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Don't know what's in the stew, but I don't think it's beef.

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Obligatory Disclaimer: This news report is largely fictional, composed from various fan comments and the whims of our imagination in an attempt to inspire a sense of realism through our reporting. While we do our best to keep things reasonably neutral, this report is in no way intended to be a completely bias-free representation of the parties involved. If information without comment is what you’d like, check out our game guide for the day’s game or just the summary here!


Hello again, my friends! Brooke here, welcoming you to yet another installment of TDN's Daily Dare 2012 cov- *GACK*.


Sorry about that. I appear to have swallowed a bug. ....EWWWW.


And it's no wonder; the number of invading insects on Roo Island has increased more than ten-fold, taking us to a total nearing half a million bugs! It would appear that Roo Island will soon be completely flooded with this purple rain.


[pauses for laughter]


*sigh* Another failed attempt at culture.




Bugs aren't the only weird things flying around, and potentially into people's mouths, today! With the release of TNT's newest challenge, Sophie's Stew, gamers everywhere will be bouncing goodness-knows-what into a glowing cauldron containing a savoury dish of a more than questionable nature. Or into the mouth of her waiting Meowclops.


Hopefully the ever-growing swarm won't impair our vision as we continue with the Daily Dare's chall- *BLECHHH*


That's IT. I am not coming back here to report until I get some decent bug repellent! And maybe some mosquito netting.


*storms off*


I'm not sure if it's really beef, but it might as well be one of them strange bug fellas taking over Roo Island.


Anyways, my old high score was 230, and boosted it to 300 something points to beat AAA.


The Deadly Treasure Chest is not activated yet, so either I or the guys from the Battlepedia Team (a la Crimson) well have you covered. ;)


Yay! Easy one for me ^_^ I quite like this game. Accidentally sent my score before I challenged AAA though so had to do it again - karma for being so confident when I saw it I'm guessing XD


this game makes me nervous towards the later levels .. that dancing meowclops is so annoying and the flying Droolik only makes it worse for me .. anyway I beat AAA ...


that chest should be WEARABLE !


Awesome, a nice quick-and-easy one after yesterday's time-draining Kou-Jong that apparently, my computer did not like. o-o; I restarted that game so much...

This one, however, took five minutes. Yay!


... I think they're gearing up for a harder/near-impossible game... *shifty eyes*


You too? I'm kind of amazed how low AAA's scores are this year so far. Heck, went back and looked...he's nearly 1000 points below on Snowmuncher, and I'm sure someone could do a table...which probably means we're going to be hurting later.


I don't know if it's going to get much harder. We're already quite a bit in and hardly any of the AAA scores have been very difficult. Usually they're mixed to get some days harder and some days easier but maybe they just decided this year to make it overall easier and then next year will be overall harder. Like others, beat today's on the first try. Not much of a challenge.


this game makes me nervous towards the later levels .. that dancing meowclops is so annoying

Aw, I kinda find the dancing Meowclops entertaining.


And I've managed to beat AAA's score for today.


... I think they're gearing up for a harder/near-impossible game... *shifty eyes*


That's what I thought too.


*hands Brooke some water to wash down the bugs with*


I always hated this game, though it's not really hard. I got AAA's score on my first try. :D


that chest should be WEARABLE !


Totally agree, why isn't the chest wearable???


I had already blown my gold trophy shot because of that awful SHB :evil_notsmiling: so I wasn't too set on beating AAA today but did by chance with my highest score ever in that game, a whopping 277 points, hahahalololol!!!!!!!!! Gotta laugh at the little things in life!!


That little meowclops needs a contact for that eye of his... 3 times something was right in his face an he just let it fall to the ground...

No matter in the end I beat AAA...


I'm horrible at this game, so I was surprised that I beat Abigail on my first try. Doesn't really matter though - I'm never going to get Super Hassee Bounce and the chances of me getting Ice Cream Machine are low, so that's the end of a real trophy for me.


11/11 AAA. 7 more days to go! Hopefully they won't come up with a challenge that is impossible for me to complete. I've never had a gold daily dare trophy before. Let's hope this year will be my first.


I beat AAA after only a few tries which surprised me. In the beginning I was all set to just breeze through with Abigail scores but now that I have taste of AAA I think I'm an addict!


i had never played this game before and didnt think i'd be able to beat aaa but surprisingly i did :)


Another game I'm very familiar with, I don't think it'll take me very many tries to beat AAA. :)

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