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Hey everyone, I'm mamieandbun also on Neopets. I've been playing on and off for years but this is a new account because my old one got hacked and I abandoned the game for a few years (3?) I'm glad to be back and discovering all the new stuff! I'm loving habitarium and all the new paint brush colors.

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Hey Mamieandbun! Nice to meet you :) I'm Saxen.


I'm so sorry to hear you got hacked, that's awful! It's great that you're returning though :3 I bet soo much stuff has changed! It was like that for me when I came back from a long hiatus a couple of years ago :P


If you are confused by any new features everyone around here is ridiculously helpful, I'm sure someone would have an answer for yas.


Welcome to the forums! ^^

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Hey everyone, I'm mamieandbun also on Neopets. I've been playing on and off for years but this is a new account because my old one got hacked and I abandoned the game for a few years (3?) I'm glad to be back and discovering all the new stuff! I'm loving habitarium and all the new paint brush colors.

Yea, I used to also play on and off, but now I am permanent. :woot:

Anyways welcome to the forums, hope you have a nice time here and well.... I guess make new friends. :laughingsmiley:

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Hi there, and welcome to TDN forums! :D -offers cookies- I hope you come to like it here a lot!

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So you may be new around these parts, welcome to The Daily Neopets!

Some of those new Paint Brush colours can be very expensive, yet pretty awesome at the same time. Save big for the colours that you plan on painting your pet and don't spend your Neopoints on useless crud along the way.


Enough said, my name is Neomysterion, and I'm one of the mods around here. Make sure you're checked out the rules before moving on, it's very important that you do since there's a lot of wild chickens out there that may go after you if you haven't checked out our forum guidelines.


Anyways, I'll be looking forward to seeing more of your posts, and enjoy TDN and TDNForums as well.

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