Zephyr Posted October 28, 2012 Posted October 28, 2012 I'm just terrified of all these set-backs I've suffered. The depression/pain makes me lose concentration which makes it really hard for me to study at times. Sometimes I'll get so depressed I lose sight of my dream and think what's the point? I'm not smart enough or "normal" enough for a job like this. It's very easy for me to feel this way or some other negative emotions at night. I used to have a few nightcaps & maybe a cig if it got really bad. But like my friend in Norway, don't give up. Things may be happening in tiny steps, always believe they'll get better. My mom is pretty into Buddhism too. If you'd like to chat bout that or just talk, my inbox is always available. @Rebecca: She's doing great, thanks for asking c: You're right, Christmas is going to be a test. She's not fond of it at all; that is when she used to party the hardest. I guess I'll wait til early Nov to bring it up as I have the tact of an elephant xD Quote
karmacow Posted October 30, 2012 Posted October 30, 2012 I had my doctor's appointment today. He has now read my journal and he thinks it's an incredibly bad idea to reduce my dose, at least by as much as I suggested (I wanted to cut it in half). But he did suggest to take 1/4 off my dose. That doesn't seem like a lot to me (I take 400mg each day), but it's a reduction, so I'll take it. ~Xandria 1 Quote
Rebecca~ Posted October 30, 2012 Posted October 30, 2012 Karmacow: I'm SO glad that you were able to get a reduction, even though it's not as much as you wanted! Hopefully you can start feeling a difference-- maybe this will go really well, and he will reduce your dose further. :3 Zephyr: Hahah, I feel you! I'm sure it'll go well, though, when you talk to her. :) April: Thank you for sharing! I don't know how helpful this is, but I completely understand how you feel, at least in regards to your Aspergers. People are just.. kind of confusing. I've known my friends for almost a decade, and I still have trouble understanding what their actual meanings are, and we misunderstand each other quite frequently. One of them, M, never actually says that she's angry or upset until it has turned into this huge giant thing, where one of the issues is that I couldn't tell she was angry at me by her body language or something. She doesn't understand that I can't read any but the most basic of nonverbal cues- when I told her that I was quite sure I had Aspergers, she dismissed it completely. People won't always understand, and they do tend to treat us badly-- I have found that some people treat me kind of like a stupid child, or like someone who is just overreacting (which sounds like what your mum does!). But some people do get it- and not just other people with Asperger's. I have found that one of the best things I've done is make friends with other people who are introverts. They tend to be a bit socially awkward, so we are socially awkward together, and they're okay with the fact that I get exhausted after hanging out for a couple hours every once in a while-- they're usually the same way! You're very couragous for speaking out about your disorders, and I know I am glad you did. :) karmacow 1 Quote
~Xandria Posted October 30, 2012 Author Posted October 30, 2012 Karmacow - It's a relief to hear you say that. I hope you start feeling better. & for some reason if you find the meds not working or causing bad side effects, tell your doctor or find a new one who will listen to you. I'm glad you updated us. :wub_anim: Hugs and all the best to you! Zephyr - I have really bad insomnia and my negative thoughts are mostly at night, when I'm the only one awake. Sometimes I'll get really irritable too. During those times I feel bad for my boyfriend. I mean, I try my hardest to control the depression on my own. Eventually I'm going to have to save up the money to get real help, I'm afraid not any time soon though. Thanks for sharing your insight, and I probably will take up your offer and message you. :P Rebecca - Thanks for sharing your struggles with aspergers. I hope it opens up people's minds to be more tolerate of ALL diseases. Invisible or not. For instance; I have a cousin with tourettes. It's not exactly invisible, but people still judge him. They think he's crazy. He spends a lot of his time inside for fear of being hit or tourmented. It's really really sad. When he does go out he has to wear a shirt saying "I have tourettes". People have came up to him and said you look your having a melt-down you should go to a nut house. :ohno: People are so cruel. Rebecca~ 1 Quote
karmacow Posted October 30, 2012 Posted October 30, 2012 Even though my doctor didn't tell me what I wanted to hear, I already respect him a lot. Even after just two consultations. Could be in part because I felt like my previous doctor didn't take me seriously, and my new doctor very clearly does listen. He's younger too, so perhaps he isn't as jaded yet. Rebecca~ and ~Xandria 2 Quote
