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am I the only one who hates Avatar/Legend of Korra?

Lady Lyuba

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Everyone I watch on deviantART is doing fandom of this WAY too over-popular show. It's all over my Tumblr as well. I only know one who hates the series. I feel so alone. I'm just SICK and TIRED of seeing it all over the place! It's as bad as Homestuck and Naruto!


I'm, just so SICK of it, it is like an old meme nobody will tire of. ;_;

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Wow...that sounds sad....I don't hate Ledgend of Korra or even like it,but I don't like it that much.....

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Something being popular isn't a bad thing but... I get sick of seeing a lot of things(fandoms) everywhere so I can sympathise but there's not much you can do but wait until it's less active or whatever I guess. Now that it's finished hopefully the amounts of fanworks will be less obnoxious?(in the way that you can't escape them). I suggest Tumblr Savior to block the Korra posts if you don't already :)

(unrelated-ish; I myself tried getting into Homestuck but I just found it really dumb, so the fact that I still see fanart(not to mention nsfw stuff bleh) and stuff for it from people kind of irks me... and Naruto I never watched and never will.)


I myself watched it but I'm not really into it like lots of other people. The inability to not run into spoilers was kind of annoying too.

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:OOOO Are you talking about the whole Avatar series including LoA or just LoK?

'Cause I am a fan of LoA as you can see on my look up lol.

It's sucks though 'cause LoK so popular right now :/ the fandom like bursted out of nowhere.

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let me put it this way:


Avatar the Air Bender was amazing. Nothing can compare to it, not even the new series.


Nick decided to put out this series just for more money and fans, in my opinion. And thus it's just not as good. However, I am still okay with watching it now and then. But I, too, and annoyed of hearing everyone talk about it. It's not as good as the original and therefore it makes me sad.

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Everyone I watch on deviantART is doing fandom of this WAY too over-popular show. It's all over my Tumblr as well. I only know one who hates the series. I feel so alone. I'm just SICK and TIRED of seeing it all over the place! It's as bad as Homestuck




I agree that the show is way too popular than it needs to be, but you don't have to complain about it. I think what you mean is that the show never caught on to you, and the fandom is too annoying for their own good. But maybe you should try giving it a chance. I watched The Last Airbender and i thought it was pretty good. I never watched LoK because even though i wanted to, it was on times that i couldn't get to and i was generally too lazy to watch it. But what I'm trying to say is, maybe it's not as bad as you think, and complaining is just worthless.


And I understand what you mean about being alone, because I'm the only one i know (in RL) who likes the things that i like. Maybe try to find something in the show that you like about it and see how it goes.

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There are a lot of popular fandoms that I'm not into either, but I simply ignore them instead of griping.


May I suggest following more people with your interests?

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There are a lot of popular fandoms that I'm not into either, but I simply ignore them instead of griping.


May I suggest following more people with your interests?

I do, everyone I follow has at least one of my interested, or I'm following them because of an original work they are producing. Be the interest Tron, My Little Pony, Bowie, Avengers, what have you, almost ALL of them are into Legend of Korra/Avatar. I'm SO tired of it.




I agree that the show is way too popular than it needs to be, but you don't have to complain about it. I think what you mean is that the show never caught on to you, and the fandom is too annoying for their own good. But maybe you should try giving it a chance. I watched The Last Airbender and i thought it was pretty good. I never watched LoK because even though i wanted to, it was on times that i couldn't get to and i was generally too lazy to watch it. But what I'm trying to say is, maybe it's not as bad as you think, and complaining is just worthless.


And I understand what you mean about being alone, because I'm the only one i know (in RL) who likes the things that i like. Maybe try to find something in the show that you like about it and see how it goes.


I know it is stupid to complain. But,. I find it hard not to when I feel alone hating something everybody else loves. I'm known to be the one who doesn't like what everybody else likes and likes what everybody else hats. In some ways it rings true.


People have been telling me to give it a shot and try. I'll try it, but I may not like it. I hope I do not disappoint them if I cannot get into it like they can.

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  • 1 month later...

I absolutely love Avatar! It's one of my top 5 shows of all time. Legend of Korra is something I don't particularly care for. I watch it to stay with the fandom and support the makers but it doesn't compare to Avatar.

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I'd like to comment on the "just for money and fans" point.


I never really saw the new series that way because I know the same people who worked on TLA put just as much effort and time and interest into their work as when they did the first series. I've followed them since they first announced the project, so I can say with some certainty that it was not the sole decision of Nickelodeon execs to make it.


I've never seen it as something that was meant to one-up the original, or to replace it, but rather an expansion of the already-defined lore. If you really loved TLA for its story and characters and the lessons it gave, you will love LoK, and not really be concerned with (or even acknowledge) what came first and whether or not that makes it inferior/superior.

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