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Wow this is frustrating. Im struggling on the challenges today and can't even play some...

I feel your pain. I'm having trouble just getting a single challenge finished today lol. I can't get up to 4500 in Goparokko for the life of me.

Posted (edited)

I feel your pain. I'm having trouble just getting a single challenge finished today lol. I can't get up to 4500 in Goparokko for the life of me.


I couldn't even come close to that score on Med or Hard, but I got to 5616 on Easy mode :) So try that ^^



*GASP* NOOOoooOooo!! We're tied with those Ninjas nows T__T we must win!!!

Edited by Sakeru_Kyori

Ultimate Bullseye II :sick02:

Just shoot me already. I'm totally hopeless at that game /facepalm


I couldn't even come close to that score on Med or Hard, but I got to 5616 on Easy mode :) So try that ^^

Yeah, that's what I was doing. I got close to 4,000 on easy, but then I got stuck and time ran out. :P


Ultimate Bullseye II :sick02:

Just shoot me already. I'm totally hopeless at that game /facepalm

I know right :P I got the scores though after a lot of trying ^^ you do get used to it and where to shoot with the amount of power after so many trys :) you'll get it, just keep trying ^__^

Yeah, that's what I was doing. I got close to 4,000 on easy, but then I got stuck and time ran out. :P

Yeah it gets pretty hard once you start getting into those levels. Best of luck though ^_-


And Gem heist is now working!


Yeah it gets pretty hard once you start getting into those levels. Best of luck though ^_-

Thanks! I managed to get it once. I've finished all the challenges for today, so I'm working on bonuses now and slowly making my way back to Goparokko. :P


Ultimate Bullseye II is pretty easy for me even though I'm not so great at hitting all the balloons or aiming right, because I practiced a bit with it to get the avatar so 50 isn't so bad.


Goparokko however will probably be the death of me @A@ I can't seem to get over 3800 or so... I don't like timed games :( I tend to panic and then lose lol


Ugh, I finally have completed all the challenges- I still have most of the bonuses to do though. D: Goparokko is AWFUL, omg.

On the plus side though, I found out that I'm actually really good at Itchy Invasion! It's one that I've never played outside of Daily Dare and stuff, but I'm really good at it. :O I should be getting a trophy tonight!


Ugh, I finally have completed all the challenges- I still have most of the bonuses to do though. D: Goparokko is AWFUL, omg.

On the plus side though, I found out that I'm actually really good at Itchy Invasion! It's one that I've never played outside of Daily Dare and stuff, but I'm really good at it. :O I should be getting a trophy tonight!

It is. I like Bejeweled but Goparokko is just argh.


Whooo way to go. Go get that shiny trophy! *waves pompoms*


Ugh, I finally have completed all the challenges- I still have most of the bonuses to do though. D: Goparokko is AWFUL, omg.

On the plus side though, I found out that I'm actually really good at Itchy Invasion! It's one that I've never played outside of Daily Dare and stuff, but I'm really good at it. :O I should be getting a trophy tonight!

Congrats on the trophy! I'm not too bad at Itchy Invasion, but certainly not decent enough to qualify for a trophy. :P


It is. I like Bejeweled but Goparokko is just argh.


Whooo way to go. Go get that shiny trophy! *waves pompoms*

I know, right? I used to play Bejeweled all the time, but Goparokko... my eyes feel like they're going to start bleeding!


:D I get pompoms! :D Thanks! I've been knocked down from gold, but that's okay- the silver trophy is much prettier, LOL. :D (and really, any trophy is okay in my books, hahaha)

Congrats on the trophy! I'm not too bad at Itchy Invasion, but certainly not decent enough to qualify for a trophy. :P

Thanks! :D I was really surprised, ahhaa. I think I'll be adding this one to my favourites list, lol. :D


Today's challenges have been so frustrating! It is comforting to see that others on these boards think so as well!


I finally got Goparokko on Easy... it was the worst because it takes like 15 minutes to build up a game on Easy and I am not exaggerating I got between 4000 and 4400 at least 7 or 8 times before I finally got over 4500. I also hate Ultimate Bullseye. The first time I got over 50 (after like 40 tries) it wouldn't accept my score and I hit the wall multiple times in anger and now my hand hurts haha. On top of that, I have not gotten anything worth more than like 50 nps for my bonus plays!! My life is so hard....


Hopefully tomorrow will be better and I won't be so angry and bitter!! :)



I finally score enough for Itchy invasion. Can't see straight now xD



I finally score enough for Itchy invasion. Can't see straight now xD

Awwww, muffin! I guess you won't be going for the bonuses? ;)


EDIT: Woo, I did get the second place trophy. :3


It's so cute! :D


Ugh I still can't get past 3800 on Goparokko and it's almost another day and I don't think they'd extend the time for that challenge because it was working earlier noooooo


/lays on floor ;-;


Awwww, muffin! I guess you won't be going for the bonuses? ;)


EDIT: Woo, I did get the second place trophy. :3


It's so cute! :D

Yep, going to pass. Today's games are a killer for me v______v


Ooooh shiny~ *throws confetti over your head*

Off to admire it on your lookup :D


Yep, going to pass. Today's games are a killer for me v______v


Ooooh shiny~ *throws confetti over your head*

Off to admire it on your lookup :D

^_^ Thanks! Yay, confetti!

Finally finished all the bonuses! Surprised myself, because I really did not think that I would even finish all of the challenges today. :P

Wow, that's amazing! I only got the bonuses done on two of the challenges. Oh well. :D


EDIT: Whaaaaaat? Is anyone else having issues with Ready to Roll? I keep falling out of the square in the first level. UGH. I've already finished Bruno's Backwoods Breakaway, and Nimmo's Pond. I just want to get these challenges done before work. :( I don't think I'll get another chance to play them today!




I hope everyone managed to get passed Goparokko yesterday ^_^


Todays games might be a bit annoying too :/ Barf Boat is Easy but I'm already having issues with Ready to Roll T_T The qualifying gmes were slightly irritating because I was trying to add the incompleteed games to my favorites and then send a score in for them to be completed but as usual the stupid favorite Heart thing wouldnt work right and add the games to my favorites. I ended up having t ojust do ones that I had already favorited. I haven't realy ever played Bruno's Breakaway so I don't know about that one. And I remember not likeing Nimmos Pond when I tried it forever ago lol. Might change my mind this time but I doubt it :) Best of luck though to everyone!


Sweet :) though crummy on the score mess up again :/ I hope TNT really looks over everything more throughly before releasing an event like this again.


EDIT: Whaaaaaat? Is anyone else having issues with Ready to Roll? I keep falling out of the square in the first level. UGH. I've already finished Bruno's Backwoods Breakaway, and Nimmo's Pond. I just want to get these challenges done before work. :( I don't think I'll get another chance to play them today!

That's really weird. I didn't have any issues with Ready to Roll, especially not falling out like that at the first level. :/


Bruno's Backwoods Breakaway is going to be the death of me.


That's really weird. I didn't have any issues with Ready to Roll, especially not falling out like that at the first level. :/


Bruno's Backwoods Breakaway is going to be the death of me.

Me too. My brother scored 5. :O He is little, so yea.

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