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Hi anyone can help ? Thanks



1. 76A344C9-F950-44F5-BC7E-047ECB8A030E-1776-0000020D1A3FA811.jpg


2. ss-4.png





Purple Fire - Yellow Shield - Red Shield

Yellow Flower - Red Fire - Purple Shield

Red Flower - Purple Flower - Yellow Fire



Purple Fire - Yellow Flower - Red Flower

Purple Flower - Yellow Fire - Purple Shield

Red Fire - Red Shield - Yellow Shield



Here go another answer that I did not see so far.








Yellow Fire - Red Shield - Red Shield

Yellow Flower - Purple Fire - Purple Shield

Red Flower - Yellow Shield - Purple Flower



R= red

B= blue

Y= yellow


1-3 the symbols as they appear left to right on the bottom

1= shield

2= volcano

3= flower/swirl




does anyone know the sulotion to this one..? 1000x thanks!


R1 R3 Y2

R2 B1 B2

Y1 B3 Y3





If anyone is willing to help, I'd GREATLY appreciate it.


yours is rotated but is the same as the one here: http://www.thedailyneopets.com/uploads/articles/dailies/mysteriousnegg/55.jpg


if you want a solution like i have posted for the one above, if you could please take a picture of only the clues? and make it bigger? its a strain on my eyes to try and make out your clues :) we only need the bit in the scroll. please see mollyrotten's image for a good size for us, and also an example of what i'm talking about.


could someone help me pretty please? :)





R1 B1 Y2

Y1 R2 B3

B2 Y3 R3


good luck guys :)






ok before anyone goes and tells me anything I am fully aware that this puzzle has already been solved in two ways on the puzzles complete section I tried it in a different way but everytime I tried I end up doing it terribly wrong for some reason and it's starting to stress me out badly please help.


nevermind I manage to solve it now sorry for wasting everybody's time ^^'






Can someone Please help me with this one I am stumped and just when I thought I was a Whizz at them Ha Ha


Try this and fingers crossed! ^_^


R= red

B= blue

Y= yellow


1-3 the symbols as they appear left to right on the bottom

1= shield

2= volcano

3= flower/swirl


R2 Y3 Y2

B2 Y1 R1

B3 R3 B1


good luck :)


Try this and fingers crossed! ^_^


R= red

B= blue

Y= yellow


1-3 the symbols as they appear left to right on the bottom

1= shield

2= volcano

3= flower/swirl


R2 Y3 Y2

B2 Y1 R1

B3 R3 B1


good luck :)

Thank you so much I had been at it for ages and it really had me stumped...


I know that there's a clue for this in your help section but when I tried to follow it it never worked. ;c


Does anybody know? I'm completely stuck lol


Well it has me stumped. Maybe I'm missing something obvious but I'd say maybe that's glitched 0_o


No wait, think I have it


1 - Red/Maze, 2 - Purple/Maze, 3 - Yellow/Mountain

4 - Purple/Mountain, 5 - Yellow Swirls, 6 - Red/Swirls

7 - Purple/Swirls, 8 - Red/Mountain, 9 - Yellow/Maze





There are ones that are close but I can't get any help from either of them on the completed page one. :(

Help please?


I solved it :)





So I'm totally stumped on this one; any help?

R1: yellow sheild, red flower, purple sheild

R2: red sheild, purple flower, yellow volcano

R3: puple volcano, red volcano, yellow flower


im stumped ,please help





R1: red sheild, yellow flower, yellow sheild

R2: purple sheild, red volcano, purple volcano

R3: purple flower, yellow volcano,red flower

Try that one, I believe that is the correct solution. if not let me know and I'll work on it again :nerd:

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