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Drackonack Avatar Help

Finn the Human

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Try placing the items in this order: vegan cheese, Drackonack, cheese. If that doesn't work, reverse it ie: cheese, Drackonack, vegan cheese. I had refreshed for almost 2 weeks with the cheeses all in random order but when I put the Drackonack between these two cheeses I got it in like 3 refreshes. It's worth a try anyways!

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Well, I had 4 cheese items when I did it. The first 3 were really cheap. Just cheese omelettes. So I had 3 cheese omelettes, drackonack, and cheese. I only bought the regular cheese because I didn't want to spend all the NP's on the vegan cheese. You can get the avatar without it. Took me about 15 minutes of refreshing though.


Good luck!

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Does it help to press F5?


it doesn't so much help you get the event so much as it makes refreshing a little faster and easier. When I got the avvie, I had the Drack between the 2 cheeses and just held down f5, checking every so ofter to see if one of the cheeses was gone. Though, you will likely miss the event showing you got the avatar, so if you wanted to see it/screenie it for whatever purpose, you should refresh slower. Also going to throw an answer from Editorial 521 in here in case people are worried f5-ing is against the rules:


You're welcome to refresh the site where and however often you like, as long as YOU are PHYSICALLY doing the refreshing without the aid of your cat/mug/water bottle/robot butler sitting on the F5 key. So, if you want to sit at your computer pressing f5 for 6 hours straight, that's acceptable, though we wouldn't advise it for your own well-being. (Also, to clarify, using any "refresh all" browser functions and the like are also off limits. Again, you must refresh each page yourself or we consider it using an outside force to aid you.)

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It took me weeks. I got sick of refreshing and just left the drackonack and the cheeses in my inventory, and weeks later it finally ate it. I *almost* missed the event. I did try switching all my cheeses around but that didn't help me either. Hopefully yours goes faster Rebecca!



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