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Heyo dudes and dudettes. I'm assuming this is the right place to post this since sarahqzq did as well. ^_^'

My lupe is in the BC, it's not a great piece by a long shot ((I rushed this like nobody's business)), but I'd really appreciate your vote if you still have one. :)




If your pet is in the BC as well I'd be happy to vote for it if I can. ^_^


That said, I don't remember the BC being so... vicious. o_O' Maybe it's because when I last entered it was in 2004 and there were so many peeps but this time it's just like... five of us fighting over the top few posts on the boards. It's ugly! The biting and snapping behind false grins isn't something I've ever been good at. xD So I'm making a lot of enemies as the weakest of the herd. Probably the worst of it is the little fennec-fox lupe who I'm in direct competition with. A segment of the group seems to have decided I'm evil and deserve to be crushed so that she wins. xD' Oh the drama.


Anyone else have some BC horror stories? After just a day of this I get the feeling there's gotta be quite a few out there.


You have my vote. Good luck in the competition this week. :)


Sadly, I do not have any Beauty Contest horror stories, but I spared my Lupe vote for you in the Beauty Contest. I hope you succeed with your endeavour.


Thanks guys ^_^'' I really appreciate your support.


And that's okay, Metaknight. You have been spared quite the experience :: sage nod ::


I voted! I think it's a lovely piece. :)


Heh, I've avoided putting any art into the BC because of the drama of it. I'm not a great artist, but I'm sure I could get something to place (at least in a less popular pet category! heh), but I'm scared, lol.


Thank you very much. :)

I'm sure you're better than you think you are. ^_^ I'd love to see if you've got something lying around that you're willing to share. ^_^



If you ever change your mind, let me know. I'm not allowed to advertise for you, but there's nothing that says I can't keep your threads bumped up ^_^


Thank you very much. :)

I'm sure you're better than you think you are. ^_^ I'd love to see if you've got something lying around that you're willing to share. ^_^



If you ever change your mind, let me know. I'm not allowed to advertise for you, but there's nothing that says I can't keep your threads bumped up ^_^

Heh, thanks. :D

I don't have anything around at the moment, but I really am not being humble by saying I'm not a great artist. XD I do have an Ogrin at the moment though - thanks Lab Ray :P - and those are far from being really popular. I imagine that just by entering I'll almost be guarranteed a win. ;)

(and lol, I am so just jinxing myself, aren't I? XD)


Heh, thanks. :D

I don't have anything around at the moment, but I really am not being humble by saying I'm not a great artist. XD I do have an Ogrin at the moment though - thanks Lab Ray :P - and those are far from being really popular. I imagine that just by entering I'll almost be guarranteed a win. ;)

(and lol, I am so just jinxing myself, aren't I? XD)


^_^ I love the Ogrin. They're so cute XD like the Gnorbu, but I can never think of anything to do with them! I bet you'll make him look awesome. You definately won't have nearly as much competition as the others. Heck XD if you look at the BC right now it's all... Wockies, Bruces, and Xwees this go it seems like. XD'

It's all about practice. I don't think anyone comes out into the world with some mysterious talent that everyone keeps talking about. If you want to see some of my work from 2002 when I first started I'll share, but it's pretty awfull ::laughs:: practice is how we all get better. ^_^ It's all about moving forward.


Your vote has been cast for Hnikud


it's a great drawing actually :) iam very impressed :)


^_^ I love the Ogrin. They're so cute XD like the Gnorbu, but I can never think of anything to do with them! I bet you'll make him look awesome. You definately won't have nearly as much competition as the others. Heck XD if you look at the BC right now it's all... Wockies, Bruces, and Xwees this go it seems like. XD'

It's all about practice. I don't think anyone comes out into the world with some mysterious talent that everyone keeps talking about. If you want to see some of my work from 2002 when I first started I'll share, but it's pretty awfull ::laughs:: practice is how we all get better. ^_^ It's all about moving forward.

Heh, I checked last weeks competition for the Ogrin... the first place for the species had 206 votes, the third place had 35. XD

Yeah, I feel for the people who try to win in the popular species categories! I imagine that Lupes are no easier- every one seems to love them for roleplaying, and people like drawing wolves...

Hahha, I would love to see! ^_^ It's nice seeing where people start. :D


Heh, I checked last weeks competition for the Ogrin... the first place for the species had 206 votes, the third place had 35. XD

Yeah, I feel for the people who try to win in the popular species categories! I imagine that Lupes are no easier- every one seems to love them for roleplaying, and people like drawing wolves...

Hahha, I would love to see! ^_^ It's nice seeing where people start. :D


Here are a few... but don't say I didn't warn you ::laughs:: 2001-2002ish.





and this is what I'm working on right now



So different! And 35 votes is like nothing! xD You could get that in no time! Easy trophy for sure ^__^

Lupes have always been a pretty difficult category, and just for that reason... but I seem to have the same problem XD ::shrugs:: I love mah puppehs!


Your vote has been cast for Hnikud


it's a great drawing actually :) iam very impressed :)


Thank you very much ^_^''' and that's kind of you to say.

Strange that reply didn't go through before >.>'


Here are a few... but don't say I didn't warn you ::laughs:: 2001-2002ish.





and this is what I'm working on right now



So different! And 35 votes is like nothing! xD You could get that in no time! Easy trophy for sure ^__^

Lupes have always been a pretty difficult category, and just for that reason... but I seem to have the same problem XD ::shrugs:: I love mah puppehs!




