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Premium Users-What are you getting for your 5th pet?

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For my fifth pet, I have quite a few options, I'm thinking about...










It will definitely be a Wocky. Because everybody is puzzled by the fact that I love Wockies but don't own one on my main account. =P

I'm thinking to paint him or her Water, Chocolate, Transparent or Robot. (I have a saved FFQ in case you are wondering how I'd achieve Chocolate :P)


I love Wockys too but mine resides on my former main. ^-^ Chocolate is a tasty one. If I decided to go ahead and get premium, I'd probably simply bring one of my side account over to my main. My old main account pets don't get much attention these days. I'd love to train them better and give them new Petpets.


I will probably end up moving one of the pets from my sides over to my main as well. Or if not I think I might get a Xweetok or a Zafara, I really have been starting to like those pets lately. :)


If I decide to get premium (all depends on what happens to the slot if premium runs out on the account), then I would have to have a maraquan draik! I have the perfect name for one but just don't have the space currently to hatch it.


I would just send Azarale, my Cybunny, to my main.



Huh? What's all this then about a fifth pet? Are premium accounts going to have an extra pet slot now? When? (I feel so behind the times >_<)



EDIT: I checked the FAQ and other places - it really is happening! :D I'll have to get Premium as soon as the new Permium comes along! I cannot wait for this, even if it is only for Premium members, this is so excellent!


Once I get my Draik that's waiting to be painted moved to it's proper account, I'll be moving over one of my existing pets from a side to make 4 pets. So my 5th pet will probably be another Draik.

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