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accidentally did a daily on my side account...


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to make things worse, i'm pretty sure i did it on my main too. the reason being, i went to the 'dailies' page on this website b/c i wanted the healing springs link to heal a sick pet on my side. i have a habit of clicking all my dailies, and i guess i wasnt thinking, so i clicked anchor management and then fire, or whatever it says.... once i realized what i was doing, i quickly exited out of the page, but i don't think i was quick enough. now i'm really scared they're going to freeze me. i read that TNT can tell if it's an accident, and that you should just avoid doing it on your main, but what if i already did it on my main? i'm a paranoid person, sorry.

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that's ok ... as long as it's just this once ... you can discard the item you get from it ... TNT knows that accidents happen and they only flag accounts that do dailies on sides a lot ... one time won't get you frozen so relax :)

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I would think you'll be fine this time, just don't make a habit out of it! Like you said, TNT can monitor account habits so they'll likely deduce this was a mistake on your part and you're not trying to cheat. Besides, they're all on holidays now anyway so your actions are more likely to be overlooked (j/k don't risk it any further!)

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A tip: I keep my main and side logged in on different browsers and do everything manually (as in "explore. Faerieland. Healing springs.") on the browser with my side. It helps me keep them straight and prevents the logging in and out problems.

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A tip: I keep my main and side logged in on different browsers and do everything manually (as in "explore. Faerieland. Healing springs.") on the browser with my side. It helps me keep them straight and prevents the logging in and out problems.

That's a good idea. I think i'll start using firefox for my sides and chrome for my main.

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I do the same. And just in case, I use a special site theme on my main and basic ones on my sides. That way it's easier to not make any of those mistakes.


That's what I've been doing too for all my accounts.


Since you use Chrome, you can create a different profile on Chrome, so you won't have to start a different browser. My main profile uses my main account, while I use my second profile for my side accounts.

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That's what I've been doing too for all my accounts.


Since you use Chrome, you can create a different profile on Chrome, so you won't have to start a different browser. My main profile uses my main account, while I use my second profile for my side accounts.


How do you create a different profile on chrone?

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I'd never heard of this before, but I looked it up. It looks like the best thing to do is essentially set up multiple Chrome users, and then you can have your own log-ins, bookmarks, settings, etc. You can see instructions on it here: http://support.google.com/chrome/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=142059.

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