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Score 14,500 in Ice Cream Machine external_link.gif.





I am pretty upset right now. I have been trying for ages to obtain this avvie, playing it and over. Finally, I get a good game, work hard, doing really well, collecting bonuses - I go to submit my score; feeling that rush of excitement and accomplishment one gets when earning a great score; only to Neopets servers go down pretty much at the same time of submitting the score.


I had to post this because my boyfriend doesn't understand or comprehend my pain and anger at the unfairness of it. This is NOT an easy game in the slightest. I think it'll be some time before I accomplish such a nice score and obtain that dream avatar.






Oh no! :( That's super, super awful. Shame on you Neopets! How dare you have wonky servers when players are working hard on your silly games.


I'm so sorry to hear this! *squish* At least, you have made it that far now, so you can do it again. Perhaps try it on a weekday when the servers aren't so fickle? >_>


Thanks Runes,


*sigh* icecreammachine.gif <-You were supposed to be mine, avatar. xD Urgh.


I had NO idea the server was being fickle, but I suppose I should had been more alert. Perhaps if I had just checked I could've withheld the score before submitting it. :/


I feel your pain Lilshadowdweller. It's not very good when TNT's servers act haywire when other users send in the avatar scores for certain games. If you've practiced hard in Ice Cream Factory, here's hoping that you can pull off that score again the next time Neopets.com is back up.


I myself could never get that high in that game now that you mention it. I'll post my current high score for Ice Cream Factory when Neopets is back up.


That is just sucky beyond all previously known definition of the word suck. D:


I had that same kind of moment once, when I finished a game of Freaky Factory ONE POINT short of the avatar score. I was ready to huck the computer across the room.


Maybe if you save the screenie and send in a ticket, TNT can help? Not a great chance as screenies can be faked, but it's worth a try.


Home, bored, and sick today and I can't even get the Igloo to load... Sigh. Servers. Meepits.


P.S. Sorry for your loss..


I'm really sorry to hear this! *pats hand* I know the extreme frustration that can come from a ton of hard work being lost. At least, now you know that you can reach the score! And if you can do it once, you can do it again ^_^


Best of luck reaching the score again


i totally understand your frustrating !!!


it happened to me once playing Meepit Juice Break on Zen .. that was a waste of a whole day !!


at least you know you CAN do it ... so hopefully you can achieve it again pretty soon


Game avvies are cruel like that. I can't tell you the number of times I've missed an avvie score by 5 points or less (heLLO destruct-o-match). When the site is having loading issues, it's usually better to stay away from things that are dependant on a connection :( At lest you know if you did it once, you can do it agin :)


oh no :( i'm so sorry. i would be so upset. i've been working on getting the ice cream machine avatar


Oh man, that sucks D: I don't know if this makes you feel better, but that also happened to me three times when I was trying to get the Kass Basher avvie. Admittedly, Kass Basher is an easier game than Ice Cream Machine, but it was enough to make me want to tear my hair out xD. You have my sympathy, and just remember that no matter how much those servers hold you up, keep on trying!


*hug* i had similar issues when trying for Daily Dare score cutoffs, and games like that its so dis-spiriting to know you got there ONCE, and so painful to try again :(


*hug* i do hope you manage to get it again


that suuuuucks. I get really angry at that error even when I've submitted a score that isn't for an avatar.. hopefully next time you try you'll get it again no problem :-)


Aww, poor dear! I'm currently trying to get that avatar too. My current score is in the 9000s and it's hard even getting there for me. Don't worry though, I'm sure you'll get that score again soon. :)


Oh dear that is horrible. :( I know what you mean by how difficult it is... after all a bunch of these game avys require that you have some luck and encounter the right bonuses and points in

a single game & such...

Hope you won't feel too discouraged! You'll get it next time D:

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