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Things you want to say to somebody, but can't

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This thread has been a really big hit on all of the forums I've been on so far.. I'm not sure if it'll be the same here, but I thought I'd give it a go.


Got something to say to someone, but can't bring yourself to say it? Sound off here instead! Use this thread to be passive aggressive, passive romantic, passive.. anything, really. ;p You don't have to put names to it or anything, just let your feelings out as you need to.


I would start, but I'm all emotioned out right now, so I'll give someone else that honour haha


She's a nice person and all, but she really needs to stop being a bragger and show-off.


It sucks you have a girlfriend. Yet I still think you're the best looking guy in the school.


1. you are truly.. the worst kind of person............. ok maybe the second worst but my lawd

2. it is going to take some getting used to but yeah i'll keep it all to myself from now on. not like i'm unused to bottling up or anything lol. maybe if i ignore it it'll 'just go away'


Shut up! Even your "friends" know you're annoying and rude! You have no right to talk. And you blame everything on others when clearly you are the problem. Don't. Just shut up and mind your own business. And you take advantage of her in every way! And she doesn't even notice it. You're a hypocrite, and a sick and twisted person. Don't take it as your job to regulate me or my friends. Because you will fail.


I would love too say it, but I'd take a Coach bag with a brick in it to my head.


Quit being such a know it all! You're not going to get along in the real world when you correct people all the time and then get upset all because they have an opinion too.


Please, stop singing in the car. I am trying to listen to the music, and your voice, singing off-pitch, half the time, often at wrong places, does not help.


I never should have admitted I liked you. You sent me all these mixed signals and I fell for them. One day you wanted me to be your girlfriend and the next you just wanted us to be just friends.

Since then, I've realised my mistake and I've gotten over you. I really do hope you're with someone better now. More specifically, someone who has more things in common with you and someone who isn't trying to force a relationship on you.


Just because you got into a fancy Ivy League school doesn't mean you can walk around acting like you're better than all of us, when we all know the only reason you got in was because of your family connections. No one has any respect for you when we all have worked just as hard, or harder than you, who just cheated, and got your parents to lie and ask for favours for you. Newsflash, your parents aren't always going to be there to baby you, and make sure you get what you want.


All you do is take advantage of everyone around you. Your friends and family did so much to help you get into the school you wanted to go to, and how do you thank them? By turning your nose up, and thinking that you're better than everyone else. I know you said that we were friends, best friends even, but when I really needed you, you were never there. You only noticed me when I had something you wanted. Remember when I had an extra ticket to that concert you really wanted to see? You sucked up to me 24/7. And then, after the concert, you completely forgot about me again.


We're all tired of your stupid tricks. I know some of us still stand by you through everything you've put us through, but I'm sick of it, and I'm not going to anymore. If you don't change your ways soon, one day, you'll turn to us, your "best friends", only none of us will be there for you anymore.


1. You wont listen to anyone. What's the point of asking for advice?


2. I don't know why you're still talking to me. You've been with her for two years and we hardly even know eachother besides facebook. I haven't seen you in a year and a half. Does she know you message me all the time and tell me about her personal problems; about your problems as a couple? I don't know why you're doing it and it's ... upsetting. If my boyfriend were doing that I would be heartbroken. Please stop it.


You are a dear friend, but I wish you would just get it that I am more introverted than you. I wish you would understand that just because I don't want to hang out ALL THE TIME doesn't mean that I don't want to hang out with you, or be your friend. Please stop taking it personally that I don't make plans to see you all the time.

Thanks. <3


Just because you have a Nikon doesn't mean you're a photographer. Seriously, I take better photos than you so stop trying to show off. Thank god 7 days from now, I never have to speak with you again.


Also, I have like an entire SPEECH I want to share with someone telling them how much they've changed my life and I'm planning on telling them but I don't know when I will see them next.


And like- I love you :) (Although I guess I say that a lot to him :3 )


"I like you. Would you go out with me?"


Gosh, even writing it was hard..

Hugs if you want them! I had the same thing that I wished I could say, but when I did finally say it... it was the best moment of my life. My girlfriend and I are now living together, and we are as happy as can be. I hope that one day you can say it (or the person you like will say it to you!), and you can be as happy. :)


  • You don't need to impress me or any of our friends so stop trying. Do you think we're stupid? The way you lie to us makes me sick, what kind of friend are you when I don't even know the real you?

  • Please tell me what you're thinking. I know that there's something really wrong in your life, but I have no idea what. The thing is, that I want to help you so bad, but I can never do that if you won't tell me your secret. You say it's nothing but you and I both know that's just not true. I love you and I'm worried about you.

  • It makes me sad when you put yourself down. You're so gorgeous, but you can't see it anymore. You've lost sight of what people can't help but stare at when they look at you. You say you're fat or ugly but it's just not true, I only wish I could be as pretty as my beautiful sister <3 I love you!


Unlike most celebrities you are a wonderful, good person. I really appreciate how nice you are to your fans. I wish other fans would see you as more than "That hot guy with all the tattoos".


1. Just leave my friend alone. I don't care you're having fights with YOUR so-called "friends", but that doesn't mean you should try and steal mine just for using her. You'll leave her when youe old "friends" are back, so you don't deserve her.

2. I wish you wouldn't see me as 'the-cousin-of...', that you would look me in the eyes some more, that you didn't only think i'm funny, but also that i'm cute, that i never skipped grades and i would be 15 your age, instead of 13. But that's not the case, i guess :(

3. You don't mean that, i see it in your eyes :)

4. Friends 4 ever, vampire knight freaks, k-pop fans and best friends. Our differences don't matter, we have got each other, that's all we need :)


1. lmao you really are a friggin nutcase.. settle down and get a grip.

2. :( thanks for leaving without saying goodbye properly


Don't let anyone mistreat you all because you wear something that isn't considered "normal". What is "normal" anyway? I laugh in the face of normal, hahahahahaha!

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