~Xandria Posted October 23, 2012 Posted October 23, 2012 Hello all. Since I've been a player of neopets I really have not payed much attention to the BD. In fact, I don't really know anything about it. It's starting to peak my interest though, since there is a new update coming up and I'd like to add some battledome wins to my user look-up. I have a lot of work to do though, and I'm assuming that it is quite an investment to get your pet leveled up. For my first question, I don't know how the level of your pet effects it's overall stats. I also have no clue what one would consider a "good BD pet". How much of each stat would you need to consider it a decent/great battledome pet? Is there a highest level of pet? Or does it just keep going on and on? Also, is it worth it in the end? I understand there are some avi's you can get from the BD, but is that all? Are there other awards/prizes/trophies for fighting different opponents? & What about 2-player matches? Are those the only ones that count towards your BD wins/losses? Oh, and do people usually zap pets in the lab-ray in hopes that there stats will increase? Just curious how reliable this method would be. I know the lab-ray can take away stats as well, so idk if people actually use this or not. If I were to go about this the hard way and pay for all the codestones, dubloons, etc...about how costly is it? AND, are there any tips on how to get other opponents unlocked. These are really just hypotheticals in the mean-time. Like I said, I don't have a leveled up pet but I really am starting to want one now. For my very last question, are there any pets inparticular that have an advantage in the BD? Like draiks, skeiths, grarrls, and hissi's? Or am I way off? Oh, and do people ever put BD pets UFA/UFT. I haven't really seen many of those before. I realize I wrote a lot, and thanks so much to anyone who can answer my questions. ^_^ This topic has been edited by a member of staff (Zombiiesque). The topic was posted in the wrong area. Please check your user inbox to see if you have been contacted regarding this topic. Per the reason above, this topic has been MOVED from 'Neopets Help' to 'Battledome & Battlepedia Chat'. Quote
Nataluna Posted October 23, 2012 Posted October 23, 2012 errr well i'll try and answer this, but the BD team might be better at it, but from a csual battler viewpoint i can try? Level: when training, no stat can be more than twice your level, so for continuing traing you will need to level up. certain abilities (faerie abilities) your pet needs to be a certain level to use, as do species abilities. some faerie ones, like heal and so on, very useful :D Beating up Opponents: i usually do this for avatars :P BDers enjoy it, and 2P battling, for the fun! also in 2P battle its more unpredictable and requires stragy, in 1-P you know your opponents weapons and what they can do (we have info on this in the BP ;) ) its also useful if you want to change the gender of your pet by battling the Mad Scientist (unlocked if you have the labray) Lab Zapping: not a good way to train pets. the Ray gives stats, but also deducts all except your Hit Points. this means its often really unbalanced since your level can go down to one, and so training to fix the skewed stats often is very expensive. if you want to use the ray, people will also train while they are using the Ray, or at intervals, train their pet to even up the stats. see my poor pet (Intalitraz) his stats are very uneven and its costing me alot of time to level him up to fix this :( we have a page on unlocking opponents in the BP :P i'll see if i can find it later. for random opponents it can be alot of luck, patience and LUCK. i'm still looking for Commander Garoo :( and with the PC i believe people do look for well statted pets, although name/color/species is a the usually most important consideration, i have seen people comment on the overall stats of a pet. Species is a consideration, some species specific weapons are cheaper than all species weapons, in particular, Species Healers are a good reason why BDers have certain species of pets. Full/partial Healers are rare/expensive/unreliable so Species Healers are usually cheaper options ~Xandria 1 Quote
Rebecca~ Posted October 23, 2012 Posted October 23, 2012 Occasionally BD pets do go up for trade, but it is rare- BDers don't usually want to let go of their BD pets, and most other people have theirs trained via the Lab Ray, and so the stats are out of wack. I wouldn't expect to get a decent start on training through trade unless you have something really good up for trade. :( As for awards/trophies/etc, you can get the Defenders of Neopia trophies on your lookup by beating certain challengers (the first challenger of each series is terribly easy, so you could probably beat them just with normal statted pets. They get progressively harder, and in order to get one of the Meerca Hechmen avatars, you have to be caught up to them in series 1). Also, just in case another plot comes around with battling, you could get a veeeery nice trophy from the plot, as well as lots of plot prize points. TNT has also said that there will be prizes of some kind from battling in the new BD. As said, the biggest consideration that people put into species of their BD pet is what species healers/freezers they have. Some pets have terrible ones, or none at all, and some have excellent ones that are SO MUCH cheaper than the ones available for all species. If you're willing to change the species of your BD pet, I would look into that really closely! I know Kacheeks have a pretty decent healer that is relatively cheap, and Shoyrus have one that will heal 50% health, but that one is SERIOUSLY hard to find. (Grrrr. >.