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Refreshing vs. Sending Neomail - How did you get the Neomail avvie?

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Hi everyone!


So I've had some people tell me you don't actually have to send neomail to receive the NEOMAIL ADDICT avvie and that you can actually just refresh for ~10 mins on your neomail inbox page.


In your experience, how did you receive the avvie?





I received it by sending NMs. When I started lending for the ALP, I was sending out a ton of NMs a day, and that's when I got it.


By sending neomails...

I send a lot of them, so it wasn't too painful to get in the end.


I got it by refreshing. Of course I held f5 before it was "completely bad" to do that. But yeah, I've had it for a while.


Feel free to spam my inbox if you like. I'll be quick to delete them.


I got it by sending neomail...but it's been a reeeeeally long time.


I got the Neomail avatar by refreshing. It took forever though. I sat there hitting F5 repeatedly while watching movies. I watched all of two movies and part of a third before I got it. Prior to that, I had also tried getting it by sending any receiving Neomail. I sent and received over 1000 messages before trying the refresh method.


I never even tried refreshing to get the avatar. I just figured I'll get it when I get it. I was sending a bunch of neomails a day so I wasn't too concerned about waiting. I think I got it last year sometime, I'm not too sure when though. I know I did get it from replying to a neomail.


@Laura I don't have it either. If you want, we can spam each others inboxes to try to get the avvie as we both need it :)

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