~Xandria Posted November 1, 2012 Author Posted November 1, 2012 Even though my doctor didn't tell me what I wanted to hear, I already respect him a lot. Even after just two consultations. Could be in part because I felt like my previous doctor didn't take me seriously, and my new doctor very clearly does listen. He's younger too, so perhaps he isn't as jaded yet. Glad to hear you have a nice doctor. They are few and far between. (At least they are here!) Sorry I'm so late in getting back to this topic. I truly hope everyone is doing well! Lots of hugs your way KC! <3 karmacow 1 Quote
sideways Posted November 1, 2012 Posted November 1, 2012 too much to read/10 This post has been edited by a member of staff (Anime) because of a violation of the forum rules. Please make all posts at least 7 words long. Also, stay on topic and do not post for the sake of posting. If you find the thread too long, then don't read it. There is no need to comment saying so. Please check your user inbox to see if you have been contacted regarding this incident, then review our rules. Quote
~Xandria Posted November 4, 2012 Author Posted November 4, 2012 I know this topic hasn't been bumped in awhile... but I just had to as I am feeling particulary unwell tonight so I figured I'd post here. Lately my panic attacks have been getting worse and worse. It's really affecting my ability to focus on school or my "very" part-time job. I don't work much because of my panic attacks. Thankfully my bf makes decent pay but it's only enough to get us by. I feel so terrible, not being able to do more. I know that education is important, and I'm very dedicated to getting my college degree. I know it will better the both of us in the future... but it just seems like I'm in a constant state of guilt. I feel guilty for not helping more financially. I feel guilty that I can't just make this stop. He works really long hours and then has to come home and put up with me having panic attacks. I guess it's really not fair on either end. I just don't know what to do anymore. I've lost my ability to function because of my extreme pain. The pain causes panic attacks, which leads to more chest pain, sweating, aching, headaches, fatigue, and sometimes extreme shaking. I don't know how to cope anymore.... I know there isn't really much to say to this.. so I guess I'm just looking for support and to be reminded that things will get better. Right now it just feels like it's all going down hill. There are so many things I'm afraid of. I'm afraid once I actually have a degree I won't do anything with it because I'm so agoraphobiac. I feel like I'm forever stuck inside this horrible illness and there is no way out. I know people say depression is a very treatable condition, but... I haven't found that to be the case. Then again, I've never really recieved any "adequate treatmeant" I guess. I can only hope that one day I can afford to get better. I want to just make myself better and I feel so weak for not being able too. (I've also been coping with the death of a loved one that I never got to meet) most woman will understand. Sorry for the depressing rant guys. I guess I've just hit a low spot. :( I probably dragged this out too long and will regret it later. I'm usually not so open with my struggles, I'm just really in need of advice or kind words of any sort. Quote
Naamah D. Posted November 4, 2012 Posted November 4, 2012 I have Aspergers. My life has been very painful at times. School is a very bad place for me right now. When I'm at home I'm perfectly fine because I'm away from my ex who I've become very possesive over. He's a trigger for me. Triggers are a bad thing. Video games are my safe haven. There my escape from everything that's going on in my life right now. I recently started playing them more often. Unlike triggers, that's a good thing. I try my best to find distractions. While I may try to act confident and happy, on the inside I'm not. I struggle with a lot of things. A good example of what I struggle with is... Body image: I am constantly comparing myself to other girls. I'm dieting right now so that's been helping me ease my mind. I used to weight 235 pounds. That was a bad time in my life. Now at a weight of 210, I feel healthy. When I weighed 235 I was stuffing my face all the time. That wasn't proper body image that was people at school's twisted view of body image. I could rant about this, but I'm not going to. Quote
