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Lady Lyuba

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I play a game of YYB, and the score doesn't send "Success pending..." BUT NOTHING! You take too long, you don't work. A game wasted. I play again, and I get "Problems processing your score". Is YYB glitched? Whatever it is, I have had ENOUGH of my games and precious time wasted. I WANT MY ALL STAR RANK, AND ALL THIS DOES IS PREVENT ME FROM GETTING IT! And because I am a fuse, I scream and wake the whole house. *takes a gun to her computer* I just wanna shove my computer out a 40 story window right now. I am SO ticked off! And sick of this crap! Enough is enough!

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I have same probs,but maybe because you need to refresh your browser,while I need to connect to hotspot?

EDIT:I would feel the same,I am like,about to rip my pillow.and just kill the computer or something...

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It happened to me a couple time (it has to when you play over 2200 YYB in 21 days!) And since YYB was so laggy in Safari, I actually changed ton Firefox. Which is handeling flash better it seems.

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There is apparently a scoring glitch in the first hour at the 40 minute mark the scores will not send. Cost me 3 games thus far.


As for just during the day it could be a loss of internet connection or the site is lagging, I occasionally see "Can't send scores in Offline Mode. D'oh!" when I play a side.

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It must be either the 40 minute mark glitch or Chrome just not working right. I restarted my computer so hopefully it'll behave.


Wait, no it couldn't be the 40 minute mark as the scores I was having trouble sending were occurring after 2 am NST. (It's NST here)

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I lost a game of Shootout Showdown today to the score pending taking forever. It took longer for the score to continue pending than it did to play the amount of games I played, so I refreshed, played again, got an error, refreshed, and the game that was pending was finally recognized and I continued on.

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I lost a game of Shootout Showdown today to the score pending taking forever. It took longer for the score to continue pending than it did to play the amount of games I played, so I refreshed, played again, got an error, refreshed, and the game that was pending was finally recognized and I continued on.


That's what keeps happening to me. It's the worst when it happens on YYB because that takes 3 minutes. When this happens 6 minutes and 2 games are wasted.

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If you start a game before 12:40 NST and you finish the game AFTER 12:40, the score won't send. Even if you simply restart the game and keep on playing, the game won't resend until you refresh the page.


This sounds like what happened to you, based off another post you made about your 13-0 score not going through shortly after 12:40.


Not a glitch. Nothing to do with your computer.

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