Credits</b><br><a href="http://neopets.com/~Sir_Gemely"><img src="//images.weserv.nl/?url=http://kimibaka.free.fr/angelxepha/credits.jpg" class="credits" border="0"></a>




by Xepha





This is just the background to the one on Neopets!


Wow, no love for the Seekers...


I still haven't clicked that button saying I will join them. I guess I'm still a little torn between them and the Order.


But no. Knowledge is greater than magic. I must join! I must...




Okay. Well. That was anti-climactic. But I'm a Seeker now. Harry Potter would be so proud. Except Harry Potter would be proud if I joined the Order--agh, whatever. SEEKERS FOR THE WIN!


I joined the Seekers! Yay for nerds :nerd:

I love the way on the Mysterious Obelisk page it says:

"The coming battle is inevitable; the only question is when."

Not a difficult question to answer, when there is a countdown timer less than a centimetre above the question...

But maybe the other groups will be too stupid to figure that out :P


EDIT: I had a first attempt at making a siggy banner - can anyone think of a better slogan?


Bandito, come to the neoboards and find the Seekers chat. Every time we get near the end of the board, people spout suggestions for slogans.


Personally, I'm just going with "FOR SCIENCE!"


In the beginning was the Word and Word was Truth. How may there be a more noble, a more holy cause than the struggle against ignorance, against the infirmed fear of the beast, the tears of the child. We seek the Truth, with the knowledge and skill that our mortal wisdom possesses, knowing that the mystery before us can be no match with the skill and knowledge that we wield.



Yet, the quest for Truth most be tempered with Wisdom. While we we will fight and prevail against the dark forces, the thieves, brutes, the foul pseudoscience of magik, the corruption of the cabal and the insanity of the undead; while we will fight and prevail against all these we must not forget the first question. The Question that must be answered. The Question is why, why in this wasteland is there a structure that should not be, that can not be, that must not be, but is.


We that know all of history, do not know this, not the when, not the what, not the why. It has been suggested by the mad seer that it is not ignorance nor carelessness that has removed this event from our history, but it was done with intent, with foresight and purpose, that there is a reason to this madness.


The Mad One, suggest that the purpose was because what is before us was never meant to see the light of day, to be returned to the world of the living. Yet, we are not mad, we will only give the ravings of madman a certain weight. We are men of science, history and knowledge. Yes, caution we shall use, care we shall use; but I say to you that there is nothing that shall be nor should be hidden from our grasp. I say, that there is not an unspeakable evil, no Darkest Fae nor Sloth, Ph.D in this place. I say we will proceed without fear nor taint of superstition.


Forward my friends, and may the Sloth take the hindmost.


Just invaded this thread to say something (:


You will lose the war :D


Well, that's not in the spirit of things...


At least we'll win the Miss Congeniality part, if that's the attitude the other teams are going to have.


I don't know, I like all of them!


Someone impartial had better decide :P


EDIT: TNT have launched another contest on their Twitter account:

26559_369627651004_348470121004_5266819_Contest time! Tweet your faction and why you chose it. Use #ObeliskWar. Winners get prize codes! Ends next Thursday (Feb 28).

Previous contest prizes have included hitherto unreleased items - so enter now for your chance at winning!


Okay, I gave into my original favorite team. I was being swayed by other people (no pun intended) but I joined the seekers this morning!


Welcome one, welcome all!


I've been working on updating the first post as new graphics come in, either post them here or message them to me with specific permission to post in the first post!

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