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Space Faerie???

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  • 2 weeks later...

Have you beaten her yet? I am still trying. My randomly firing freeze ray never freezes her, so I keep withdrawing. I would like to know how you fared!

The BP says there is something wrong with the randomly firing freezeray, wait for the news to come out tmorrow so tnt can fix it

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Have you beaten her yet? I am still trying. My randomly firing freeze ray never freezes her, so I keep withdrawing. I would like to know how you fared!


Yeah that just delays me even more, I still don't have a SF code and I'm not at my desired stats yet. Hopefully I can start trying for it soon though :\

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I tried the lurkerkilla guide. It gives an alternative to freezing. However, I can't get her to use the scorchstone the first round! This is so frustrating :)


Update: Just tried one more time and it worked! I think I tried at least ten times before she used the jade scorchstone on the first round. She had one point of HP left after round 7, so I used Dual Battle Mirror and PP and burrow on round 8.


Dynohawk, you can borrow my PP as well when you are ready to battle her :P

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  • 3 weeks later...

I beat her using Lurkerkilla's guide. It's a good one. It took me a long time to get her to use the scorchstone, but it happened eventually. Just be patient!

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I followed the guide somewhat, but used Prickly+Prickly+Beserk for my first move and didn't wait for the scorchstone

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  • 2 weeks later...

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