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Battledome To Receive Update!


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I signed up for the beta testing! I was worried but it said that level didn't matter so... 0:)


I can't wait to see what's coming! I'm really excited about this change, and I am with Saxen, she said up there that it made her think about a new plot and I am totally thinking about that too!! I don't really want to see a really different style for battles, I hope this is a change for the better :D and I really, really hope that TNT make battledome avatar still available after the change! :guiltysmiley: (I guess this is a yes because they didn't say something like "hey, hurry up to get the avatars!")


Yay for the new battledome! :happydance:

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YAY! :D I'm so excited.

I just hope they don't add agility in there. I mean, it would make sense, but I haven't been training it! LOL

The evil inside of me is so happy LOL

You are about to get all of the 200+ boosts on all of your other stats while I wasted my time on Movement. I'm only in the 150s on my stats Hahaha


Hopefully the prizes are Codestones, Neggs, Dubloons, etc. in an attempt to keep their prices stable.

KeyQuest was made to do that, and even it isn't enough to keep training costs low.

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Yeah, I could definitely see TNT adding a prize system to the new BD so that if you win a fight you get something to help continue train your pets like dubloons or codestones, or just items in general. Instead of just getting a stat on your pet's lookup to say they've won another fight. That would actually be really cool.

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Yeah, I could definitely see TNT adding a prize system to the new BD so that if you win a fight you get something to help continue train your pets like dubloons or codestones, or just items in general. Instead of just getting a stat on your pet's lookup to say they've won another fight. That would actually be really cool.

I'm not sure if I want that, though. Subeta does it and it doesn't seem to really work out for them. It'll just increase the gap between weak and strong pets.
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Yeah, I could definitely see TNT adding a prize system to the new BD so that if you win a fight you get something to help continue train your pets like dubloons or codestones, or just items in general. Instead of just getting a stat on your pet's lookup to say they've won another fight. That would actually be really cool.

Yea but what if you keep on fighting Inflatable Bathalazar.....
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Easy: diminishing returns. Each time you beat him, you get a smaller and smaller reward until you don't get anything at all.


That' throw a lot of junk into the ecosystem. Probably best to have 3 prizes per opponent but have them diminish. And the tougher the opponent the better the prizes.

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That' throw a lot of junk into the ecosystem. Probably best to have 3 prizes per opponent but have them diminish. And the tougher the opponent the better the prizes.

Well, the rewards don't necessarily have to be items or have an effect on the economy.

They could be no trade items or stat increases. Maybe even points to spend on items (no trade or otherwise)?

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I'm not sure if I want that, though. Subeta does it and it doesn't seem to really work out for them. It'll just increase the gap between weak and strong pets.


No doubt, but people who have strong pets have put a lot of time and NP into making them strong. Why shouldn't they reap benefits from their efforts? If people with weaker pets want the high-end prizes, then they are more than capable of putting the same investment into training their pets.



Yea but what if you keep on fighting Inflatable Bathalazar.....


I would assume prizes would be dependent on the difficulty level of the opponent. So if you beat Inflatable Balthazar, you'd get something that isn't nearly as valuable as if you beat the Neggbreaker.



That' throw a lot of junk into the ecosystem. Probably best to have 3 prizes per opponent but have them diminish. And the tougher the opponent the better the prizes.


I agree that if it happened, there would be a ton more junk out there, but TNT is no stranger to doing that. Underwater fishing litters the neosystem with worthless items.


Well, the rewards don't necessarily have to be items or have an effect on the economy.

They could be no trade items or stat increases. Maybe even points to spend on items (no trade or otherwise)?


A point system? Interesting, I can see the validity to that.

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Oh wow, I return from a brief hiatus and I come to find this? :D


I've ony begun to take interest in the BD shortly before I left but now I'm definitley going to need to train. Good thing I left a stash of CS behind.


I'm really glad this is happening, the BD seemed a bit ancient, if not forgotton, compared to the rest of the site. Wonder how the BDC took it. :P

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I hope when TNT said not to worry about the new battledome, it wasn't like when they said don't worry about the new AC Format. :P

I wouldn't worry about it too much at this point.

I find that worrying about things you can't change isn't very good for your mental health. :P

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I wouldn't worry about it too much at this point.

I find that worrying about things you can't change isn't very good for your mental health. :P


If it turns out poorly, I'm sure everyone will complain and they'll give it another update in a year or two.


I personally think the items will be things like Codestones, Neggs, etc. with diminishing returns.

That way, the stronger Neopians won't be able to use them, so they'll sell them to the weaker Neopians.

It will keep training prices low, and still bring back a flow of NP to stronger Neopians.

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Well, I'm glad I stocked up on codestones in advance...but I didn't stock up as much as I usually do. I only got 8 of each instead of 20. Bah.


I don't know how I feel about it. I guess I'll wait to see how it turns out. But I've been training my eyrie for a while now, and I'd hate to have trained her all this much for nothing. And bought her very expensive weapons. So I hope they don't mess with icons, boosts, etc.

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If anything it would be something like NC weapons or something like that. I think TNT is just updating how everything works and the artwork and such.

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One thing I'd love to see in the update is better Farie abilities. There are too many that don't do much or anything at all!


yeah! that would be a good update. i can't wait to see the new BD

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If anything it would be something like NC weapons or something like that. I think TNT is just updating how everything works and the artwork and such.


If that's the case, I really hope the NC weapons are in no way superior to NP weapons. That would really unbalanced 2-player fights.

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If that's the case, I really hope the NC weapons are in no way superior to NP weapons. That would really unbalanced 2-player fights.

No kidding. 'Cause that works out so well elsewhere. *looks at facebook games*

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