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Are you guys practicing? Preparing for the games? Who do you think will win this year? What are your favourite games to play?

Cheers for Maraqua :D :D

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I've been warming up for Yooyuball again, I've been able to get up to 8 goals which is way better than I could ever do with keyboard controls. And I'm really happy that MSN seems to be working a lot better than usual, though I don't know if the reason is because TNT has fixed it or I just have a better internet connection now. I see a lot of YYB and SlSl in my future.

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I'm team Terror Mountain all the way! I first tried out for AC4, but didn't really start playing until AC5 and TM's performance there inspired me to try harder in AC6!


Anyway...I don't really have a problem with 'keyboard YYB'. Slushie Slinger isn't a problem for me. I play as much as I can, but it takes so long that I highly doubt it'll be my main sidegame. I never used to put much effort into MSN, but late last year when I had my breakthrough (it's more about rhythm than simply mashing the keys really fast), I've been taking it more seriously. SOSD is SUPER easy and can be done in 10 second or less, meaning it's easy to put in hundreds of plays over a day.

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i joined lost desert for the 5th time in a row i got a top of (11-1) i won :) but super glad the brought back the option to use the mouse




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Joined SK, and I've practiced YYB a little bit, but not too much. I'm good enough at it.

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