Thank you very much ^_^''' and that's kind of you to say.

Strange that reply didn't go through before >.>'

Wow, what a difference! :D Your art wasn't that bad before, but it's pretty fab now. :D

Heh, I hope so! I'm working on a sketch for Ansteigen -- Ogrins are awkward to draw, but I should have something half decent. :)

Heh, well liking Lupes is no problem- especially when you're good enough to not end up the bottom of the barrel. :D


Wow, what a difference! :D Your art wasn't that bad before, but it's pretty fab now. :D

Heh, I hope so! I'm working on a sketch for Ansteigen -- Ogrins are awkward to draw, but I should have something half decent. :)

Heh, well liking Lupes is no problem- especially when you're good enough to not end up the bottom of the barrel. :D


Thanks ^__^ I thought I'd lost all these not that long ago. It's kind of good to be able to look at what you did be for and see the improvements and go 'wow, I'm actually getting somewhere' xD'

I can't wait to see it! You're going to share, right? ^-^'

Yeah, though sometimes you get labeled as not-creative or something if you draw wolf-like animals. xD' Just because there are so many... but wolves are awesome :: sheepish ::


Thanks ^__^ I thought I'd lost all these not that long ago. It's kind of good to be able to look at what you did be for and see the improvements and go 'wow, I'm actually getting somewhere' xD'

I can't wait to see it! You're going to share, right? ^-^'

Yeah, though sometimes you get labeled as not-creative or something if you draw wolf-like animals. xD' Just because there are so many... but wolves are awesome :: sheepish ::

Heh, I will! I'll probably be posting here when I enter it, so it will definitely be shared. :)

Pish. Any art is only not creative if you are completely copying someone else's work. Like tracing over, etc, and then trying to pass it off as your own.


Heh, I will! I'll probably be posting here when I enter it, so it will definitely be shared. :)

Pish. Any art is only not creative if you are completely copying someone else's work. Like tracing over, etc, and then trying to pass it off as your own.


I can't wait to see it ^_^ I'm sure you'll do really well in the BC, too!

yeeah xD' that's true. A lot of what I'm seeing on DA lately has been like that. Tracing vectors over MLP characters ::boggles:: and people love it!


Your vote has been cast for Hnikud


It's been a while since I last entered in the BC...I dislike advertising all day just for a shot at top positions.


Good luck :laughingsmiley:


Your vote has been cast for Hnikud


It's been a while since I last entered in the BC...I dislike advertising all day just for a shot at top positions.


Good luck :laughingsmiley:


I totally feel your pain. XD it is most definately not my favourite thing. XD'

Thanks ^__^


That's a really cool drawing, Your vote has been cast for Hnikud


Good luck! I don't exactly have the chops to enter the BC...or the time to advertise, so I can't relate much past voting xD


That's a really cool drawing, Your vote has been cast for Hnikud


Good luck! I don't exactly have the chops to enter the BC...or the time to advertise, so I can't relate much past voting xD


I hate the advertising part myself x_x' I found out pretty quickly that I'd never be a good salesperson. XD' If I don't believe in what I'm selling, I just can't bring myself to sell it. I know it's likely a self esteem thing xD but I'm not sure my art is any better than the other contestants this week. I guess that's the point, though. It's not about the quality of the product, but whether or not you can get someone to buy it. >.<'

They'd always complain way back when that 'bad art' was winning over the pieces that artists slaved over, but it wasn't about the art. That's not what the contest was about.


Sorry xD a derpyrant for you I guess. Thank you very much for the vote. ^ ^


I can't wait to see it ^_^ I'm sure you'll do really well in the BC, too!

yeeah xD' that's true. A lot of what I'm seeing on DA lately has been like that. Tracing vectors over MLP characters ::boggles:: and people love it!

Weird! o_O Why would people love tracing that much? I will never cease to be surprised.


Whoa, you really had an encounter with a snappy competitor? Ouchh. What a rude person.

I've seen you advertising on BC boards. Best of luck! I'm planning to vote sometime on Tuesday or so and your lupe has definitely been the best so far. You've also been a super nice person on the boards and all :)


Weird! o_O Why would people love tracing that much? I will never cease to be surprised.


I have no idea ^ ^' but it rubs me totally wrong. If a kid copies another artist, using certain facial features or poses, to learn about how the piece was done, the community flails and bashes and strikes them down faster than you can say 'credit before they kill you D:'

But if you flat trace commercial work and post it, no one seems to care. In fact they encourage it?

I guess I don't understand that mentality. I believe strongly in immitation being the highest form of flattery - you're apparently doing something right and they want to learn from you - but there's got to be a line, too.


Whoa, you really had an encounter with a snappy competitor? Ouchh. What a rude person.

I've seen you advertising on BC boards. Best of luck! I'm planning to vote sometime on Tuesday or so and your lupe has definitely been the best so far. You've also been a super nice person on the boards and all :)


Just a little. xD' It's the nature of the beast i think. You're in this position of trying to promote your work, which is an extension of yourself, and claim that it's better or more worthy than someone else's. I'm trying my best to let it go but it's hard. Nerves are definately going to be frayed by the end of this thing.

Thank you very much. ^_^'''

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