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The Daily Neopets' presents... Puzzle Challenge 2012!

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  On 11/17/2012 at 2:40 AM, Wildbreeze said:

Thanks! I was sure there should be a guide, but I guess I wasn't looking in the right place.


Edit: Aaaand... I still have nothing.


Join the club. I still don't even know what two of the items are. :(

But I'm not giving up. :)


Sorry I never replied back to the questions after my hint.. I went out with the hubby for the evening.


But, like I said earlier open each item up in the battlepedia in order in separate tabs. The first thing you want to look for regarding each item may not be on the item page itself but perhaps they are in a bar of some kind? ;) After that my other hint may be more useful. Good luck!


Oh also you don't need to know what the icons mean at all. Promise.

  On 11/17/2012 at 3:45 AM, Noilygirl8888 said:

Which ones do you still need? Maybe I could help!


I know the first 3 and last 2, but not the middle two. One looks like a vial or potion, the other looks like a shield of some sort...

  On 11/17/2012 at 4:42 AM, 7_rayne_7 said:

I know the first 3 and last 2, but not the middle two. One looks like a vial or potion, the other looks like a shield of some sort...

You're actually very close to both of them, considering those key words.


Ok. I got the vial, but not the shield. :/ (I thought of the description vial as I was typing, I forgot to actually search it. :P )


Edit: Nevermind. :P Now to find the solution... :nerd:

  On 11/17/2012 at 5:03 AM, 7_rayne_7 said:

Ok. I got the vial, but not the shield. :/ (I thought of the description vial as I was typing, I forgot to actually search it. :P )


Edit: Nevermind. :P Now to find the solution... :nerd:


Congratulations! In my opinion, finding the items was the hardest part. Good luck!

  On 11/17/2012 at 5:12 AM, poptart123 said:

Congratulations! In my opinion, finding the items was the hardest part. Good luck!

I feel like finding the items was easy--at least easier than finding the answer is for me.


I guess it's different for everybody. Both finding the items and finding the solution were hard for me without a doubt. But it took me longer to find the items than it did to find the answer.


I'm still waiting for an "aha!" moment, but it hasn't arrived yet. I may have to put this one off for a while.


Yay! No.16 done, finding all those items made my eyes go very x_x and then I was stumped with finding the connection, I had two ideas but couldn't find any patterns but then I looked at both ideas at the same time...


Also had a surge of annoyance for the dominoes and just put in a random guess annnnd......it was wrong. Unsurprisingly :P Ah I wish I was on holidays so I could spend more than 5 minutes here or there. Although when I am on holidays I feel like I'm going to spend days on end just staring at them, wishing for them to form into some sort of combination


#17 bites the dust!


I used to love that sort of puzzle when I was a kid - haven't done one in years :wub_anim:


PS: There have been a lot of clues given for #16! Maybe we ought to stop giving them for a bit?

  On 11/17/2012 at 10:17 AM, licious said:

For # 17, do I need to type it in capital letters? I found the answer but it didn't work :(


No you don't, at least, I didn't


Maybe you made a mistake? You want the word left over when you've fitted in all the others.

  On 11/17/2012 at 11:42 AM, SophSoph said:

17 down! Now back to 2 and 16...


EDIT: YUSSSSS!!!!!!!! Finally got 2 :D Thanks for all the hints guys <3


You got THE number 2?? Congrats!!


Any hint on that would be very much appreciated! ;)

  On 11/17/2012 at 11:42 AM, SophSoph said:

17 down! Now back to 2 and 16...


EDIT: YUSSSSS!!!!!!!! Finally got 2 :D Thanks for all the hints guys <3


Oh my goodness congrats! How on earth did you do it? I sat down with all the hints in mind and started going to town only to realize there were still too many possibilities with other letters and wasn't making any progress.


Congrats on getting the evil number 2!

I'm not going to get number 2... I'm stuck on 16 too. I just did a puzzle like 17 the other day, so it was pretty easy for me. The hard part was trying to write in the letters when you don't have a mouse :thumbsup:


So, to my knowledge, 3 people have solved the *evil* puzzle

(SophSoph, Ysera, elbandito999)

Izzy, are there any more people?


Congrats to everyone on solving it!! :thumbsup:

*shuffles the pieces around on my table*

Well, I'm not getting it any time soon so...

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