Zephyr Posted November 4, 2012 Posted November 4, 2012 Sorry for the depressing rant guys. I guess I've just hit a low spot. :( I probably dragged this out too long and will regret it later. I'm usually not so open with my struggles, I'm just really in need of advice or kind words of any sort. *hugs*I felt lots of doubt & guilt with my ex when I hit a low point. That path was just... ugly. I hope you find comfort & strength in your bf's support. I'll leave this with you: Difficulties polish a person's character. The trials we are given are proportional to our strengths. Otherwise we wouldn't be using our true power to overcome them and then we wouldn't be able to grow stronger. The steps you're taking now, no matter how small, will pave the way for future possibilities :) ~Xandria 1 Quote
Rebecca~ Posted November 4, 2012 Posted November 4, 2012 I know this topic hasn't been bumped in awhile... but I just had to as I am feeling particulary unwell tonight so I figured I'd post here. Lately my panic attacks have been getting worse and worse. It's really affecting my ability to focus on school or my "very" part-time job. I don't work much because of my panic attacks. Thankfully my bf makes decent pay but it's only enough to get us by. I feel so terrible, not being able to do more. I know that education is important, and I'm very dedicated to getting my college degree. I know it will better the both of us in the future... but it just seems like I'm in a constant state of guilt. I feel guilty for not helping more financially. I feel guilty that I can't just make this stop. He works really long hours and then has to come home and put up with me having panic attacks. I guess it's really not fair on either end. I just don't know what to do anymore. I've lost my ability to function because of my extreme pain. The pain causes panic attacks, which leads to more chest pain, sweating, aching, headaches, fatigue, and sometimes extreme shaking. I don't know how to cope anymore.... I know there isn't really much to say to this.. so I guess I'm just looking for support and to be reminded that things will get better. Right now it just feels like it's all going down hill. There are so many things I'm afraid of. I'm afraid once I actually have a degree I won't do anything with it because I'm so agoraphobiac. I feel like I'm forever stuck inside this horrible illness and there is no way out. I know people say depression is a very treatable condition, but... I haven't found that to be the case. Then again, I've never really recieved any "adequate treatmeant" I guess. I can only hope that one day I can afford to get better. I want to just make myself better and I feel so weak for not being able too. (I've also been coping with the death of a loved one that I never got to meet) most woman will understand. Sorry for the depressing rant guys. I guess I've just hit a low spot. :( I probably dragged this out too long and will regret it later. I'm usually not so open with my struggles, I'm just really in need of advice or kind words of any sort. Sweetie, I'm sorry you're having a hard time right now. -hugs-I know it's easy to say, but you shouldn't feel guilty. You are a wonderful person, and you do what you can. I wish I could say more. :( -hugs- Quote
karmacow Posted November 4, 2012 Posted November 4, 2012 @Quallaso I'm sorry you have to go through this :( I'll echo Rebecca; I totally get why you feel guilty. Most people want to feel like they contribute equally (compared to friends, significant others, room mates). But you're doing what you can, and that's all anyone can expect or demand of another person. You've got your troubles to battle with and it wouldn't be fair if you had to do more. @Naamah I deeply hope for you, that you will reach a place where you feel happy about who you are. I don't have any real advice, but from what I gather from your other posts, I think you need to "find yourself". That's hard to do while you're still in a school environment, because there tends to be set rules for what you need to be like, to be a "proper person". That's super restrictive and it makes it hard to accept yourself. Even for those who appear to be perfect in every way. Once you leave school and enter "the real world", you have a better chance of finding out who you really are. ~Xandria 1 Quote
~Xandria Posted November 5, 2012 Author Posted November 5, 2012 Thanks everyone for all the sweet replies. I really wish I could just flip a switch and get better. My pain has been acting up, so aside from school I haven't been getting out much. I know I need to get out more, but the thought of it just kills me. I've lost motivation for a lot of things I used to enjoy doing. It'd be nice to just have one pain free-day... but that hasn't been for a long while. Naamah - I also have body image issues. I think most women do in some form or another, but it's a real problem when it turns into self destructive behavior. I'm glad you are dieting and that it's making you feel better... but may I suggest you not call it "dieting" instead think of it as a lifestyle change. I know you've probably heard it all before, but I know it would probably make things easier on you. Just make sure you are not letting yourself go hungry and that you are losing weight