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Need Some Advice Please. ;)


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I'm a long time neo user that hasn't been active for about 3 years and seem to have come back in time for a plot. I would like to build a bd set that will allow me to get the most wins with the np I have. I appreciate any help people can give me, as I am unaware of some newer items.


My current pet stats are:


Hitpoints: 301

Strength: 202

Defence: 124

Agility: 67

Intelligence: 1252


I am currently training my strength in the school, and just picked up 50 Armoured Neggs to catch my defence up.



My current weapons are:








I dont have a bomb, and think that may be the next step, but I am unsure. I have about 8 mill and figure I should get a gbomb. I have been looking also for a Heavy Blue Tunic but they seem to be hard to find with the amount of time I have had lately.



Again, thanks for your advice and I appreciate the effort. :P



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Hey there! :D Nice job on your pet's stats. I do urge you to continue training of course :) Train up to a 250 strength boost, then higher and higher =)))



Okay. Since you only have 8 mil to spend, I do really, really urge you to get one of two things: A Hubrid Nox Memorial Shield which defends 5 water, 5 air, 5 physical and 5 earth and fully blocks light, or a Ghostkerbomb which, I assume you know, is the best bomb currently available for the neopian public. Since you currently have higher strength than defense, I urge you to get the latter.


I agree with your choice of getting a Heavy Blue Tunic, and I suggest you sell the H4000 helmet to get pure for the tunic as well. The tunic provides the 100% freeze that the helmet provides, and also adds a few icons of much needed defensive lines :)


I suggest you get something like this (I've been suggesting this set for a while, and am currently working towards something like it :D):


Kelpbeards Trident (KBT)

Sword of Skardsen (SoS)

Kacheek Life Potion (KLP)

Heavy Blue Tunic (HBT)

Hubrid Nox Memorial Shield (HNMS)

Clawed Shield (CShield)

Ghostkerbomb (GBomb)

Downsize! (D!)


The use of Hubrid Nox Memorial Shield (defends 5 earth, 5 air, 5 water, 5 physical and full block of light) and Clawed Shield (defends 3 dark, reflects 61-80% of fire) covers all icons possible and reflects back the fire that is dished out by your opponent. I think it would work best for you, once your defends boost is high enough. But for now, go for a Ghostkerbomb, as it might work better to your advantage :D


Other people have strategies for pets that have higher strength boost than defense boost, I think they'll be able to help you more :)


Edit: You can buy the other anagram swords, if you'd like. Like replace one of your constants with a Sword of Reif, Sword of Tawre, Sword of Ari, Sword of Thare or Sword of Thigl. However, I think that what you have is a very good combination already :) So it is a decision entirely up to you, as these weapons deal the same amount of icons, and just differ in price, icon type and icon combinations :D

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You should also think about Crisp Blue Tunic. You don't have a healer in your set currently, and the affordable healers Lesser Healing Scroll and Greater Healing Scroll won't really make a dent in your HP. You could consider GHS, but with your high intelligence, CBT is a better choice. The downside to CBT is that your opponent has to have greater than 100 HP left when you use it, so you will have to strategize with it. If you don't like that, you can also think about Short Sleeved Yellow Tunic, but I would recommend CBT instead because not only does it heal more, but it actually steals HP!

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Nice pet stats, do you use the lab ray to help with training? Or are you going for HP and Strength and not worrying much about Defense? For raising defense, if you want to, there's mystery island's training school for you, but codestones have become so darned inflated it's frustrating looking to buy them! I recommend battling and hopefully you will win codestones from the BD. From my battles, it seems that 15 items is the current limit for number of items that you can win per day, and the codestones do seem to pay out randomly imho.

There is a new relatively innexpensive Armoured Negg, that gives you an item and increases your defense +1 each time.


If you have or buy some neocash, there are Faerie Quest Fortune Cookies, sometimes available through the NC Mall. When you open 1 cookie, it gives you 7 days (7 x 24 hours from when you open it) of 1 guarenteed faerie quest in Faerieland. The faerie who will ask for something IS random. And it could be ANY type of faerie. This includes Battle, Queen, Space and Fountain as well. This can be a good way to get some extra stats trained. They cost 100NC in the NC Mall.



You've got a nice to half-set to build on. Since you've only 8 mil to work with. Something will have to suffer, for the time-being. You could get a G-bomb, and go for a cheaper healer, and maybe some 50% reflectors or cheap shields. Or, you could go with getting a Honey Potion for your bomb and use the np you save for a better healer. Such as the Short-sleeved Yellow Tunic. I had one of those at one time, and while I only had it a year or two, maybe three, it did it's job well. Eventually, I decided to splurge and go for a Bag of Healing Dust. (50% non-species healer). but that's out of your price range at present.

At present, Honey Potion is about 800k, and there are no Short Sleeved Yellow Tunics for sale on the TP. There are 3 Crisp Blue Tunics, only one has a price on it and they want 15mil for it.


