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I think I got hacked. T.T

Bright ^_^

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I keep trying my password, and it doesn't work. And I tried the forgot password feature and I'm not getting an email. How much info about your account do you need to get your account back? I'm not sure if I have enough.... :( I had almost 5mil in the bank....

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ok calm down and don't panic for now! try writing your password in a word doc and pasting it in. check your spam folder in your email. are you typing in the correct birthday?


if those don't work, any information you can give will be important. easy things to remember are any wearables your pets had on, recent neomails, items in your inventory, or some specific items in your SDB. send in a ticket with this information.


if you send a ticket, they will probably freeze it for your own sake. they usually give it back when they see that everything's ok. this process may take some months, but in the meantime you can switch to a side as a main, or create a new account!

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If the email was changed you should have gotten an email notifying you of the change on the original email I think. I did anyways when I changed my email. Maybe I'm wrong though. Are you sure you don't have the main account on another email?

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If I were you I would stay calm for now, I was just looking at the official Neopets facebook page that TNT runs and people are commenting saying for over 24 hours some players haven't been able to access their main accounts. Maybe this is happening to you, too?

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Oh no :( Like the others have said, it's not certain whether there has been foul play, but I would submit a ticket to TNT regardless. Because if someone has actually hacked your account, it needs to be taken care of ASAP. To prove that you are the actual owner of the account. I would tell them anything you can remember about your account. Anything from how many neopoints you have to what your daily routine is, anything that springs to mind.

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I'm so sorry! Hopefully everything will be okay though. Like complicatedwishes says, lots of people have been having problems lately- hopefully that is just what this is. :)

Make a list of all the information you can remember about your account though. Neofriends- I know remembering usernames is a pain, but you shouldn't have a problem if some of them were TDN users- those will be easy to look up!


This petpage has a list of all the information that is good to have on hand just in case of something like this. It may be a bit too late now to collect all of it, but it should help in jogging your memory of things that may help!


EDIT: Changed the link- had the wrong petpage in there. XD My bookmarks folder needs to have better titles!

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Okay, so I sent in a ticket. Hopefully I've got enough info on there. I included some neofriends that I remeber, original email and password, items I had in my closet, pets I created/transferred, some items that I remember being in my SDB, some items that I remember being in my shop sales history, my secret site themes, and my secret avatars (thanks to the help of the checklist! Idk if that one will help any, but it could). The fact that when I put in the email for the "forgot your username?" that the only account that comes up is a side and not my main makes me think I was hacked. Also the fact that I installed a chrome add on that makes certain parts of neopets run smoother--I feel like that may have been able to access my account info or something. :/ Dumb mistake. I changed my passwords for my sides, because they had similar passwords to my main--not that there's anything valuable on my sides, though.

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Okay, so I sent in a ticket. Hopefully I've got enough info on there. I included some neofriends that I remeber, original email and password, items I had in my closet, pets I created/transferred, some items that I remember being in my SDB, some items that I remember being in my shop sales history, my secret site themes, and my secret avatars (thanks to the help of the checklist! Idk if that one will help any, but it could). The fact that when I put in the email for the "forgot your username?" that the only account that comes up is a side and not my main makes me think I was hacked. Also the fact that I installed a chrome add on that makes certain parts of neopets run smoother--I feel like that may have been able to access my account info or something. :/ Dumb mistake. I changed my passwords for my sides, because they had similar passwords to my main--not that there's anything valuable on my sides, though.

Hmm, do you know the name of that add on off hand? Was it specifically for Neopets, or was it just one that was referred to you because it just makes flash run smoother?

I think I would be more way if it was meant for Neopets- I have lots of add ons for Chrome that help make Neopets run smoother, but I'm not worried about them accessing my account- mainly because they're generic ad blockers, and flash things, etc, not specific for the site.


I do hope that works!

(Also, I edited the link I posted so it was actually the one I meant. I would recommend going through there and seeing if there is any information you left out of your ticket. :))

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Send in a ticket! And maybe Google can help you with hackers to get an account back, I don't really know but I would just try. You never know what that person is going to do with your account, probably will take everything to their own account.

For making sure if it got hacked or not, use your sideaccount or make one and search your account, look when it last logged in.

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The two add ons were: Neopets+ and Neokazam! Both are Neopets specific. The idea of looking to see when the account was last logged into is a good one, but it will still be under one day ago, because I was still logged in last night. I logged off and then tried to log back in and it wouldn't let me. :/

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The two add ons were: Neopets+ and Neokazam! Both are Neopets specific. The idea of looking to see when the account was last logged into is a good one, but it will still be under one day ago, because I was still logged in last night. I logged off and then tried to log back in and it wouldn't let me. :/

Ah. :| That's not so good then.

If you didn't, maybe mention those two add ons specifically. TNT would be able to look into them and see if they are cookie grabbers, or hackers, or whatever, and put out an advisory about them.

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I did get the email, but it only had the password for the side account associated with that email... so the password and email have definitely been changed. I do have a pin... but I'm not sure if that's going to protect my stuff. :(

The pin should protect everything thats not in your inventory.

That is unless, you you didnt put pin preferences for everything.

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Oh gosh, I'm so sorry about this, I can only imagine how frustrating this must be for you! Rebecca, that's a really helpful link, I'm gonna bookmark that myself now so I have all this information on hand should anything ever happen to me, knock wood. I hope they're able to help you, it's a good thing you had a pin on everything important!

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Ok so I just experienced something weird with my account.

For those of you who are having problems accessing your main I highly suggest trying a different browser.

I got logged out of my account, I guess my cookies expired. I was directed to the login page and entered my information correctly and it would not let me gain acess to my account. As soon as I switched browsers I got in and made sure to change my password and my PIN just in case. Before you panick, try a different browser.

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Hey the same thing happened to me the other day. I was still logged into my account when it happened. I first noticed that my email was changed. Then I checked my password. It was also changed. They email was my email plus extra letters/numbers after. I sent in a report to neopets telling them about it. I looked up the email that it was set too, and it was not taken. I created the email account using the email that was now on my neopets account. I retrieved my password that way. It was my original password with three number/letters added to the end. I tried to login using the new password, but my account had been frozen because I reported it. I have sent in tickets telling them I want it back. They haven't replied at all. I gave them all the information they could ever possibly need and I was very nice about it. I've heard it takes months to get your account back. Thank goodness it was only a side that used to be my main. Nothing of value was on it. I would love the account back because of the age, but it could take a while.


But if you know the new email that it has been changed to, DON'T SEND IN A REPORT! I shouldn't of sent in a report and just did what I did after the fact. I would of had my account back no problem. :/


But if your email/password has the same odd pattern mine did, I think neopets got hacked and random accounts were targeted. I hope everyone gets their accounts back. And extra luck to you because of all the NP and hard work on it. I would of hated to lose my new main. I just put the lab on it a week ago.

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I've heard lots of people have said their e-mails changed slightly or just turned into a load of gibberish. Maybe it's a glitch?


Um, okay, I just checked my e-mail and for some reason it was set as "c15beb52f2ab43b2f21c22c1d5cebce5"; I just changed it back. My friend also had the same problem.


Maybe that could be what happened to you? As someone previously suggested, try using a different browser and see if it accepts your password then. Good luck getting your account back!

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I've tried different browsers, and it doesn't work. I'm already logged out, so I can't change the email back. I've checked my account--it's still not frozen. It also says that I was last seen 4 days ago, which is when I logged out. So, I'm guessing that what happened to me is possibly this weird glitch thing that somehow changed my email and password?

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