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Lefty or Righty?


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I'm right-handed and my left hand is practically useless for most things.

For example, I can't write with my left hand without it looking like something a preschooler would write. And if I tried to use any utensils with my left hand, I'd end up dropping my food.

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I was right handed and then I got a skin condition on my right hand for about a year which rendered it pretty much useless to use, so I had to learn how to do everything left handed which was awkward at first, but then I got use to it. I can now use both hands comfortably so I guess I'm ambidextrous.

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Well, in response to my comments with Presidents, it's interesting to note that it's almost equal in terms of left handed presidents as right handed, which is unique, because if you compare the population, which is dominated by right handers, to have so many presidents fit that role is so cool! Here's the links: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Handedness_of_Presidents_of_the_United_States



Left handers, you have potential. ^.~

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Well, in response to my comments with Presidents, it's interesting to note that it's almost equal in terms of left handed presidents as right handed, which is unique, because if you compare the population, which is dominated by right handers, to have so many presidents fit that role is so cool! Here's the links: http://en.wikipedia....e_United_States



Left handers, you have potential. ^.~


Yep, I have never noticed that until I clicked on the link. It was a surprise to me :D People, here I come - your next president

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I'm right-handed. I tend to do a few things with my left, but that's more from the fact that my wrist issues are more severe in my right wrist, due to it being my dominate hand. I generally unlock/lock padlocks and staple with my left hand, because it's easier/less painful than using my right.


I drive almost entirely with my left hand. I don't know when I picked up the habit of driving with one hand, most likely when I drove a manual shift car. Now that I have an automatic car again, I just rest my right hand on the passenger seat or the gear shift, since it's in the middle console. I really despise driving with two hands unless the traffic or weather is bad.

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It's true that most househeld tools are better suited for right-handed people. I feel bad for all the lefties who have trouble using these, it seems like it would be a burden. I saw a myth going around that a number of left-handed people were killed using right-handed products every year. After further research though the studies were kind of stupid because it didn't take into account all the right-handed people who also died, using the same products. :P


Then I also heard that right-handed people live longer than left-handed people. Not sure how this would be a factor at all! Lol.

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Then I also heard that right-handed people live longer than left-handed people. Not sure how this would be a factor at all! Lol.


i read that in several medical journals as well , i think it has to do with Lefties being dominated by the Right Cerebral Hemisphere ... the one responsible for Holistic Thinking & Creativity ... thus more stress ....

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Changing gears with my right hand is not an easy deal as well ...


Definitely agreed! I'm a leftie in pretty much everything I do, except using a computer mouse, a few sports, and a few other things (I never consciously realise I'm a righty in something until someone goes, "Hey I thought you were left handed?" and I'm like "Hey cool I'm ACTUALLY doing something with my right hand!"). Learning to drive stick was probably one of the harder things I've done in life, not just because I wasn't used to having to use the clutch, but also because I had to focus on using my right hand to do something.


I don't meet many lefties, so it's nice to see there are some around TDN ^_^

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I'm right handed, but I play the french horn, which uses your left hand primarily. This alone trained my left hand a little bit, so I decided, "why not?" and now I am semi-ambidextrous. I eat with my right hand, but I brush my teeth with my left and I can write with both. :D

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For some reason, when I read this, I thought it said "eat your mouse". xD

I am a righty for everything. I can't really do anything with my left hand. xD

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I'm a righty, but I went through a phase in middle school where I wanted to be a lefty. Lefties always look so cool when they write. I practiced writing with my left hand, trying to get better. It didn't work, but I tried. I still have a bunch of folders where I wrote the subject name with my left hand. They're legible, but definitely shaky!


My boyfriend is a lefty, though. He told me it's always weird to him when he sees me do stuff with my right hand, even though he knows I'm right-handed!

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