Depending on which way you go, and how much NP you have left over. I'd suggest investing in an Expert Lens, to reflect 50% Light, it's still cheap and doesn't appear to break, OR Parasol of Unfortunate Demise blocks a few icons and ALL light.


I like the 50% reflectors, because while they can't block it all, and most of them CAN break Forever, they can be instrumental in turning the tide of battle for an upset win. Like the Crisp Blue Tunic, you just need to know when to use them, and a little luck that the opponent uses something that you can reflect.

They also tend to be a cheap alternative until you can afford something better. Especially when there's the rumors of a plot with battledome inclusion.


Oh yeah, if you want a full dark blocker, with 5 Light and 5 Earth attack icons. If you have enough NP left over, Looks like the Hanso Charisma Charm is about 700k-800k on the TP.I recommend it! :D


Oh yeah, don't forget a Downsize! (yes, with the ! in the name) for your set! Once per battle, cuts all damage by 50%


I hope this helps! And good luck! :D

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You should also think about Crisp Blue Tunic. You don't have a healer in your set currently, and the affordable healers Lesser Healing Scroll and Greater Healing Scroll won't really make a dent in your HP. You could consider GHS, but with your high intelligence, CBT is a better choice. The downside to CBT is that your opponent has to have greater than 100 HP left when you use it, so you will have to strategize with it. If you don't like that, you can also think about Short Sleeved Yellow Tunic, but I would recommend CBT instead because not only does it heal more, but it actually steals HP!


KLP is Kacheek Life Potion, It is a species healer.

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KLP is Kacheek Life Potion, It is a species healer.

I think that Kacheek Life Potion will serve you well but I agree with possibly upgrading to a Crisp Blue Tunic. You can keep it in your Safety Deposity Box if you ever get one, because eventually you might outgrow it and more on to other healers like Leaded Elemental Vial or Jade Scorchstone. But for your current HP, CBT and KLP are probably your best options :)

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Nice pet stats, do you use the lab ray to help with training? Or are you going for HP and Strength and not worrying much about Defense? For raising defense, if you want to, there's mystery island's training school for you, but codestones have become so darned inflated it's frustrating looking to buy them! I recommend battling and hopefully you will win codestones from the BD. From my battles, it seems that 15 items is the current limit for number of items that you can win per day, and the codestones do seem to pay out randomly imho.

There is a new relatively innexpensive Armoured Negg, that gives you an item and increases your defense +1 each time.


If you have or buy some neocash, there are Faerie Quest Fortune Cookies, sometimes available through the NC Mall. When you open 1 cookie, it gives you 7 days (7 x 24 hours from when you open it) of 1 guarenteed faerie quest in Faerieland. The faerie who will ask for something IS random. And it could be ANY type of faerie. This includes Battle, Queen, Space and Fountain as well. This can be a good way to get some extra stats trained. They cost 100NC in the NC Mall.



You've got a nice to half-set to build on. Since you've only 8 mil to work with. Something will have to suffer, for the time-being. You could get a G-bomb, and go for a cheaper healer, and maybe some 50% reflectors or cheap shields. Or, you could go with getting a Honey Potion for your bomb and use the np you save for a better healer. Such as the Short-sleeved Yellow Tunic. I had one of those at one time, and while I only had it a year or two, maybe three, it did it's job well. Eventually, I decided to splurge and go for a Bag of Healing Dust. (50% non-species healer). but that's out of your price range at present.

At present, Honey Potion is about 800k, and there are no Short Sleeved Yellow Tunics for sale on the TP. There are 3 Crisp Blue Tunics, only one has a price on it and they want 15mil for it.


Depending on which way you go, and how much NP you have left over. I'd suggest investing in an Expert Lens, to reflect 50% Light, it's still cheap and doesn't appear to break, OR Parasol of Unfortunate Demise blocks a few icons and ALL light.


I like the 50% reflectors, because while they can't block it all, and most of them CAN break Forever, they can be instrumental in turning the tide of battle for an upset win. Like the Crisp Blue Tunic, you just need to know when to use them, and a little luck that the opponent uses something that you can reflect.

They also tend to be a cheap alternative until you can afford something better. Especially when there's the rumors of a plot with battledome inclusion.


Oh yeah, if you want a full dark blocker, with 5 Light and 5 Earth attack icons. If you have enough NP left over, Looks like the Hanso Charisma Charm is about 700k-800k on the TP.I recommend it! :D


Oh yeah, don't forget a Downsize! (yes, with the ! in the name) for your set! Once per battle, cuts all damage by 50%


I hope this helps! And good luck! :D



Appreciate all the advice, like I said I have bought 50 armoured neggs and am currently eating them as quickly as I can. I do have a Kacheek Life Potion, which seems to me to be the cheapest/best healer around, short of 10 mill or so.. Also, I do have ALL of the mid range reflectors, aswell as a DS! and 2 PP for when I start to max out vs plot enemies. As for the uneven build, in anticipation of an incoming plot I rushed HP/Str over def thinking that it would be a more beneficial stat(Opinions?). Finally, yes I do have the lab ray but use it on another pet as my main is a Kacheek and I need him to remain so for the Kacheek Life Potion to work.


