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First Time on the Neopian Times!


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Well some days ago I received this message from TNT:


Dear Sara,


Thank you for submitting to the Neopian Times. Currently your submission (Fashion Trouble) is being held over and may be considered for future publication in the Neopian Times. There is no need to submit your submission again, as it is saved by the editor.


The same day but a little later I got this:


Dear Sara,


Congratulations! Your entry (Fashion Trouble) has been selected to appear in a future issue of the Neopian Times. A shiny trophy has been added to your user lookup. Thank you for contributing to the Neopian Times!


I was like: Yaaaaay! My first time on the Neopian Times, I can't believe it! But I wasn't expecting to be published this week a was thinking about next one and then... when I opened the new NT edition... I found my comic on there!!! (poor drawn, not really original and with a sadly bad joke) But it is still there!!


So... here it is, starring Yackivera, I present you Fashion Trouble. (Don't expect something great!)




*Happy dancing*


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Congrats! And, hey. It's not badly drawn. :) I've certainly seen worse in the NT, and it's MUCH better than anything I could possibly do. :P

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Congrats, Sara! Keep up the great work, you might end up doing a comic series :D

What a coincidence, my first NT entry got published this week as well :) It's a great feeling.


I saw your comic tazrandus. It is great, you are a fantastic artist and really creative too! Your comic is wonderful, I love it!

Congratulations for your first time on NT too!

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Congratulations! Your comic made me laugh :) I think it's great.


I wish you many more successful entries <3

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Congrats! That's awesome, :D I have never been published, though I haven't submitted anything in about nine years. XD

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