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Bugs, Bugs Everywhere, and Finally Some to Swat


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Obligatory Disclaimer: This news report is largely fictional, composed from various fan comments and the whims of our imagination in an attempt to inspire a sense of realism through our reporting. While we do our best to keep things reasonably neutral, this report is in no way intended to be a completely bias-free representation of the parties involved. If information without comment is what you’d like, check out our game guide for the day’s game or just the summary here!


Good Morning, Neopia. Emily with you here on this beautiful da-




Abigail: I told you, Aristotle, I'm shutting down this machine before it can do anymore damage! *pulls on cords*


AAA: I TOLD you DON'T call me Aristotle. And you can't shut down the games machine. There's still 4 days of challenges left!


Abigail: *panting* Can't... stop... plug.. stuck...


AAA: See Abbie? It won't listen to you. It only obeys ME! THE GAMES MASTER! MUAH HA HA HA HA HA!


Emily: Umm... Abigail... can I get a quick comment on today's challenge?


Abigail: Bugs in the gameroom, bugs all over Roo Island and bugs in the game!? I'm starting to think somebody's messing with us.


Emily: It's starting to seem that way, Isn't it? Hmmm. Well there you have it, straight from the horse's-err.... aisha's - mouth. Simple coincidence, or conspiracy? We'll bring you more on this story as it develops. A quick reminder that everyone has until the end of today, March 21st, to submit their challenge score for Ghost Bopper, due to the unforseen glitches yesterday. Good luck with today's challege everyone! This is Emily, saying good bye for now and remember: you beat the bugs, they do not beat you!

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Too easy a dare if you ask me. Agility is needed to get to AAA's score, as well as good accuracy when it comes to getting those pesky Bug Brothers.

Got it my second go, or was it my third shot?

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I didn't even realize it was a Daily Dare game until after I played it ... it's my second game of the day usually after Kass Basher ... so I found out I got 560 on my first play and just challenged AAA for the prizes .. then I played it two more times for the NP :)





hope I helped encounter those pesky bugs ...

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I was sort of worried about today cause the top layer of my mousemat is coming off so makes quick games difficult XD Managed it after a few tries though.


Can almost taste that gold trophy :icecream: Hopefully they'll stay easy!

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With the games being as glitchy as they were that one was sort of a challenge. I had to try like 5 times before i tied AAAs score. Which is weird considering my high score is in the 610+. Oh well. One more day down.

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Extremely easy. xD I think this Daily Dare was almost a freebie to make up for the glitches on yesterday's Ghost Bopper thing.

Or I would think so, if I weren't fairly certain that they preplanned these games beforehand. o-o;

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Fastest gun-goop, net or sticky tape in the west... Beat AAA today, it still may be to soon to day this but I just hope my gold trophy isn't a bug...

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I'm not sure I understand this game. There are times when I shoot the bugs immediately on the last level and get 30 bonus points. There are other times when I get 50+. For the SAME shot (both bugs appearing right on top of each other and right under my mouse).


Is there something I'm missing? I've been between 2 and 4 points short about 15 times on this game. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.

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Use tab to select a bug and enter to "click" it. First bug tab, enter. Hit tab twice quickly to deselect everything. Second bug, tab, enter. You have to wait until the second bug has come ALL the way out. Worked like a charm.

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Er...how exactly are you supposed to get 556? I use the tab method immediately, but it's apparently too slow, because my high score is 535. If I do it any faster, it hits "end game" instead.

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I'm having a really hard time with this. My score is in the four hundreds. One thing keeps happening to me in the last level, I click on a bug and it says too late... So frustrating.


Edit: The Tab method really works! Took me a few tries but once I got the hang of it I ended up with 581. :-) What would I do without TDN!??

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Er...how exactly are you supposed to get 556? I use the tab method immediately, but it's apparently too slow, because my high score is 535. If I do it any faster, it hits "end game" instead.


You have to make sure the second bug is completely done popping out. It's all about timing.

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Er...how exactly are you supposed to get 556? I use the tab method immediately, but it's apparently too slow, because my high score is 535. If I do it any faster, it hits "end game" instead.


Same thing kept happening to me. I noticed sometimes at the start of each round the "End Game" box was highlighted. So I started checking that box first to make sure it wasn't selected before I even got going. I hope that helps. :-) Good Luck!

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yup. Hitting tab again should unhighlight the end game box. That's why you hit it twice after catching the first bug. hitting it once highlights end game, the second hit unhighlights everything so you're ready to hit it for the second bug.

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I'm having a hard time even finishing the game, but the math seems to work out to needing an average of 36 "time bonus" points per round to beat AAA... Is that right, or am I missing something? The highest I got so far was 25! :(

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I don't know this game, but I'll give it a shot - BEFORE picking a challenger.



EDIT: I got a score of 574 before I beat AAA - challenged him THEN sent my score. Um, did I break a rule? Was that bad? Could I get frozen!?

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I've beaten the score and then challenged for the last couple years. Never had an issue yet.


Anyway, I had issues earlier getting my score, so I took a break, and then remembered with 4 minutes left of the day. Got the score needed, challenged AAA, and sent the score with 30 seconds left. Talk about a close call!

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