> lol). As for good/decent stats for a pet, well... in the BD (and hopefuly this carries on into the new one) you get 'boosts' at certain stat levels. (I may have the actual boost numbers wrong, so bear with me! LOL). So if you're at strength 125, you will have 3x the strength when using your weapons. When you hit 200 strength, it'll be 4x. Currently the highest boost there is is when your strength and defence get to 700. You can continue training level and health though. We don't know if TNT will add more boosts in the new one, or if 700 will stay the maximum. (I should say, you can keep training strength and defence, but it won't make a difference to your actual battling ability- you're stuck at the 700 boost). I think that a decent BD pet is when they get to the 125 boost and they have even stats. They've unlocked Bezerk attack (you get it once you hit level 50), and they have pretty decent stats that, when combined with decent weapons, can get them through many of the challengers. I would think that good would be 200 even. And as always the higher the better. I would be happy to see other people's opinions on this- it's pretty subjective! :) I highly recommend you check out the Battlepedia. Look at the species weapons. I did a little googling, and I came up with this post on the forums earlier this year, talking about the best species. http://www.tdnforums.com/index.php?/topic/32212-best-battledome-species/ A lot of people thought that a Lenny may be the best, since they have an affordable healer and freezer. :) As far as I'm aware, normal species weapons- swords, armour, etc, aren't all that great. I would focus at looking at the freezers and healers for each- getting a good one of each is essential to battling, and can be SO expensive (the top-tier freezer is something like 100 million? Ugh.) Nataluna, Caro and ~Xandria 3 Quote
Emily Posted October 23, 2012 Posted October 23, 2012 Reminder for training, stats can go double the Level of the pet EXCEPT endurance (HP), which can go up to 3 times the level. If Endurance is 3x+ Level OR any of the other stats are 2x+ Level, you will be unable to train ANYTHING until you increase the Level first. You will get an error message when you try to train any other stat higher, so you know you've reached the threshold. Nataluna 1 Quote
~Xandria Posted October 24, 2012 Author Posted October 24, 2012 Thank you to the both of you. That really helped a lot Rebecca! I was so confused and now I finally have some answers. I'm still curious about how much you would end up spending on a BD pet? Are we talking like 1 million, 5 million, more? I know that depends on what you consider a good battledome pet... but I'm baseing it off what Rebecca said, so say for 200 each stat. Also, would have to be a level 200 in order to get 200 in stats? So freezers/healers are items you can buy for specific pets? I really don't like lennies, but I saw a lot of people mention kacheeks, gelerts, and lupes in the thread you mentioned. So I'm thinking I'd get one of those. Anyways, please excuse my ignorance in all this. This is the first time I've ever payed the BD any attention... and it's starting to peak my interest. Quote
Mouseykins Posted October 24, 2012 Posted October 24, 2012 If you want your stats at the 200 level, then you can have your level at 100, your other stats can be at 200, with your HP at 300. Movement (agility) is not necessary to train, you can if you want to make the numbers nice and pretty. I highly recommend training at the Pirate Academy, since dubloons are cheaper. then move on to codestones. A nice way hot to break the bank is use nps you have on hand and not remove from the bank. this way you keep better control of your spending. ~Xandria 1 Quote
Zombiiesque Posted October 24, 2012 Posted October 24, 2012 Oh yes, I'd like to second that. I keep a rather specific amount on hand for spending, and I don't touch my savings to pay for training. Ever. Now, if I were to upgrade my weapons, I'd have to use my savings for that, but I'm not too worried about that for the time being - I can't anyway, since the battledome is down. I'd also like to second using the Pirate Academy if your pet is low level, I've saved myself a ton of money using dubloons instead of codestones! Quote
~Xandria Posted October 24, 2012 Author Posted October 24, 2012 Thanks for the tips you guys! & I'm sorry for posting this in the wrong section. I rarely ever touch my bank unless it's for the ALP or something of that nature. I want to have 3mil in there before I even touch it. Habi has came in handy for keeping NP's on hand. ^^ I will for sure start at the pirate academy. I know I'm probably a bit too late to start training now. But oh well, hopefully they will have more BD plots? Are they semi-common? Also, may I ask what pets you guys are using for your BD pets? Oh and thank you mouseykins. That was very helpful. ^_^ Quote
