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Hi how can I upload a picture for you all to see?


Use an image host like Tinypic.com, Imgboot.com, or Photobucket.com to upload your picture and someone will help you out. :)


Don't suppose anyone could help me to solve mine?! I'm really struggling to get my head around these puzzles... I'm willing the bet the solution is staring me in the face though! :P







Don't suppose anyone could help me to solve mine?! I'm really struggling to get my head around these puzzles... I'm willing the bet the solution is staring me in the face though! :P







No sweat intended


Yellow Flame - Purple Flame - Yellow Flower

Purple Shield - Red Flower - Red Flame

Red Shield - Yellow Shield - Purple Flower


ninty edit: sorry, PF posted while i was typing :)


top row: yellow flame, blue flame, yellow flower

middle: blue shield, red flower, red flame

bottom: red shield, yellow shield, blue flower





When you fill in all the shapes and all the colors in your hints, the only color you haven't used up is yellow, so make the uncolored squares yellow. And the only shape you haven't used up is flower, so place flowers in the squares that don't have shapes yet.



Red shield - yellow flame - purple shield

Purple flower - red flame - yellow flower

Yellow shield - red flower - purple flame




try this but there are 2 immediate possible solutions. if it doesn't there are a few more combinations of yours :)


R2 R3 B1

B3 B2 R1

Y3 Y2 Y1




R2 R3 Y1

B3 B2 R1

Y3 Y2 B1


it could be either in this given solution. if this doesn't work let me know :)



wrong ans :( please help me again? I don't know how to solve this puzzle

( I cleared some puzzles before I "print screen" :sad01_anim: )


B3 Y3 B2

R1 B1 Y1

R3 Y2 R2


hope that works :)


Guys if you could use the Spoiler tags it would make it MUCH appreciated as it will make easier to follow posts, its making the thread hard to read with all the images D:


If you are posting images and need help, also we only need the bit with the clues (not the negg) so if you do know and are comfortable cropping the image, if you could it would be much appreciated also :D


i'll post solutions for as long as i can but i do have some work to do as well later :)


try this but there are 2 immediate possible solutions. if it doesn't there are a few more combinations of yours :)


R2 R3 B1

B3 B2 R1

Y3 Y2 Y1




R2 R3 Y1

B3 B2 R1

Y3 Y2 B1


it could be either in this given solution. if this doesn't work let me know :)

The first one worked. Thanks a bunch! :)



purple flame, red OR yellow shield, red OR yellow shield

yellow flower, red flame, purple shield

red flower, purple flower, yellow flame



purple flower, yellow flower, blue flame

red shield, purple shield, yellow shield

red flower, yellow flame, red flame



...and with that, i think i'll come back at a slower time so i'm not duplicating answers :)


Annd mine...what on earth?! :P I do not understand!!!!! I'd get it if there were only 3 down but 4? And I can't figure out how they could go together. Oy!!!



try this:


B2 Y1 R1

Y3 R2 B1

B3 R3 Y2


hope that works, its a tricky one and i think there is 1 way more of redoing it so let me know


FruityFavourite try this:


B2 Y1 R2

Y3 B1 Y2

B3 R1 R3


good luck :)


I worked out the first one, but this has me stumped.






No one covered this? This is as easy as heck.


Purple Flame - Yellow Shield - Red Flame

Yellow Flower - Purple Shield - Yellow Flame

Purple Flower - Red Shield - Red Flower


B3 Y3 B2

R1 B1 Y1

R3 Y2 R2


hope that works :)


Guys if you could use the Spoiler tags it would make it MUCH appreciated as it will make easier to follow posts, its making the thread hard to read with all the images D:


If you are posting images and need help, also we only need the bit with the clues (not the negg) so if you do know and are comfortable cropping the image, if you could it would be much appreciated also :D


i'll post solutions for as long as i can but i do have some work to do as well later :)


I got it! I redid few time after I asked for help, and I realize how to solve it, hope that I can solve it my own!

Thanks for help! I got Artichoke Dumplings (just worth 400NP :sad02:)

(please don't mind my grammar and tense mistake :mellow:, although I know it goes from bad to worse :sad01_anim:)






tried the one from page 10 but didn't work out...


Too easy, here you go.


Purple Flower - Purple Flame - Yellow Shield

Yellow Flame - Yellow Flower - Purple Shield

Red Flame - Red Flower - Red Shield




So hard? Think again.


Red Shield - Red Flower - Yellow Flame

Red Flame - Purple Shield - Purple Flame

Yellow Shield - Purple Flower - Yellow Flower






helllpp :(


This one? Here I go...


Yellow Flame - Purple Flower - Red Flower

Purple Shield - Red Flame - Yellow Flower

Red Shield - Yellow Shield - Purple Flame

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