at a healthy and steady pace. That's what will keep the weight off! My body weight flucuates a lot. When I was in middle school, I was pretty hefty. The torment I faced has still stuck with me. In fact, I think my low self confidence is what lead to my depression in the first place. I'm sorry that you are going through pain too. It's hard enough with the depression, anxiety and low self-esteem but add the physical pain and you've got a really bad combination. I think the thing I'm most fearful of is not living up to my expectations of myself. I set them really high and I just want to be able to say I'm proud of myself one day. Oh, and I'd like to recommend this link. I came across it yesterday. - http://www.stumbleup...he-strong.html/ You can check it out if you have the time. If not, here's a quote from it that I found interesting ~ "This illness nearly always happens to a certain type of person. He or she is strong, reliable, diligent, with a strong conscience and sense of responsibility, but is also sensitive, easily hurt by criticism and has a self esteem which while robust on the outside, is in fact quite vulnerable and easily dented. This is the person to whom you would turn to in times of need, and they would never let you down. Why should this type of person be the one to get ill? The reason becomes clear when one understands what clinical depression is. It is not only a psychological condition but also a physical illness." I know you have aspergers and that it does differ from depression.... I don't know if you have a duel diagnosis or not. IE: clinical depression and aspergers or if it's just the aspergers that affects your anxiety. Anyways, this is really for anyone here who is suffering from depression. I found this really eye opening because it describes me to a T. I was also strong, had high hopes and ambitions, and I've always went out of my way to help others but deep down very sensitive and afraid of humiliation. I suppose I was always predestined to this. I know money doesn't solve everything, but a little extra would really come in handy right about now. I'm at my wits end and I just need to start trying different medications and treatmeant options. I'm just so sick of america's healthcare. It makes me so sad to know that I wouldn't be dealing with all of this if we had universal care like everyone else. My bf and I already have to have food-stamps to help us eat. I just don't get WHY america can give food-stamps so the poor can have money to eat, but can't give us healthcare so we can get better when we are sick? I know I've ranted about that a lot though and there's really nothing I can do about it.. so I'll stop now. This is longer than I intended. (as usual) but thanks so much @Zephyr @Rebecca @KC! I really appreciate the support and kind words. Love you all and I hope you start feeling better too Naamah. <3 karmacow 1 Quote
Rebecca~ Posted November 5, 2012 Posted November 5, 2012 Thanks everyone for all the sweet replies. I really wish I could just flip a switch and get better. My pain has been acting up, so aside from school I haven't been getting out much. I know I need to get out more, but the thought of it just kills me. I've lost motivation for a lot of things I used to enjoy doing. It'd be nice to just have one pain free-day... but that hasn't been for a long while. Naamah - I also have body image issues. I think most women do in some form or another, but it's a real problem when it turns into self destructive behavior. I'm glad you are dieting and that it's making you feel better... but may I suggest you not call it "dieting" instead think of it as a lifestyle change. I know you've probably heard it all before, but I know it would probably make things easier on you. Just make sure you are not letting yourself go hungry and that you are losing weight at a healthy and steady pace. That's what will keep the weight off! My body weight flucuates a lot. When I was in middle school, I was pretty hefty. The torment I faced has still has stuck with me. In fact, I think my low self confidence is what lead to my depression in the first place. I'm sorry that you are going through pain too. It's hard enough with the depression, anxiety and low self-esteem but add the physical pain and you've got a really bad combination. I think the thing I'm most fearful of is not living up to my expectations of myself. I set them really high and I just want to be able to say I'm proud of myself one day. Oh, and I'd like to recommend this link. I came across it yesterday. - http://www.stumbleup...he-strong.html/ You can check it out if you have the time. If not, here's a quote from it that I found interesting ~ "This illness nearly always happens to a certain type of person. He or she is strong, reliable, diligent, with a strong conscience and sense of responsibility, but is also sensitive, easily hurt by criticism and has a self