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I don't like that items and NP are awarded from the BD now. Because this means our side pets can no longer fight. This is bad for players who only have access to the Lab Ray on sides and not on mains and need to fight the Scientist to get their pet's gender swapped.


This is also bad for side accounts with pets who might also have high stats and previously fought in the BD on sides.


Luckily the Editorial said there will be an option to turn off rewards, so pets can fight on sides. I hope this is true....because while rewards might be nice, they also don't seem like a good idea to me.


Oh yeah...and the fact that your pet isn't fully healed after a battle anymore isn't good, either. After all, your pet cannot take a Healing Potion unless it is completely out of HP, so this will be even more troublesome during a plot.


You can use a healing potion whenever you like, provided you're not in the middle of a battle. I usually don't like my HP below 20, so if I get down too far, I'll use the Essence of Everlasting Apple.


I can understand the complaints, but I think the prizes are fantastic. I put a lot of time and NP into training my BD pet, as well as into getting weapons (and I will be putting a lot more in over the coming years). I have worked hard to have a good BD pet, and it's nice finally getting some kind of reward for it- as you do whenever you do well in another area of the site. If you're good at restocking, you get a profit, if you're good at gaming, you get profit and trophies. If you're an excellent artist, you get profit and trophies, etc. Battling is one of the most expensive things you can do, and yet, up until now, you could get three trophies (if you count the Punchbag Bob as one of them), and a couple of avatars.


Not being healed makes things more difficult, for sure. Same with not being able to withdraw and not have it counted as a loss. Is that a bad thing? No, I don't really think so. I think it makes things interesting, and requires people to be better at battling, which is pretty nice.


I have to agree with Rebecca here, my husband is a battledomer and that's really what he enjoys doing. But for years, he's not had a reward for doing it - and he's put a lot of money into training. So it's nice to see that they're doing something to change that, I for one can certainly appreciate it. Healing after leaving battle doesn't bother me, I can stock up on healing potions very easily, and I don't battle something I can't beat, and I keep a healer on hand. Not really an issue as far as I'm concerned.


Plus, healers are super cheap- remember how a couple months ago TNT updated the prices at the Healing Springs? It'll cost you a maximum of 225NP to be fully healed, if I remember right. That seems like a pretty good deal for me.


I would have to say its a great idea. Some people just verse Inflatable Bathalazar and get healed while others use potions. Prizes from the BD is awesome for those who train so I find that very fair.


Good thing after the whole Faerie Ruins plot, I've been saving potions from the Healing Springs in case of another plot or battledome update xD


I'm really glad they decided to finally add prizes and help make a few items a more "fair" price in the economy. Too bad we don't get healed for winning anymore, but I always did like a challenge!


I for one cannot wait for the lucky day I get a Mystery Island Paint Brush from Pango Palliduim xP


i think the benefits outweigh the cons personally :P


its made the battledome a much more attractive activity to me, i've even added it to my dailies now :)


the fact you can't battle on sides will be addressed eventually, and the battledome is still in beta stage, so i'm looking forward to the day when all of this will be ironed out and fixed :)


the lack of healing isn't such a big thing for me as you can visit the springs often, and its free, so i think its a great thing TNT have done. the full heal i imagine they removed as there are now prizes out. and alway it will help reduce the amount of potions in circulation, earlier you couldn't get rid of a pale elixir for ages, now at least it will sell xD a smart idea by probably the same minds that bought you the Rubbish! avatar ;)


Wait...so your pets can take other Healing Potions even if they aren't completely out of HP? This confuses me because I could not give a Healing Potion III (any of the numbered healing potions) to my Kougra once when he only had 1 HP left.

  On 11/14/2012 at 8:01 AM, Lady Lyuba said:

Wait...so your pets can take other Healing Potions even if they aren't completely out of HP? This confuses me because I could not give a Healing Potion III (any of the numbered healing potions) to my Kougra once when he only had 1 HP left.

I've never had any issue trying to give my pet a healing potion unless I was stuck in a battle.

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