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Happy Happy Joy Joy post


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Sometimes I read comments on the internet, or watch a particularly sad episode of Law and Order SVU or I have a really horrible day that makes me lose a little bit more faith in humanity. I'm sure I'm not the only one. So I've decided to try to make a topic filled with happy feelings, cute pictures and good news that sometimes go under the radar. Goodness knows that newscasters go after the story about a horrible robbery instead of the story about a good samaritan saving a bunch of kittens. Anyone is welcome to post if they want, just make sure everything is forum friendly.


To start us off, how 'bout a nice calming manatee pic.



Still not satisfied? How about this link to 21 pictures and stories that will restore your faith in humanity.




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Awh I love this thread. I found this on PostSecret. It made me happy inside:



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This one makes me smile because I think it's so adorable c:



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I present to you: oldest-twins-small.jpg The world's oldest Twins!


Two sisters celebrated their 102nd birthday as officially the oldest twins in the world – and were determined to spend it together.

Ena Pugh and Lily Millward, who were born on 4 January 1910, have always shared their big day with each other.

Lily was yesterday laid up in hospital with a broken hip – nevertheless, she had one special visitor when her twin Ena called to wish her happy birthday. Read the rest of the article here: http://www.funnymos....s.html#more-607

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Soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur,

Happy kitty, sleepy kitty, purr, purr, purr <3


Typing of soft kitties:



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Bread cats! By Kateordie on Tumblr

Because who doesn't like cats?



To balance out the amount of cats:



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I've never watched The Big Bang Theory but that did make me smile. Now I'm contemplating watching it.

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I recommend it. It's not the pinnacle of comedy but it is funny and you will completely fall in love with the main characters, if this is the type of show you could like.

THAT VIDEO WAS AMAZING. Today is going to be a good day now that I've watched that! :).



Just gonna leave this here... more big bang theory!


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I might have a slight tendency towards crazy cat ladyness :laughingsmiley:

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A few random, funny gifs for you all to enjoy.




tumblr_lx3boamqoq1qfjjglo1_250.gif <---Why couldn't that ever happen to me?



And I promise to watch The big bang theory after I finish watching season 6 of Psych. :P


tumblr_lx2utuV3f31qzrlhgo3_250.gif One last gif for the cat lovers.


Edit: Just found this and almost died of cuteness. tumblr_lw3n4yWovm1qzrlhgo3_250.gif

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