esteem which while robust on the outside, is in fact quite vulnerable and easily dented. This is the person to whom you would turn to in times of need, and they would never let you down. Why should this type of person be the one to get ill? The reason becomes clear when one understands what clinical depression is. It is not only a psychological condition but also a physical illness." I know you have aspergers and that it does differ from depression.... I don't know if you have a duel diagnosis or not. IE: clinical depression and aspergers or if it's just the aspergers that affects your anxiety. Anyways, this is really for anyone here who is suffering from depression. I found this really eye opening because it describes me to a T. I was also strong, had high hopes and ambitions, and I've always went out of my way to help others but deep down very sensitive and afraid of humiliation. I suppose I was always predestined to this. I know money doesn't solve everything, but a little extra would really come in handy right about now. I'm at my wits end and I just need to start trying different medications and treatmeant options. I'm just so sick of america's healthcare. It makes me so sad to know that I wouldn't be dealing with all of this if we had universal care like everyone else. My bf and I already have to have food-stamps to help us eat. I just don't get WHY america can give food-stamps so the poor can have money to eat, but can't give us healthcare so we can get better when we are sick? I know I've ranted about that a lot though and there's really nothing I can do about it.. so I'll stop now. This is longer than I intended. (as usual) but thanks so much @Zephyr @Rebecca @KC! I really appreciate the support and kind words. Love you all and I hope you start feeling better too Naamah. <3 All the hugs, sweetie! God, I'm sorry that you have to deal with this. :( I am always willing to lend an ear if you need to talk (and you don't have to apologise for typing a lot <3) ~Xandria 1 Quote
Saxen Posted November 7, 2012 Posted November 7, 2012 I've had psychological issues my entire adult life and teen years. I've been diagnosed with borderline personality disorder. I haven't researched it a whole lot, because I'm afraid that it will be spot on. In another thread here, someone described some of the symptoms and I recognised a lot of them. I'm not going to name names even though it was written publicly, I'm sure if they feel like sharing again, they will do so. Currently I'm on medication and I wish I could get out of it, because I hardly feel my emotions, except when something causes me to feel really sad or angry. My doctor says that after having taken the meds for so many years, my body won't know how to function without it. Hopefully my dose can be reduced. I'd rather have the bad days if it means that I can also have good days, rather than all "meh" days. Hello twinnie! lol. In all seriousness though BPD is horrible, I'm really sorry that you have to go through it as well *hugs*. What medication are you on? I've just been prescribed some but I haven't started taking them yet as supposedly they're going to make my impulsiveness a lot worse :/ You say you haven't investigated it a lot but you really should, it makes you feel less like a freak I promise!! Check out Meandmyblacktable (channel on youtube). He doesn't really update anymore cause I think his Borderline is improving, but his past videos are excellent. Full of tips with coping and whatnot :) My 'damage': I have Borderline Personality Disorder which I was diagnosed with a year ago. It's been suggested recently that I also have BDD (Body Dysmorphic Disorder) and some kind of eating disorder due to my food control issues. I've tried to commit suicide three times, the most recent being September. I told someone on here but they never replied, so I haven't really spoken about it. I love how people pretend to care but when things get heavy they back away XD Anyway.. I have a lot of anxiety, spend pretty much every day on my own crying, hurting myself and wondering why exactly I am on this planet. It's a funny old life! Quote
karmacow Posted November 7, 2012 Posted November 7, 2012 Hello twinnie! lol. In all seriousness though BPD is horrible, I'm really sorry that you have to go through it as well *hugs*. What medication are you on? I've just been prescribed some but I haven't started taking them yet as supposedly they're going to make my impulsiveness a lot worse :/ You say you haven't investigated it a lot but you really should, it makes you feel less like a freak I promise!! Check out Meandmyblacktable (channel on youtube). He doesn't really update anymore cause I think his Borderline is improving, but his past videos are excellent. Full of tips with coping and whatnot :) My 'damage': I have Borderline Personality Disorder which I was diagnosed with a year ago. It's been suggested