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Are we ever gonna access the NC Wish List?

Lady Lyuba

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It's been there on our User Lookups for quite a while now and we STILL can't access or use them! What gives, TNT? Why put that on our ULs if we will never get to use them!? Is this a bug that was not supposed to be there and was accidentally added before it was finished and TNT never announced it, what? What is it doing there, and why haven't TNT done anything about it?

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Probably with all the AC hype TNT hasn't gotten around to it. they probably put it on our UL's since that is actually really easy to do. It would be a nice feature for us to use and TNT will eventually get around to it. Personally I don't have that module on my UL so it never occurs to me that it's still not up and running.


TNT has been busy with the AC and will probably have it up shortly as soon as they work out the kinks. Just try and be patient with them.

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