Thanks again, really liking all the advice guys!


I think that Kacheek Life Potion will serve you well but I agree with possibly upgrading to a Crisp Blue Tunic. You can keep it in your Safety Deposity Box if you ever get one, because eventually you might outgrow it and more on to other healers like Leaded Elemental Vial or Jade Scorchstone. But for your current HP, CBT and KLP are probably your best options :)


I will keep an eye out for a good deal on a CBT. Owned a LEV years ago and wish I hadnt sold looking at teh prices now, but having said that I would have been a billionaire had I known what to hold on to :P


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Though some might oppose me saying this, I do think you should increase primarily strength than defense and hit points. Although it is better to have balanced stats, a pet with weak defenses is easy to work around as compared to a pet with low strength. :/


Are you still "labbing" your pet? Because that would be somewhat of a contradiction to your training, so I advise that if you start training with items or with codestones/dubloons, then you stop lab training for a while :D


I still stand by increasing your strength continuously til you reach the 750 boost (if you want to XD), and the set suggestion I had given in my earlier post :D I do think that you stats are absolutely nice (beyond anything I've achieved so far actually) and for that, I think you'll go a long way if ever there is a plot. :) But eventually, you'll want pets with balanced stats. But right now, I think that strength increase would be more beneficial to you :D


Others should feel free to correct me XD

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Though some might oppose me saying this, I do think you should increase primarily strength than defense and hit points. Although it is better to have balanced stats, a pet with weak defenses is easy to work around as compared to a pet with low strength. :/


Are you still "labbing" your pet? Because that would be somewhat of a contradiction to your training, so I advise that if you start training with items or with codestones/dubloons, then you stop lab training for a while :D


I still stand by increasing your strength continuously til you reach the 750 boost (if you want to XD), and the set suggestion I had given in my earlier post :D I do think that you stats are absolutely nice (beyond anything I've achieved so far actually) and for that, I think you'll go a long way if ever there is a plot. :) But eventually, you'll want pets with balanced stats. But right now, I think that strength increase would be more beneficial to you :D


Others should feel free to correct me XD


Appreciate the opinion, I seem to be of the same at the moment. I do not zap this pet, I wanted it to stay stable and trainable in the school.

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Stealers have become very interesting. Under the previous system, the first slot was clogged with a hunk-o-junk. Now a stealer has a chance to take any of your opponents weapons. While this is of limited use for most opponents, I did have the pleasure of stealing the Jade Scorchstone from the Space Fairie in a recent battle.


This is now a low probability/high reward strategy for certain opponents. While I have not convinced myself that the training cost is worth it for a heavy robe of thievery, I have not convinced myself that it is not.

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Stealers have become very interesting. Under the previous system, the first slot was clogged with a hunk-o-junk. Now a stealer has a chance to take any of your opponents weapons. While this is of limited use for most opponents, I did have the pleasure of stealing the Jade Scorchstone from the Space Fairie in a recent battle.


This is now a low probability/high reward strategy for certain opponents. While I have not convinced myself that the training cost is worth it for a heavy robe of thievery, I have not convinced myself that it is not.


It was my understanding that these items were disabled in plots, or atleast the last one it was. I may be wrong however, please advise.

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KLP is Kacheek Life Potion, It is a species healer.


Oops, sorry. I missed that in your set. Like General Technology said, you can still consider upgrading, but KLP is a good healer, and it's certainly the best species healer around.


Appreciate all the advice, like I said I have bought 50 armoured neggs and am currently eating them as quickly as I can. I do have a Kacheek Life Potion, which seems to me to be the cheapest/best healer around, short of 10 mill or so.. Also, I do have ALL of the mid range reflectors, aswell as a DS! and 2 PP for when I start to max out vs plot enemies. As for the uneven build, in anticipation of an incoming plot I rushed HP/Str over def thinking that it would be a more beneficial stat(Opinions?). Finally, yes I do have the lab ray but use it on another pet as my main is a Kacheek and I need him to remain so for the Kacheek Life Potion to work.


Thanks again, really liking all the advice guys!


I will keep an eye out for a good deal on a CBT. Owned a LEV years ago and wish I hadnt sold looking at teh prices now, but having said that I would have been a billionaire had I known what to hold on to :P


I agree that strength and HP are better to focus on than defense. I for one use a lab rat as my main battle pet, and even though it's frustrating not being able to use shields or block much damage when I do, I really like when I can do a lot of damage, and I can take it because I have high HP. However, if you can't get to the next boost, then HP is best to train because there are no boosts. 202 strength is the same as 249 strength, but 202 HP and 249 HP could be a big difference in a battle.


It was my understanding that these items were disabled in plots, or atleast the last one it was. I may be wrong however, please advise.


I've never noticed this. Even so, we don't know what will happen with the new Battledome. If you're worried, you could just wait until the plot starts and see, but then you run the risk of the items inflating even more.

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