recently that I also have BDD (Body Dysmorphic Disorder) and some kind of eating disorder due to my food control issues. I've tried to commit suicide three times, the most recent being September. I told someone on here but they never replied, so I haven't really spoken about it. I love how people pretend to care but when things get heavy they back away XD Anyway.. I have a lot of anxiety, spend pretty much every day on my own crying, hurting myself and wondering why exactly I am on this planet. It's a funny old life! Aw, I'm sorry to hear that things are so bad :( What you're describing sounds very familiar. The medication I take does help against destructive thoughts and actions. But it's basically a zombiefier. The medication I'm on is called quetiapin. The brand name of the type that was released first is seroquel, but I use the cheap copy version, now that it has become available. This probably isn't what they have prescribed for you - at least I'm not feeling increased impulsiveness (it's rare, at least). In fact, I'm feeling a severe lack of initiative (stupid pills). If they prescribe quetiapin for you, be sure of the exact amount you need (I guess this goes for all medication), so that you can be spared of too many side effects. The biggest problem I've got with the meds, is that I sleep so much. That's a big reason why I wanted a reduction. It turns out that my doctor thinks I should wait till spring before I reduce, to get out of the dark winter days and get christmas over with first. Which is a good point. I don't like it, but it's a good point. Now that I look back on it, it really was optimistic to want to quit the medication all together. Hopefully the medication is good for you. Once you start taking the medication (if you do), I'll advice you to really be aware of what side effects you're experiencing and determine whether or not you can live with them. And also try to determine whether you're getting the right amount. Because it sucks to get over-medicated. And thanks for the youtube tip! It probably would be a good idea to know more... Quote
Saxen Posted November 7, 2012 Posted November 7, 2012 I've heard of Seroquel but not Quetiapine. I'm sorry that it's not helping you as much as you would like :( It's got to be horrible feeling zombiefied all the time! When did you start with your meds? 400mg is a crazy amount! I've been prescribed Citalopram "to start with". I've refused medication up until this point but I'm starting to realise that I have to do something, I cant just stay like this whilst I'm on the waiting list for therapy, it's too hard. They asked which is more debilitating, my anxiety or the depression, I said depression so they gave me anti-depressants. The side-effects aren't great but... I don't know what else to do! No problem hun. There's quite a lot of youtubers with BPD actually! Some of them are 14 and faking it, but a lot of them are real and helpful :) I read and watch absolutely everything I can about Borderline, I feel it's important to get informed about your illness. I've found out some quite interesting stuff :D Apparently we are quicker and more accurate in recognising peoples emotions than regular people ^^ Quote
karmacow Posted November 7, 2012 Posted November 7, 2012 It is a lot :sick02: I think I must have started taking quetiapin in 2004. Or maybe 2004 was when they were trying to find the right medication for me, not sure. I tried different kinds at first, but they all had unacceptable side effects, or just the wrong effect overall. Quetiapin does have some undesirable ones, but nothing huge, but not everyone gets the same side effects, of course. I'd really wish that weight gain wasn't such a common side effect of these medications... I have a little more belly than I would like :P How many mg are you to take? Apparently we are quicker and more accurate in recognising peoples emotions than regular people ^^ Well, that's something! That's definitely a strength. Imagine that :rock: Quote
Saxen Posted November 7, 2012 Posted November 7, 2012 Oh my, so a long time then! I'm not surprised that your doctor is hesitant to adjust your dosage, your body must be so used to it by now. Were you trying meds for different things or were you being prescribed different types of anti-psychotic? Yeah I'm really worried about the weight-gain issue D: I bet your belly is fine though ^^ I've been prescribed a measly 10mg to start off with. They want to see how I'll react to it. I really don't from what they were telling me XD Yeah it's really cool! There's been a bunch of tests done about it. There's going to be some more at some point to see if it's the same with tone of voice - so interesting! Quote