Rebecca~ Posted October 24, 2012 Posted October 24, 2012 Thank you to the both of you. That really helped a lot Rebecca! I was so confused and now I finally have some answers. I'm still curious about how much you would end up spending on a BD pet? Are we talking like 1 million, 5 million, more? I know that depends on what you consider a good battledome pet... but I'm baseing it off what Rebecca said, so say for 200 each stat. Also, would have to be a level 200 in order to get 200 in stats? So freezers/healers are items you can buy for specific pets? I really don't like lennies, but I saw a lot of people mention kacheeks, gelerts, and lupes in the thread you mentioned. So I'm thinking I'd get one of those. Anyways, please excuse my ignorance in all this. This is the first time I've ever payed the BD any attention... and it's starting to peak my interest. This petpage kind of went over training, and the cost of it, up to the 200 boosts. It does include training agility, which most people don't do, so the cost is probably higher than what you would pay (though codestones are more expensive now!)http://www.neopets.com/~zancudos They say they spent about 10 million total, over almost three months. o.o Don't let that scare you off! Really! I use a Shoyru as my BD pet. The only species weapon that's any good is the Squishy Shoyru Healing Stone, which heals 50% of max health. Really hard to find though- I finally did find a seller and he wanted 12 million for it? Ugh. Personally, I think that having a pet you love is more important than getting a certain species just for the weapons it has available to them. I love my Shoryu. I think he is absolutely gorgeous, and I wouldn't change him for the world. So I think that is more worthwhile than him being a species with better weapons. :) BD plots aren't all that common. It's been a while since there has been one- a decade ago there was the Darigan/Meridell war (that was so awesome!), and then a couple years after that there was the Maraquan war. I think that TNT is just trying to find a way of making it more fair for people that are just starting out- the way that puzzle plots are. Quote
Zephyr Posted October 24, 2012 Posted October 24, 2012 But oh well, hopefully they will have more BD plots? Are they semi-common? Also, may I ask what pets you guys are using for your BD pets? Those plots aren't that frequent (whoo more time to train & work on your weapons). I think the last one that involved the BD was the faeries' ruin. While the lab ray can decrease your stats, it can also increase it. And when your pet has reached a level when training gets pricey, a level gained means NP saved, which can be used to train other stats. As others have mentioned, your pet's stats will be unbalanced so you'll have to keep an eye on those. Search around TDN's Battlepedia, it is a trove of information. Besides the stats, the other area you have to look into is your weapons. This article gives you a good idea of what to consider: http://battlepedia.thedailyneopets.com/index.php/articles/viewarticle/basic-weapon-sets/ BD plots aren't all that common. It's been a while since there has been one- a decade ago there was the Darigan/Meridell war (that was so awesome!), and then a couple years after that there was the Maraquan war. I think that TNT is just trying to find a way of making it more fair for people that are just starting out- the way that puzzle plots are. Ahh the Darigan-Meridell war. The memories <3 Crimson 1 Quote
Finn the Human Posted October 25, 2012 Posted October 25, 2012 Thanks for the tips you guys! & I'm sorry for posting this in the wrong section. I rarely ever touch my bank unless it's for the ALP or something of that nature. I want to have 3mil in there before I even touch it. Habi has came in handy for keeping NP's on hand. ^^ I will for sure start at the pirate academy. I know I'm probably a bit too late to start training now. But oh well, hopefully they will have more BD plots? Are they semi-common? Also, may I ask what pets you guys are using for your BD pets? Oh and thank you mouseykins. That was very helpful. ^_^ Well, I actually use a Usul as a battle pet, which got zapped into a Meerca, Nimmo, and now Acara. I'm sorta waiting for it to get to a species that is good for the BD and looks decent. BD plots are no common. I've experianced only one that had some BD in it, I defeated one bad guy lol. It was the Faerie Ruins, I do not know how I did so bad! I would focus training in the swash buckling academy. And in the mean while, play some key quest to hoard those codestones! I wouldn't buy any until their price plummets a bit (it recently sky-rocketed). I plan to get a Crisp Blue Tunic if not a species healer.I would suggest to get a cheap starters set, (100-200k or you could just to ones that cost a few millions) Scroll of Knowledge is a sweet deal: 11 icons for ~10k! I would also get two scarab rings for dual duty. That would be 4 weapons for ~25k. The Snowglobe Staff has 20% freeze and costs only 100k.http://battlepedia.t...ic-weapon-sets/ some good sets ~Xandria 1 Quote
The Bandit Posted October 26, 2012 Posted October 26, 2012 To add my (limited) wisdom to this: My battledome pet, such as it is, is also my lab ray pet. I've zapped it pretty much every day for the last nine years or so. Relevant stats are: Health 1214, Strength 410, Defence 37, Level 10. You can see from this that the Lab ray increases your health a lot, your strength quite a lot, your defence hardly at all, and your level will generally decrease. This isn't actually that bad. Having high health means your survival rate is good, and if you have good weapons you can generally wipe out your opponent before he does the same to you. As I've been around for a while I've got some good plot-reward weapons that are quite nifty :P If you just want a pet good enough to do Defenders of Neopia and participate well in plots, this (or a lab pet half a good) will generally do. However, if you want to battle the top Battledomers, then you will need to spend a lot of money, time and effort on training. You'll also need to spend a lot of money on weapons, they don't come cheap either. One of the reasons I never bothered! Good luck! ~Xandria 1 Quote
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