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What's your Achievement today?


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I arranged to trade a pirate krawk custom for an absolutely gorgeous white kacheek today. Created the requested name already, and just waiting for the trade I bid on to be accepted. Another of my dream pets will be achieved in the week :3

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*check email* I won the lottery!

I only got 13K but still! I won something! =D

And I'm in the caption competition!

Got any extra votes for me? *flutters eyelashes*



Also picked up the Coconut Shy avatar for #217. :3

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andaraen!! I am so jealous. I coconut shy every day (yes, it's a verb) and I'm still waiting on my avatar.


And my achievement today is making 280k in stock sales :laughingsmiley: hooray

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Dear Jackie Eevee,


CONGRATULATIONS!!! Your score of 961 beats the score of 800 by MAGAX in the BETTER THAN YOU competition! You have won 3,000 NP, a cool trophy and a great item! Well done!


I'm a little upset that I didn't see the news sooner to finally get a gold trophy for Better Than You! MAGAX is my gaaame xD

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I also won Better Than You today :* Been really really wanting to do it for ages!


Congrats guys!!

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I also won Better Than You today :* Been really really wanting to do it for ages!


Congrats guys!!


Congrats! I await the release of the new challenge each weeks in hopes it's for a game I'm good at (of which there are not that many), so I'm really jealous of all of you right now!

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Today my achievement was partaking in restocking on half-price day, which I don't normally do. By no means am I saying I was good at it, but that will take time I suppose. The best deal I got was on a Maitre D card for 2500NP that sells for around 6K, which I thought was pretty good. At any rate I'm projecting that I'll double the NP I spent.

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I just got the Sid avatar!!! I consider this a great achievement even though I did nothing except be here :3 hehe. Brings my avvie total to 290 :woot:

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I spent 40k+ on stamps even though I haven't been earning NP this week :sad02: I JUST LOVE STAMPS SO MUCH <3 reluctant, gratuitous spending: now an achievement

Me too. I used to collect stamps very often but am currently pausing to earn my NP up. I have some stamps in my shop for good prices. Today I earned 100k+ and got a chance to play Key Quest after a LONG week!
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Reached 650+ HSD on Seaseria, hopefully 1000 by time new BD arrives!

Oooh, all together! I thoguht for a second that you meant that each of your stats were 650- I was about to start freaking out, and asking how you've trained him so fast! LOL XD
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Oooh, all together! I thoguht for a second that you meant that each of your stats were 650- I was about to start freaking out, and asking how you've trained him so fast! LOL XD


Oh man, I wish! No, it's a very slow process now as training is 8 hours per stat *sigh*

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Oh man, I wish! No, it's a very slow process now as training is 8 hours per stat *sigh*

Ugh, I feel for you! I'm about to hit 8 hours a stat too. D:
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Ugh, I feel for you! I'm about to hit 8 hours a stat too. D:


I keep saying everytime I hit a str/def boost 'ok I'm just gonna train level and HP now as XXX is sufficient enough for stf/def' but always find myself making them evens xD extra nps :-(

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I keep saying everytime I hit a str/def boost 'ok I'm just gonna train level and HP now as XXX is sufficient enough for stf/def' but always find myself making them evens xD extra nps :-(

Hahha. Well, I'm sure you'll appreciate it later! I want to get to the 700 boost- so I have a loooooong way (and a lot of NP ;__; ) to go.
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Hahha. Well, I'm sure you'll appreciate it later! I want to get to the 700 boost- so I have a loooooong way (and a lot of NP ;__; ) to go.


Assuming you want 700 HP too, that's gonna cost you just over 7500 codestones and 650 red codestones, over 872 days of non stop training :-P

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