karmacow Posted November 7, 2012 Posted November 7, 2012 Yeah, that was part of his reasoning, that my body has come to depend on whatever is in those pills. They're classified as a mood stabilizer but I think they're also anti-psychotics. 10mg sounds manageable, I would have no qualms about that. Of course that's just for starters -presumably, but as small an amount as possible is ideal. As long as you can handle your emotions and everything. I wish I had been wary of this stuff when they presented the idea of medication. I was just desperate to get a handle on my crazy and didn't know what else to do. In the end, it probably was for the best to start on the meds, but I wish they would have given me a smaller dose. But I think that has become apparent by now :P Quote
Saxen Posted November 7, 2012 Posted November 7, 2012 All I know about Seroquel and its counterparts is that they're helpful for people with BPD, and what I've learned from good ole' Wikipedia :P. I really, really hope they can adjust your dosage or transfer you on to something that makes you less sleepy tired soon. Are you in therapy at the moment or just on the meds? Yeah it's just to see how I react to it. Mood stabalisers have been mentioned but I think they're going to guinea pig me for a bit and see what happens.. wonderful. lol. I've always been wary of medication but I think that's my semi-anorexic brain telling me it's going to make me bigger :( I definitely need something though, and I know what you mean about being desperate, I'm in that boat at the moment and it sucks!! Quote
karmacow Posted November 7, 2012 Posted November 7, 2012 Yeah, it's just a sucky card to have been dealt :( I think it's kind of necessary to take the guinea pig approach, because while they know what typically works for different people/illnesses, they're never sure if it has the right effect or what the side effects will be for that individual. I hope you'll only need a small dosage. I have been in therapy for short periods of time in the past, but I've had difficulties opening up, so it hasn't been super helpful. I might get more out of it now, because I understand myself more than I did then. I have to understand my issues before telling others about them. If I went to a therapist now, it probably wouldn't work out too well, though, because I've already decided what my problems are and I'm not too receptive of other people's opinions. That's probably something I should work with, but I don't want to :P Quote
Saxen Posted November 7, 2012 Posted November 7, 2012 I understand the need to try out a few different meds.. I'm just not looking forward to it in the slightest lol. Thank you, I really hope I do as well! All the Psychologists I've seen have said for a Borderline I'm pretty high functioning - but they haven't seen me fly off the handle XD For some reason I can act normal around them which is exactly what I shouldn't be doing :/ stupid illness you make no sense!!!! Have you heard of something called DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy)? It was specifically designed for people suffering with BPD and it's helped a lot of people from what I've heard. They mostly do group sessions so it might be easier for you to talk around people going through the same sort of thing? Then it's not just a Psychologist giving you his or her opinion about you ^^. I find it difficult to open up to just them as well, especially cause they're being paid to listen :/. The thing about DBT is that it's mostly learning how to cope and how to deal with strong emotions without harming yourself or letting those feelings consume you. It was developed by someone who has BPD as well so it's not just a load of crap cooked up by people who have no idea what it feels like. There's lots of information online about it as well as DIY tips if you're not in therapy currently, it's worth checking out for sure :) You should definitely try and talk to someone, even if it's not someone in the MH field. My mail is always open hun if you fancy x Quote
karmacow Posted November 7, 2012 Posted November 7, 2012 What you're saying makes sense logically. I'm going to let the idea ferment, because right off the bat, I'm not feeling good at the thought of group therapy. Even though I'm sure I would have a lot of things in common with other people with BPD. And thank you :) Quote
Saxen Posted November 7, 2012 Posted November 7, 2012 Haha okay you let it ferment ;) (great usage of that word!). I'm a little ... about group therapy as well, just because a lot of people I've encountered on tumblr who have BPD are complete arse-hats and I would HATE to have to listen to their problems in person XD it's bad enough reading the stuff! Apparently it does help people though, and you never know you might make a friend who completely gets you :* If you don't want to do it properly you could always get some info off the net and practice the therapy in your own time ^^ There's also a booklet you can get from Amazon that's a work book. No problem, anytime :) ~Xandria 1 Quote
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