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well you see ive got nearly 4mill and thats about 1 month of earnings :P but its a secret


try the stocks just buy the ones that are 15 each and seel when they get over 20np


Habitarium is also a good way to earn np...


Restocking if you're good at it and of course being involved in plots etc and selling the prizes!


Also it helps to keep track of your spending and once you re-earn those NPs back that you spent then you can go ahead and spend more. I did this until I was up at 5 million now I"m at over 10 and that's just been in almost a year that I've gotten this far. I don't game as much as others do I mostly rely on my dailies, selling items in my shop and making sure they sell by having cheap prices by checking the SW. Habitarium is awesome once you get to level 50 and you can make approximately 100k a day just on that. KQ is also good if you get Codestones and Neggs I always used to sell them and made quite a profit that way. You just have to figure out what works best for you. Good luck!


The real secret to saving? Don't spend. :)

You can make all the NP in the world, but if you buy things daily, it will never seem like you get anywhere.

When I came back to this account in March, I had about 500k. I now have almost 7 million. Habi has helped a tonne, and selling things from my dailies, and stocks, etc, but the reason that I have so much is because I haven't bought anything. If I do purchase something, I try to play games I wouldn't ordinarily play to make up for the lost revenue.


Don't worry about the stocks being slow. Stocks go down just as much as they go up. You have to be patient.


I think as long as you don't spend those nps and just keep it growing from games and kq and such you can get there. The trick is to not spend it ever though.


I have tried the stocks. Every time I buy one the get depleated so I lose money. I need the secret


Don't worry if the stocks go down... they will all go up eventually. I buy 1000 shares a day of whatever is currently at 15, and I sell when it hits 30. This can take a few days, or even longer, but it effectively doubles your NP. It will have faster results after you've invested a lot of NP in different stocks and have something to sell every day. Never ever sell below the amount that you paid, just wait... the prize will rise again.


I get about 30k a day playing Key Quest, between the prizes and the NP you get in-game. Key Quest is a great way to make NP once you get good at it. And even if you're not good at it! Remember: coming in second or third still offers good prizes. I came in third one game and still got 8k worth of prizes!


And finally I will reiterate what scoptophobia already mentioned. Don't spend anything!! Not even 100np. I feed my pets off of omelettes and jelly that I get each day and every np I get goes straight into the bank. That's the real secret that you're looking for. Keep playing, and don't spend anything.

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