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*kicks out lazyness* Hi everyone!


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Yay! Finally I made myself to make an account!


I'm usually really lazy to go out there *anywhere* and post, so I'm not sure on how much I can be around here, as I'm more random than the most random person you probably ever met in your life... LOL


English isn't my primary language, that is Portuguese. I also understand a bit of Spanish, Japanese and Korean, due to my musical taste, so I can hear and understand a bit. As here we can't hear, if it's written in Spanish I can understand but I don't know exactly how to answer. If it's in Japanese I can read hiragana and katakana, plus some basic kanji, but reading doesn't mean I know the words meanings... XD. Korean I can't read at all if it's not in roman characters.


I'm a self-learner and everything I know I had to learn alone... does it make sense? I'm not sure if it's written the right way...


So I want to say "Hi!" , "Oi!", "Ola!", "Hajimemashite!"... no idea on how to say something to start a conversation in Korean... LOL.

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Welcome to the forums! I hope you enjoy yourself here.

Your English is very good, and I'm extremely jealous of you understanding bits of different languages!

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Welcome! I'm Xandria. It's nice to meet you. I've always been so envious of people who can understand other languages. I eventually want to learn french, myself. That's really awesome that you were able to teach yourself!


Anyways, I hope you enjoy your time here. :)

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