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So I adopted a Uni today


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I recently managed to secure access to the secret lab, and I'm going to start zapping poundees in the hope that someone will want to adopt them.


I recently adopted a Blue Uni, and I'm curious as to what colors I should shoot for. Is there somewhere I could go to see what the popular colors are for certain species?

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I don't know of a place where you can see popular colours, but this is Neopets' own place where you can see all the colours:




Some colours cannot be zapped, and some are the exact opposite and can only be gained through the lab ray :)

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um... it shouldn't take months - I normally get one or two colour changes per month :)


But it is true that the idea of aiming for something specific is pretty much impossible - just be grateful for anything good that you get. After all, you've got as much chance of it changing species as you have of it changing colour.

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I <3 Uni's!!


There are some really awesome colors for the Uni (halloween, WOODLAND, robot,WATER, etc.)

And some awful ones (glowing, not a fan of baby)

The best thing is, some of the colors that aren't normally the best (brown, spotted, etc.) look quite nice on the uni (its basically a horse)


Because of this, most color changes you get after the standard ones, will be OK

You cant exactly aim for a color with the labray

Anyways, good luck

I hope you are lucky and zap a Woodland :)


Oh and if you zap a brown one..... pm me plz ;)

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That's really kind of you :)


I'd suggest checking out adoption agencies like ZYDP (& their affiliates to go to more such places) to get a feel of what people are wishing for.

They're also a great starting place to look for potential new homes :)

Off the top of my head, I'd say Woodland is the popular one for Uni.


If anyone is interested, I'm zapping an Usul & she's just become silver :ph34r:

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I've already bookmarked Lost and Pound, so that when I adopt out one pet, I can find another one to adopt. I figured I've already got personalities for all the pets on my main, not to mention that I've already filled all four slots. So, I made a side account for the lab. I thought about transferring one of my current pets to it, but I was able to secure a great name for a Blue Peophin so I jumped on it. She's now the official welcoming committee, even though she's probably gonna be younger than any pet I adopt.


Lost and Pound is a very nice site if anyone wants to use to look for potential zappees. You can sort the pets by species or by how long they've been in the pound. _mery (that's the Uni's name) was one of the oldest pets in the pound, so I couldn't pass her up.


By the way, do you need to be Neofriends with someone in order to do a transfer, or do you just need the user's name? Also, does it have to be a pet-for-pet trade, or could I just transfer the pet for free?

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I love doing Poundee zapping! I do it all the time, but right now I'm waiting to UTU a robot Kacheek so I can resume the fun. I've zapped a Uni to disco and one to skunk. I re-Pounded the disco one and kept the skunk.

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