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HT - Richest Avatar


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Seeing as the third Wednesday of the month is coming up soon and the Hidden Tower will be discounted, I've been thinking about getting the Richest avatar. The thing is, today I just hit a big goal of mine by reaching 25 million NP in the bank (the most I've ever had!). I'm so torn because I love collecting avatars and this one in particular is super cute but on the other hand I will be spending almost half of my savings (just under 10 mil) and NP that I've worked so hard for! I want to know, has anyone here gotten this avatar and then regretted it instantly? I'm afraid that's what will happen to me :s Or has it been worth it? I'd love to hear your advice!

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If I were you, I'd wait. You can always buy it another month after you've saved more NP.


I think I'll probably end up getting it after I've gotten all of the other avatars I possibly can. And I probably won't even use it. Or I'll wait until 10m doesn't mean much to me anymore in the way that 10k doesn't mean much to me now, but it used to.

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I got it and didn't regret it at all. I figure as an avvie collector, I was going to need it eventually. And I think I spent more on other avvies, to be honest. Pretty sure I spent more trying to get the Kelp and Wheel of Extravagence avvie xD It's just kind of overwhelming because you're dropping a huge amount all at once rather than over a period of time. Just make sure before you pull your NP out of the bank that you're on the highest interest rate while you qualify for it. It makes earning back the NP a little easier.


Congrats on 25 mil!

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I would get it on discount day because one day the avatar might retire.

Why would you think it might retire? A handful of items have been retired from the HT since it was released, and none of them were avatar items. I think it's pretty safe to assume that those books will remain in the HT for yeaaaars to come.

TNT designed those avatars to be a giant NP sink- they wouldn't want to get rid of them.

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I'm having the same dilemma ... I have enough NP saved up ... definitely not 25 Million .. but still .. getting this avatar will set me waaaaaaaay back :/


I also prefer buying clothes and gallery items


I'll wait I suppose

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Why would you think it might retire? A handful of items have been retired from the HT since it was released, and none of them were avatar items. I think it's pretty safe to assume that those books will remain in the HT for yeaaaars to come.

TNT designed those avatars to be a giant NP sink- they wouldn't want to get rid of them.

Well TNT is known to retire certain avatars. Lets say FQD gets retired. The avatar will too.

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Well TNT is known to retire certain avatars. Lets say FQD gets retired. The avatar will too.

Not really, since there are still enough FQD in existence and you just have to play with them, not buy 'm. You can also still get the other avatar with queen fiora by just buying any item :)


Although I do hope avatars like the altador cup one will be used again in future events, since I don't have them on this account :/


And as for the Richest avatar... I've only got the 'rich' one, even though I could afford richest, I just don't think it's worth it (yet).

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Not really, since there are still enough FQD in existence and you just have to play with them, not buy 'm. You can also still get the other avatar with queen fiora by just buying any item :)


Although I do hope avatars like the altador cup one will be used again in future events, since I don't have them on this account :/


And as for the Richest avatar... I've only got the 'rich' one, even though I could afford richest, I just don't think it's worth it (yet).

Yea but some people on the boards think FQD might get retired on Fyora Day.

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Yea but some people on the boards think FQD might get retired on Fyora Day.

I doubt very much that will happen, but we will see what happens on Fyora Day. That still has no bearing on the Rich/Richer/Richest avatars. The FQD avatar has been around MUCH longer than those three, and the doll can be sent between accounts, and there are lots of those in existence. The books can't- they're all no trade items. I'd be very, VERY surprised if they even get retired.

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  • 1 month later...

Well, just to update everyone - I decided to splurge and get the avatar. It set me back a pretty penny (and then I got locked out of my Habi, so my income has gone down the drain :s) but even so, it was worth it to me! Now it's out of the way and I don't have to worry about it. Plus, it's just so darn cute :D :D

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I would wait too. I want the avatar just cause I love collecting them (im not good at the game ones though) but it's so expensive.


Luckily I don't even have that amount in the bank to get! ;P

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Honestly, I would have just bought a Grimoire of the First Order and get that avatar. It looks almost as cool and it's 9,900,000 cheaper.


Gingerew, now that you have had it for a bit, do you think it was worth it or no? Just curious.

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Honestly, I would have just bought a Grimoire of the First Order and get that avatar. It looks almost as cool and it's 9,900,000 cheaper.


Gingerew, now that you have had it for a bit, do you think it was worth it or no? Just curious.

I am going to go out on a limb, and guess that they already have both the HT - Rich and HT - Richer avatars. People don't tend to go for the most expensive one before buying the two cheaper ones.

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Honestly, I would have just bought a Grimoire of the First Order and get that avatar. It looks almost as cool and it's 9,900,000 cheaper.


Gingerew, now that you have had it for a bit, do you think it was worth it or no? Just curious.


Yes, as Rebecca correctly presumed, I already have the other two avatars. I wouldn't have started with this one, that's for sure haha! As to whether or not it's worth it, I'd give a hearty yes. Collecting avatars is what my main goal is on the site, so even though it's an expensive one, it's not one of the hardest to get for me. I struggle a lot more with some of the game avatars than with saving money for more expensive ones (well, except for things like SUAP :p)

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Congrats on going for it! Something I still can't bring myself to do, but I'd much rather have the ten mil at the moment than that avatar. I clicked on your profile to see and you weren't even using it! :(


I have a habit of changing my avatar to the one I got most recently. So I did use it for quite awhile! But I've been going for some of the game avvies lately so I've been using those a lot in the past week.

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I have a habit of exploding my avatar to the one I got most recently. So I did use it for quite awhile! But I've been going for some of the game avvies lately so I've been using those a lot in the past week.


Oh haha I guess I just didn't look soon enough! I see what you mean though, when I wrote that comment you were using the Ace avatar and now you've got it on Meepit vs. Feepit. So I guess congrats on being really great at games :)

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